Title – Abstract formatting guidelines and template for APLED 2015
First name Surname1*, First name Surname2, First name Surname3
1 Department of X, University of Y, City, Province/State, Country
2 Department of X, University of Y, City, Province/State, Country
3 Department of X, University of Y, City, Province/State, Country
* Corresponding author:
The abstract should be written in English and prepared as a one-page, A4 sized, MS Word template. Document margins are set as follows: left 2.5 cm; right 1.9 cm; top and bottom 2.54 cm. Use Arial fonts and single line spacing throughout. The use of an English character set is highly recommended in author names, addresses and references in order to avoid citation difficulties in bibliographical databases.
The title should be no longer than two lines. Avoid unusual abbreviations. Centre the title (font size 16), author names (font size 11), and the affiliations (font size 10). Leave one blank line (font size 16) after the title, one blank line (font size 11) after the list of authors, and two blank lines (font size 11) between affiliations and the beginning of the abstract text. The main body of text should be left and right justified and written in Arial font size 11. Avoid using italics for large streams of text. Symbol fonts can be used if necessary. References can be included and should be cited as [1] or [2, 3]. Leave one blank line (font size 11) between the main body of text and the references. The reference list should be written out in full using Arial font size 10, as follows:
[1] Arnold, L.J., Roberts, R.G., Galbraith, R.F., DeLong, S.B. 2009. A revised burial dose estimation procedure for optical dating of young and modern-age sediments. Quaternary Geochronology 4, 306-325.
Equations and artwork may be embedded in the word document but avoid using colours. Embedded graphics will not be corrected or edited so ensure they are ready to print.
Please do not exceed the one-page limits and use this MS Word template to ensure correct formatting.
Please name your word document “first name_surname_APLED2015_abstract” and email it to the address shown on the conference website. Include your preference for an oral or poster presentation in the email correspondence.