Minutes of LEP High Tech Sector Group
28th April 2014, 4pm
Osborne Clarke Offices, Temple Back East, Bristol
Attendees: Mike Bartley, Melissa Houston, Emily Jones, Tracey France, Ben Shorrock, Liz Humphries, Anthony Merritt, Adam Powell, Rick Chapman, Rodger Sykes, Alastair Watson, Henry Nurser, Nick Flaherty.
Apologies: Simon Bond, Nick Sturge, Paul Applebyand Duncan Allsopp.
Review of actions from previous meetings
Action Summary Ongoing unknown progress
- Rick C to investigate if user activity on the Cluster Map can be monitored.
- Nick F to produce job spec and advertise position for SIG Manager.
- Melissa to share the list of attendees registered for the High Tech sessions.
- Melissa to email Tracey a letter of support for the studio Schools.
Studio School Proposal
- Tracey Francefrom South Gloucestershire came to present to the group the Studio Schools proposal.
- This will be a state funded school for 14-19 year olds = around 300 students in total.
- It will be an educational and vocational school to address the gaps between education and business – Project based learning, focus on employability. Business will be involved throughout.
- An external review on the performance of South Gloucestershire secondary schools showed they weren’t good enough – challenges around this.
- There are currently 27 studio schools and 18 more planned. Focusing on a wide variety of topics (not just High Tech).
- Group expressed an interest in seeing employment outcome and questioned how teachers would be trained.
- The initial bid will be submitted at the beginning of May. Letters of support are needed. If successful, the second stage will be to confirm business support – 30 placements needed in total. This would mean 4 hours a week for someone pre 16 and 1 day a week post 16.
- ACTION: Melissa to email Tracey a letter of support on behalf of the LEP High Tech Sector Group.
Skills Update
- Adam Powell introduced himself to thegroup. Adam replaced Jane Middleton as Head of Skills 8 weeks ago and is now managing a team of 12.
- Adam’s main focus is to strengthen relationships with the Sector Groups to identify any skills gaps and shortages. There are 3 High Tech priorities within the Skills Agenda.
- Group felt frustrated with having 3 top level priorities – too high level. Mike wanted confirmation that (going forward) a skills rep would attend meetings.
- There needs to be some structure. There seems to be a fragmented link between schools and business - Group would be interested in seeing any impact analysis.
- There is a keen interest to hold events targeted at encouraging females to consider engineering as a career.
WE LEP Collabortorium
- The High Tech breakout sessions will be led by Mike Bartley and Nick Sturge (with participation from others). Members are encouraged to attend other sector sessions where possible.
- ACTION: Melissa to share the list of attendees so far.
Silicon South West
- Silicon South West has ground to a halt. A decision with regards to the brand has not been decided.
- Group agreed that SSW is a strong brand, it has value and could be used when organising high level networking events.
- Suggested that this could be a task for the new SIG Manager.
Cluster Map
- Ben and Rick have both tried to contact Trampoline due to lack of success in resolving the issues. Emily has also given them legal advice.
- Data and IP of data is ours, Trampoline cannot use this to promote their service.
- £18K has been spent so far.
- Ben and Rick are formulating a backup plan i.e. do something ourselves. Export the data a page at a time (this shouldn’t be as horrendous as first thought pre-Trampoline) – currently looking at cost and timescales.
HB2 update
- 2 people have shown interest in the SIG Manager position. It will however be opened out.
- Job application is nearly ready to go – need to make sure money is there. At present there’sconfirmation but no actually money. People are chasing various funding sources.
- Ben and Nick to chase BCC as Thanh Quan-Nicholls has now left. Anthony Merritt (South Gloucestershire Council) confirmed that he’ll be able to contribute £4K.
Update on “From Chips to…”
- Rick informed the group that campaigns have been signed off. Alastair Watson has been taken on as the Project Coordinator (Part Time).
- Due to delays this will no longer be a calendar event – allowing us to continue to run events into 2015 when Bristol is the Green Capital.
- Alumni dinner is scheduled for end of September this year.
- Liz for IBB showed the group examples of potential branding – aim to show past, present and future. This will also be a starting point to then support as number of key messages.
- Group were happy with the first draft – having a logo with strapline. This could also be used on business cards.
- With this in mind, Liz challenged the group to think about 6 key technology events that have happened in Bristol and Bath. Why are they significant / important? What words should be on it? Should there be links to other sectors as well – Low Carbon, Creative?
- Majority of the group felt that this should be an organic process – run and let something develop naturally.
Venturefest Bristol 2014
- Alastair circulated the proposal - TSB are supportive, they are looking to hold a number of these events in 2015.
- An advisory board would be needed – A High Tech member should be on this.
- An open discussion developed on the main objective of the event as a couple of members felt it was unclear:
- What does the event actually deliver?
- Is it about bringing together academics with entrepreneurs?
- Is it a festival or brokerage between SME’s?
- It is believed that Joe McGeehan has spoken to Colin Skellett to obtain LEP support.
- Could the event be joined with Multicore?
- In conclusion the group supported the concept but felt that clarity was needed and could it be done cheaper?
- None
Next meeting:Tuesday 17th June, 9:30am
Venue TBC