South County Little League
Volunteer Application FAQs
- Who is required to complete the Volunteer Application?
As a condition of service to the league, the Little League Official Volunteer Application is required for all Managers, Coaches, Board of Directors and any other persons, volunteers and/or hired workers who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with players or teams.
- Why are all parents/guardians required to submit the Volunteer Application?
SCLL requires each family to complete a minimum of 6 volunteer hours per season. As such, all parents/guardians are required to submit the Volunteer Application as they are being asked to fulfil the volunteer commitment.
- What happens if a complete Volunteer Application is not submitted?
A complete Volunteer Application (and subsequent background check) are required to be conducted prior to the individual assuming his/her volunteer duties for the current season. Refusal to annually submit a fully completed Volunteer Application results in the immediate dismissal of the individual from the local league (See Little League Regulation I(b) and I(c)8 and 9.) Without completed Volunteer Applications on file, your child will not be assigned a team for this season.
- Do I have to consent to a background check?
Yes, each individual is required to consent to a background check on the volunteer application. Little League requires local leagues to conduct a nationwide background search that contains applicable sex offender registry data.
- Do I have to provide my Social Security Number, Date of Birth, and Photo ID?
Yes, this information is mandatory in order to conduct the background check by SCLL’s provider, First Advantage.
- What does SCLL do with my personal information?
SCLL uses your personal information solely for purposes of the background check. Once the background check is completed, social security numbers and dates of birth are redacted from the form and the form is kept in a secure location.
- Who has access to my personal information?
Only the league president, league vice president and volunteer coordinator have access to personal information. All league officers undergo their own background checks as well.
- I’ve recently completed a background check for another organization, can’t you just use that?
No. Background checks are not transferrable between organizations.
- How long does SCLL retain the Volunteer Application Form?
Little League requires retention of the record of a volunteer for at least two (2) years after the volunteer is no longer in the league. At the expiration of that time period records are shredded.
- What happens if something is found on my background check?
Little league prohibits any local league from permitting any person to participate in any manner, whose background check reveals a conviction or guilty plea for any crime involving or against a minor. In addition, the local league may prohibit any individual from participating as a volunteer or hired worker, if the league deems the individual unfit or inappropriate to work or volunteer.