Orkney Biodiversity Records Centre

The Field Club was a partner in the setting up of the OBRC. The Centre collects and stores in a computerised database records of a wide range of Orkney’s wildlife species. The Club has a network of County Recorders and members are encouraged to collect wildlife records and pass them to the appropriate Recorder (listed in the OFC Bulletin) for inclusion in the database.
The Centre, which is housed in the County Library, also has a comprehensive range of reference books and equipment, including microscopes, which are available to members by arrangement with the OBRC staff. Records from the database can be obtained through the appropriate Recorder.
The Club publishes an annual Bulletin containing the results of the study of Orkney’s wildlife, interesting records and general articles on natural history. Regular newsletters (normally 3 per year) keep members informed of the Club’s programme of activities and Club news.
The Club also has it’s own website:
Archive Collection
The Field Club collection of slides is kept in the County library. Also in the Library, in the Reference Room, is the OFC Library Folder containing wildlife publications and Committee meeting minutes. In addition, in the Orkney Room, is a collection of Field Club Bulletins dating from 1962 up to the present day.
Who can join?
Anyone with an interest in Orkney’s natural or cultural history and/or a love of wildlife will be welcomed, whether from within or outside the County. Becoming a member is a step towards helping Orkney’s wildlife.
Please complete the Membership Form provided.
Please complete and send to Brian Ribbands, the membership secretary of the Orkney Field Club, Queenamidda, Rendall, Orkney, 01856 751439, email :
Telephone…………………… Email……………………………
Newsletter. To save the Club postage would you like the Newsletter by email?

Type of membership

Adult £10  Family £15  OAP/Unwaged £6  Student £3 
I enclose a cheque for £ ………. Made payable to Orkney Field Club’
 I would like to pay by Bankers Order and have filled in the form below (this helps us and is convenient for you).
Registered with the Inland Revenue as a charity……………………………………………………………………………………..
Banker’s Order Form
To the Manager…………………………………………………(name of bank)
Address of Bank…………………………………………………………………
Please Pay Orkney Field Club £……… Starting From …./……/ 20.…and a like
sum annually on the 1st of January until instructed otherwise by myself.
My bank account No. Is……………………My bank sort code is … -……-.…..
Name on account………………………………..
Orkney Field Club A/C No 00614233 at the Bank of Scotland, Albert St, Kirkwall, Orkney (sort code 80-08-66) /
Who are we?
We are a group of people who are interested in and care about Orkney’s natural and cultural heritage, including all aspects of the County’s wildlife, its geology and landscape. We come from a wide range of backgrounds and ages. The Club is entirely voluntary without paid staff.
We recognise that Orkney is a very special place in terms of its rich
wildlife and diverse habitats and take a particular interest in the
conservation of declining species such as the Scottish Primrose, the
Orkney Vole and Red-throated Diver as well as other nationally
important species and habitats.
What do we do

Club Meetings

We arrange a programme of indoor talks, slide shows and lectures by visiting and local speakers. We organise field meetings with a wildlife or geological theme, often to more remote areas of the outer isles. Many of our meetings are family-orientated in order to inspire the young with a love of wildlife and wild places.
Practical Conservation
Jointly with the RSPB the Club manages a plantation of native
tree species at Durkadale. Club members have raised trees for
the plantation from seeds taken from the native woodland in
Beriedale on Hoy. The aim is to reduce the vulnerability of the
Orkney genetic tree types at the single site on Hoy. Members are
welcome to assist with the work of tree growing, planting and
management at Durkadale.
The Club has assisted with efforts to conserve Orkney’s flower-rich
roadside verges and has undertaken a scheme to improve the
breeding success of House Martins.

Using Gift Aid means that every pound of your subscription will get us an extra 28p from the Inland Revenue.
This means that £10 can be turned into £12.80 just as long as subscriptions Are made through Gift Aid.
It would help the Club, and it doesn’t cost you a thing.
So if you want your subscription to go further, Gift Aid it. Just
complete the form and send it back to us.
First name ……………………………..Surname………………………….……
I want all subscriptions I’ve made since 6 April 2000 and all subscriptions in the future to be Gift Aid until I notify you otherwise.
To qualify for Gift Aid, what you pay in income tax or capital gains tax must at least equal the amount we will claim in the tax year.