7 June 2015 – The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Year B

We are the Body of Christ

Corpus Christi means the body of Christ. As Catholics we believe that the bread and wine are transformed into the risen body of Jesus Christ. In the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, we celebrate the presence of the word of God, who was born in flesh two thousand years ago and now comes to us under the appearance of bread and wine.

We rightly think of the Eucharist as God’s gift of nourishment for us when we share in the Body and Blood of the Lord and recognise this as a sublime gift that Jesus has left for us. The readings for this solemnity also help us think of the Eucharistic mystery in even broader terms.

Firstly, by sharing in the Body and Blood of Christ we are transformed into being more perfect members of the body of Christ. Thus, sharing in Eucharist is our way of growing more deeply into our own baptismal identity. Secondly, the Eucharistic mystery includes continually establishing God’s reign, which is evidenced by healing, reconciliation, and feeding others. Thirdly, the Eucharistic mystery calls forth from us practical, everyday actions by which we ourselves help establish God’s reign by dying to ourselves for the sake of others. Finally, the Eucharistic mystery demands a response and so we tithe the gifts given to us for the sake of others less fortunate. In a real sense the Eucharistic mystery begins at Mass, is expressed during Communion, and extends to our everyday lives when we live its self-sacrificing demand-response.

The General Instruction on the Roman Missal provides that there be a brief period of silence after Communion, which encourages us to spend time reflecting on and praising God for the gracious and wondrous gift of the Body and Blood of Christ. Even if we faithfully do this every mass, we know that we cannot begin to have sufficient time to reflect on the depths of the mystery or to give sufficient thanks for it. For this reason it is always appropriate to spend some other devotional time before the Blessed Sacrament. Our time of adoration and thanksgiving, however, must always flow from the action of the Eucharist itself and lead us to witness more clearly in our lives the self-giving of Jesus.

As a community, we receive the body of Christ so, as a community, we become the body of Christ. We are called, not just to worship God in Church, but to be the sign of Christ to others by the way we work together for others and reach out to society. For when we eat and drink Christ’s true Body and Blood we become what we eat, so that we can be the self-giving Christ for others.

Father Steven Restori


St John's Cathedral: Saturday 1100-–1145 & 1700–1745
St Swithun: Friday 1930–2000 Saturday 1030–1100
Our Lady of Lourdes: Saturday 1730–1755
Corpus Christi: Saturday 0930
St Joseph: Saturday (before 1800 Mass)
St Colman: Saturday1700 – 1730

Our Lady on Saturday or:
Feria 9th Week of Ordinary Time / 1800 / St John’s Cathedral / Aldona Kruzycka RIP
St Joseph / Herbert Bone P
St Colman / Pritchard Family Intentions (TP)
[The Body and Blood of Christ]
Exodus 24:3-8
Hebrews 9:11-15
Mark 14:12-16, 22-26
Parish Mass Book p 85 / 0800 / St John’s Cathedral / Len and Phylis Adams RIP
0830 / St Swithun / Canon Daniel Cogan RIP P
0900 / St Joseph / People of the Parish
0930 / St Colman / Laura Treacy RIP (MT)
1000 / St John’s Cathedral / Victor Walkley RIP
1015 / St Swithun / People of the Parish
1100 / St Paul / Private Ints (Friends, Relatives, - Alive & Deceased ) (CC)
1100 / Corpus Christi / Christopher Snelson
1200 / St John’s Cathedral / People of the Parish
1600 / QA Hospital / Private Ints (Priests, Nuns & Religious - Both Churches) (CC)
1800 / St Swithun / Mass in Polish
1800 / St John’s Cathedral / Provost Nicholas France: Good Estate INT
of the 10th Week of Ordinary Time / 0930 / St Paul / Patrick Cross (PM)
1000 / St Swithun / Keith Beradslee RIP
1215 / St John’s Cathedral / Lena Meagher RIP
St Ephrem, Deacon, Doctor of the Church op mem / 0915 / St Colman / Rosina Ward & Christina Murphy (FM)
1000 / St Swithun / Mary Clare Wyand RIP P
1100 / St John’s Cathedral / Bishop Emeritus Crispian Hollis’ Jubilee Mass
[10th Week of Ordinary Time] / 0730 / St John’s Cathedral / Joseph Salerno RIP
0915 / St Colman / Fr Bernard Higham's Intentions (PM)
1000 / St Swithun / Daniel Curtin RIP
1200 / Corpus Christi / Margaret Gooch RIP
1215 / St John’s Cathedral / Eileen and Fred Plowman RIP
of the 10th Week of Ordinary Time
St Barnabas, Apostle, memorial / 0915 / St Colman / Fr Michael Peter's Intentions (PM)
1000 / St Swithun / Margaret (Peggy) Waterman RIP F
1215 / St John’s Cathedral / Private Intention
THE MOST SACRED HEART OF JESUS,solemnity / 0730 / St John’s Cathedral / Antonetta Salerno INT
0930 / Corpus Christi / Margaret Foster F
1000 / St Swithun / Sue Pie RIP
1215 / St John’s Cathedral / Dolores Ann Galbraith and Shaun Bonner INT
1830 / St Colman / Jim McBride RIP (TP)
St Anthony of Padua, Religious, op memor
The Immaculate Conception of Mary, opmem / 0900 / Corpus Christi / Edward & Gladys Short P
1000 / St Swithun / Canon Brian Scantlebury RIP
1100 / St John’s Cathedral / Confirmation Mass: Great Park Pastoral Area
SATURDAY 13 JUNE / 1800 / St John’s Cathedral / Doreen and Mark Paine RIP
Our Lady of Lourdes / Holy Souls
St Colman / Sean Treacy, Michael & Mary Boshell (MT)
St Joseph / People of the Parish
Ezekiel 17:22-24
2 Corinthians 5:6-10
Mark 4:26-34
Parish Mass Book p 95 / 0800 / St John’s Cathedral / George and Neva Smith RIP
0830 / St Swithun / People of the Parish
0900 / St Joseph / Eileen Samson & Relations F
0930 / St Colman / Joan Hudson RIP (BH)
1000 / St John’s Cathedral / Elise Walkley RIP
1015 / St Swithun / Sean Lynn RIP
1100 / St Paul / Win & Tom Cummings RIP (CC)
1100 / Corpus Christi / Bill & Rosa Galliver RIP F
1200 / St John’s Cathedral / People of the Parish
1400 / Our Lady of Lourdes / Mass in Vietnamese
1600 / QA Hospital / Holy Souls (CC)
1800 / St Swithun / Mass in Polish
1800 / St John’s Cathedral / Trevor Family RIP F

Sundays: 1100 Solemn Mass – Mondays and Fridays: 1100 Low Mass - Saturdays: 1100 Mass of Our Lady

Holy Days of Obligation and Festivals: Services times as announced.

Vestment Embroidery Exhibition Opening Times: The exhibition will be opened on Friday 12 June at 1100 by Rt Rev Keith Newton and remain open until 1600. Saturday 13 June open 1000 to 1600. Monday 15 June to Saturday 20 June open daily from 1000 to 1600. Admission: £5 for adults. Light Refreshments: Tea, coffee and cakes will be available.