Osakis Economic Development Authority
Meeting Minutes - Osakis City Hall
July 24, 2017 4:00 PM
Present: John Peterka, Bruce Pederson, Bonnie Schultz, Jim Snyder, Kurt Haakinson, Dave Zerr, Keith Emerson (arrived at 4:10 p.m.)
Absent: None
Others Present: Angela Jacobson, Lil Ortendahl
Meeting called to order by President John Peterka at 4:00 p.m.
Motion by Zerr, seconded by Haakinson, to approve the agenda as presented with the addition of Up North Magazine, 2018 Budget and Funding from Douglas County. All Ayes
Motion by Pederson, seconded by Zerr, to approve the general consent items, minutes/bills/treasurer report. All Ayes
Osakis Properties: Zerr informed the board that he had talked to Rollie Walsh regarding selling of his land. Zerr said that he is open minded to sell his land of 135 acres.
The EDA Board gave approval for Zerr to look into options for future expansions and developments.
Jacobson updated the EDA Board: After the last meeting, Toby Weibye came back with a counter offer for the lots. The EDA Board was not able to meet, so we sent back the original offer and Weibye accepted the lot prices with $3,500 down and $94,000 for all seven lots with no tax incentives. The sale will be pending the boring samples. Closing will be scheduled for August.
OEDC Money:
$7,200 is the balance after the July OEDC donation of $9,000.
No funds were disbursed in June for the following:
· Moonshine Madness - $4,000
· City of Osakis for Fireworks - $1,500
· City of Osakis for Banners - $5,582.93
Motion by Schultz, seconded by Snyder to approve disbursement of funds to Moonshine Madness in the amount of $2,500 and to the City of Osakis for the banners in the amount of $2,500. All Ayes
The Fireworks request will be reviewed next month.
The EDA Board would like to keep some of the funds in case we don’t receive funds for the next requests.
VFW Money: None
Up North Magazine: The bill has been paid for 2017. Snyder said that the Osakis Resort Association was to pay the bill but had a hard time collecting because of their process. A late fee of $37.50 was paid by Snyder. Snyder is requesting reimbursement for this amount from the Lodging Tax funds. The magazine subscription for 2017 was $1,250.
The EDA Board discussed how we should promote Osakis. Suggested Snyder talk to Nikki Nessman at the Visitor’s Center regarding other options for promoting Osakis. Discuss more on-line advertising for promoting Osakis.
Motion by Schultz, seconded by Zerr, to approve to discontinue the Up North Magazine subscription and pay Jim Snyder $37.50 for late fees, taking the funds from the Lodging Tax collected. All Ayes
Zerr likes to see staff support for the community and Visitor’s Center. There are good ideas and possibilities.
Jacobson will fill out the 2018 Budget and go over it with the EDA Board at the August meeting.
The EDA Board discussed funds the EDA receives from Douglas County. The board feels this year they could help with staffing the Visitor’s Center.
Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m. All Ayes
Angela A. Jacobson – Admin-Clerk-Treasurer
EDA 7/24/2017 Page 2 of 2