MiDAS membership number

Dear MiDAS Member,

Thank you for returning your MiDAS Membership Application Form. We are delighted that you have chosen to adopt this scheme and thereby promote our national standards for assessment and training of minibus drivers.

Your MiDAS membership number is:M 114828

Please quote this in all future correspondence concerning MiDAS.

Note – this does not qualify you as a CTA member, if you are not already a member of the CTA and would like further information, please visit our website or contact our office for a full list of CTA Membership benefits such as CTA Insurance.

If you have chosen to appoint a Driver Assessor Trainer (DAT), the next stage in the MiDAS process is to arrange for this person to complete the DAT’s training course. Details of Training Agents currently offering this course are on our website, most training agents travel around the country and will be pleased to advise you of the cost and availability of training in your area. Please contact Agents directly.

You will find enclosed an Endorsement by Referee form. It is important that this form is completed for your DAT and passed to your chosen Training Agent prior to attending a course. Also enclosed is a Job Description and Person Specification for a DAT, please ensure that you read these carefully before selecting your candidate for the DAT course.

If you have chosen to arrange for a third party to assess and train your drivers, the next stage is to contact an existing DAT. The DATs are fairly well spread across the UK and we can provide you with a list by email, by county, on request.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours faithfully

MiDAS Administrator


Driver Assessor Trainer Endorsement by Referee

To: Proposed Driver Assessor Trainer

Prior to attending a MiDAS course, you will need to identify a referee who can confirm that you are a suitable candidate to attend the MiDAS training courses. The referee should be one of the following:

  • If you are a paid member of staff, your line manager (which may include that Chair of you Management Committee/Governors, etc. if you are the senior paid employee).
  • If you are a volunteer in an organisation with paid employees, a paid member of staff with your organisation who knows you well.
  • If you are a volunteer in an organisation with no paid employees, an Honorary Officer within your organisation who knows you well.

Please give your referee this sheet and ask them to return it to you. You will then need to ensure that this form is passed to your Training Agent prior to commencement of the course.

To: Referee

Further information about MiDAS is available on the website, or contact the CTA. The nominated Driver Assessor Trainer will be the person who attends all the MiDAS training courses and assess the competence to drive of new and existing minibus drivers within their organisation. They will also be responsible for training drivers, using standard training materials provided by MiDAS.

The nominated Driver Trainer will need to have:

  • Good driving skills, which will be assessed to MiDAS standards prior to attendance at the training courses; referees therefore do not have to vouch for driving standards.
  • The ability to pass on to others information and skills learnt during the MiDAS training sessions. This will be undertaken either in a group or one-to-one basis and which may involve the use of training aids such as overhead projector acetates. Driver Assessor/Trainers must have the ability to put across points clearly and concisely.
  • The time and willingness to undertake this responsible role.

Declaration by Referee to Community Transport Association,

Organisers if MiDAS

I have read the above information and can confirm that ______

Is a suitable candidate to attend MiDAS Driver Assessor/Trainer training.

Signature ______

Your Name______



Our organisation has recently joined MiDAS.

How do we decide who should attend the

Driver Assessor Trainer’s course?

The role of Driver Assessor Trainer (DAT) is a very responsible one, which as the name suggests, calls for a combination of skills. While good minibus driving skills are essential it is equally important that you choose someone with a proven ability to pass on to others the benefit of their learning.

The checklist below lists the skills and qualifications anyone wishing to enrol onto a MiDAS DAT’s course should have.

The induction course to become a MiDAS DAT does not train people how to train others. It shows people who already have the ability to train others how to set up and run the MiDAS programme for minibus drivers.

To successfully complete the course a candidate must attend a number of training sessions and pass three* assessments; a driving assessment, a theory assessment and an assessment of their ability to train others.

Once qualified it is vital that your DAT is given the time and resources to run the MiDAS system of driver assessments and training. This could take anything from a few hours a month up to a full time post depending on the numbers of drivers.

We have divided the skills and qualifications needed by the person you nominate to become your organisation’s DAT into two categories; essential and desirable.

* Candidates who will be training drivers of accessible minibuses will be required to undertake an additional practical skills assessment.








/ An awareness of equal opportunities issues in transport and training
Commitment to incorporate equal opportunities strategies when delivering training
Willingness to support the MiDAS approach to minibus safety
Ability to communicate effectively with people from different cultural and economic backgrounds /
Driving Experience / Current driving licence with minibus entitlement
Recent minibus or large vehicle driving experience
Meet the requirements of your minibus insurers
Tested PCV (D or D1) licence holder
MiDAS minibus driver certificate holder
RoSPA or IAM minibus driver certificate holder / /
Assessing and Training Skills / Ability to assess competence against given criteria
Ability to prepare short training courses from given resources
Ability to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the training delivered
Ability to deliver short training courses to groups and individuals from diverse background
Ability to effectively demonstrate use of equipment
Experience of assessing and/or training passenger vehicle drivers
Knowledge of minibus legislation
Knowledge of health and safety legislation
Recognise unsafe practice / /
Disability Awareness (for those wishing to train drivers who work with disabled people) / Knowledge of minibus passenger safety issues for disabled people
Working with disabled people
Experience of providing a transport service for disabled people / /