OSU-Cascades Campus
- 2005-2006 Highlights
- Programmatic achievements
■ Initiatives in support of teaching
•Dr. Colleen Hill was nominated by the College of Education for the Connectivity Award. Dr. Hill’s tireless efforts to bridge the branch campus with our main campuses is highly appreciative by her colleagues in the College of Education.
•Dr. Marilyn MacGregor masters in Counseling Program, presented at the National Diversity Conference in Pittsburg. Dr. MacGregor also served on the OSU-Cascades Diversity Committee.
•Dr. Natalie Dollar, Speech Communication continued her research in community dialogue. An outgrowth of her work resulted in a paper submitted to the Journal of Applied Communication Research.
•Dr. Jay Casbon, Professor of Education, chaired the state Chalkboard Project. The Chalkboard project will make recommendations to the Oregon Legislative and the Governor concerning, K-12 school reform.
•Dr. Neil Brown, English/Liberal Studies, served on the Steering Committee for the Nature of Words. Dr. Browne served on the Steering Committee for the Oregon Diversity Institute Conference November, 2005.
•OSU-Cascades added the graduate MAT program in Teacher Education.
- Student Recognition and Awards
•Three OSU-Cascades students had worked accepted for presentation at the National Undergraduate Literature Conference, 2006.
- Strategic Plan Implementation
- Focus for 2005-2006
■Create a revised Strategic Plan for OSU-Cascades by September 15, 2006.
■Emphasis of new plan will detail higher education partnerships, a five-year time span, financial model. Academic program investment, implementation of the new diversity plan (2006), and plans for the Juniper Ridge project.
■Completed diversity plan for inclusion into the new strategic plan, fall, 2006.
■The branch campus continues to evolve with strong enrollment growth, deepening partnership integration with the community college and the University of Oregon. All thematic areas made progress for 2005-2006.
- Summarize major unit activities for 2005-2006
■Special attention was given to a year-long effort by faculty and students to create a diversity plan that was relevant and innovative for the branch campus.
■OSU-Cascades’ Business Program successfully completed a national accreditation review.
- Summarize major accomplishments for 2005-2006 in support of the OSU-Cascades Capital Campaign
■Target goals were established. The Foundation Board created specific committees to achieve goals.
- Other initiatives and their outcome [e.g. faculty/staff professional development activities]
- OSU-Cascades is founding member of the Central Oregon Regional Education Consortium. The Consortium is the designer of a regional K-20 plan to serve all of Central Oregon. Participants include the community college, the City of Bend, St. Charles Hospital, Bend-La Pine School District, and Central Oregon Educational Service District (ESD).
- Score Card
- Performance on college-level metrics
Prepare students for complex and multicultural professional and community lives
Goal: Provide career development, career services and placement services for students by increasing coordination of career counseling to .5 FTE.
Metric: Position filled by spring, 2006.
Time frame: 2005-2006.
Outcome: Project completed.
Goal: Complete a diversity plan for the branch campus with the full cooperation of students, faculty, and administration.
Metric: Plan to be finished by May, 2006.
Outcome: Project Completed.
Goal: Remodel biology lab.
Metric: By September, 2006.
Outcome: Project completed.
Goal: Revise and create OSU-Cascades strategic plan.
Metric: September 15, 2006.
Outcome: In process and on time for September, 2006 deadline.
Goal: Contribute to Regional Economic Development / create Incubator Program around merging technologies and venture capital groups (in partnership with COCC (Central Oregon Community College) and EDCO (Economic Development for Central Oregon)).
Metric: Funding 2006.
Outcome: In progress.
- Assessment of 2005-2006 priorities
The branch campus has made progress in every priority area for 2005-2006. Significant progress has been made in enrollment growth, the on-going process of creating a new strategic plan, and the creation of our diversity plan. Additional detail, concerning our strategic plan and diversity plan are as follows:
Diversity Plan
Students and faculty from OSU and U of O have been creating a diversity plan for the branch campus. A draft was completed in May, 2006. The plan will be presented to the faculty and students in September, 2006.
Strategic Plan
The first draft of a revised strategic plan was completed January, 2006. A final document is expected to be completed in September, 2006. The new strategic plan will feature a revised mission statement, realistic metrics, highlight the advantages of an integrated partnership with the community and the University of Oregon piece on financial sustainability, and language that includes our new diversity plan.