Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons of California
SOAPs: Short Oral Abstract Presentations
February 24, 2018 | San Diego, CA
OPSC is proud to offer an opportunity for Residents and Fellows to fulfill their ACGME Common Program Requirement for Scholarly Activity through Short Oral Abstract Presentations (SOAPs) at our 2018 Annual Convention in San Diego. For more information about the Convention, please visit
Application to Present
To submit an abstract for consideration, you must complete this form in its entirety and include all requested supplemental information. Please print or type. Illegible entries will be rejected. Attach additional pages as needed.
Preferred submission method is by email to . All submissions must be received by OPSC no later than January 28th.
Name: ______ DO MD Other: ______
Was this study approved by your Ethics Review or Institutional Review Board? Yes No
Applicant SignatureDate
By signing and submitting this form to OPSC, Applicant agrees to abide by any/all rules and guidelines provided by OPSC. Applicant further asserts that they have the right to present this Abstract on behalf of all authors.
Additional Notes
- A maximum of seven (7) applicants will be selected to present
- If accepted, you will have seven (7) minutes for yourSOAP
- All presentations will be between 11:30am and 12:30pm on Saturday, February 24, 2018
- A PowerPoint template will be provided for you to use for your presentation; the template must be used.
- Title Slide with Affiliations and Disclosures
- Seven (7) Content Slides
- Acknowledgements Slide
- Opportunities for Q&A will be provided during the lunch following the SOAPs
- Following the Convention, all SOAP presenters will receive a Certificate of Participation for the event
Questions and Submissions should be directed to Karl Baur, CMP, OPSC’s Director of Meetings and Publications
Ph: 916-822-5246 | Fax: 916-822-5247 | Email:
Abstract for Proposed SOAP
Optional: You may submit an existing Presentation Slideset for consideration in place of an Abstract
Title (10-12 words)
[inserttitle here]
Authors and Affiliations
[insertauthors and affiliations here]
Abstract Content (150-450 words)
Case Studies: include background, case description, and conclusions
Original Research: include introduction/background, objectives, materials and methods, results, conclusions, and relevance or implications
[insert text here]
What type of research will be eligible for a SOAP?
ACGME Common Program Requirements (IV.B) considers resident scholarly activity as a core requirement. The specific type of research a resident or fellow can conduct is defined by the Scholarship Activity Guidelines generated by your specialty Review Committee. ( Many options exist. For instance, a Family Medicine Resident may present the results of a hypothesis-driven original clinical research study. Present a case study and literature review of a clinical problem or present the design and results of a clinical quality improvement project conducted in your hospital or longitudinal out-patient clinic.
Will presenting fulfill any of my ACGME requirements?
Yes. Oral presentations at your state society (OPSC) fulfill the ACGME core requirement.
What do I need to present to the OPSC Peer-Review SOAP committee?
It is your choice as to whether to submit an abstract along with your power point slides or just your Abstract for consideration.
What is an Abstract?
A written abstract is printed on the first page of research publications. The purpose is to summarize the reason for your research, methods, results and conclusions of the study without having to read an entire manuscript. In this case, the written abstract can be submitted for consideration of a presentation prior to the actual completion or publication of the work.
How is the written abstract formatted?
The abstract can vary in length between ~125 – 450 words in length. Abstracts should be concise, grammatically correct.
Abstract for Original Research / Abstract for Case Study- Title (10-12 words)
- Authors and Affiliations
- Introduction/Background
- Research Objectives
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- Relevance or Implications
- Title (10-12 words)
- Authors and Affiliations
- Background
- Case Description
- Conclusion
What is the Oral Presentation Format:
The oral presentation will be brief and last no more than seven minutes. The Presenter is limited to nine slides. The first slide includes title/authors and affiliation (your program name, hospital, etc) and conflict of interest statement. The final slide is for acknowledgements. This leaves up to 7 slides for the balance of your presentation, (approximately 1 slide per minute). If this is original research, a usual sequence of slides includes a brief introduction, methods, results, conclusions and future work. If a case study, consider slides on the history, examination, supportive ancillary data like radiographs and laboratory results, case progress and conclusions. Conclusions should include why this information is informative.
What is the format for Slides:
Power point format is required, using the template OPSC will provide. Hints for the optimal power point slide:
- Avoid too much information.
- Always simplify by with 5-7 lines per slide and often fewer lines will be sufficient.
- Font sizes > 20 are usually necessary for clarity (Template is preset with acceptable fonts and sizes)
Will there be time for questions and answers?
During the lunch break, tables will be set up for you to meet with the audience and answer questions about your presentations. No questions will be asked during the one hour Oral Presentation session, since the concept is to move quickly, an “information and data blitz”. This will optimize time and allow up to 7 oral presentations in the hour.