Orkney Arts Forum

Minutes of meeting held at the Orkney Library on

Thursday 9 June 2011 at 1 pm



Gemma McGregor Clare Gee

Pam Beasant Tanya McGill

Chessa Llewellyn-White Elaine Henderson

Gary Amos Leslie Burgher (Chair)

Tom Muir Rik Hammond

Barbara Foulkes Alan Cameron

Sylvia Hays Robert Livingston (via Skype)

In attendance: Hannah Thomson, Community Planning Officer, OIC

1 Apologies: Neil Firth Gaynor Jones

Stephanie Baird Morag Tweedie

Caroline Docherty Mark Jenkins

Steven Heddle

2 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting held on 10 March 2011 were accepted as a true record.

3 Community Planning Partnership/Single Outcome Agreement

Hannah Thomson, Community Planning Officer at OIC, was welcomed to the meeting. Hannah outlined the Council’s duty to produce a community planning document, in consultation with a wide range of community groups and services, which forms the basis of the single outcome agreement between OIC and the Scottish government.

Leslie pointed out how important it is for the arts to be properly represented in this document, which contributes to the indicators for some of the national outcomes, which in turn has an impact on funding possibilities for activities.

Hannah explained the Arts Forum’s role in contributing to National Outcome 13, and asked for first thoughts from the Forum on what might be changed, or modified or added to the new document.

It was generally agreed that the existing indicators were sufficiently flexible and well written, and did not need to be changed. Some of the detail would have to be altered, however, such as the specific mention of the Scapa Flow Landscape Partnership, which comes to an end in 2012.

Hannah asked if the Forum would want to include wording on the reduced funding situation over the next few years, but Clare suggested that the emphasis should be on being positive, and we should continue to be ambitious in our plans, while being realistic about what is achievable.

Hannah asked for ‘headlines’ and achievements over the past year or so, and the following were mentioned:

·  The progress of the new Arts Theatre

·  Storytelling Festival

·  Book Festival

·  Progress towards a film festival

·  Scotland’s Islands initiative

·  Year o’ Orkney Dialect

·  Orkney Arts Education Network

Robert commented that Orkney has made a positive and disproportionate contribution to the cultural life of the Highland and Islands.

Hannah left the meeting, after inviting members to contact her at any time about the community planning document. Pam will circulate Hannah’s email address.

4 Matters arising

Revised terms of reference

The revised terms of reference for Forum members had been circulated to the group before the meeting. They were accepted with no amendments. Alan suggested that it would be desirable to have isles representation on the Forum if possible. It was agreed that there was no need for a dedicated isles rep, but it would be a good idea to be mindful of isles representation when appointing artform reps. Gemma suggested that existing reps with isles links should report back to the Forum on activities there.

Appointment of Literature rep

One expression of interest in the literature rep role was received, from Dr Donna Heddle of Orkney College and Centre for Nordic Studies. Pam read out Donna’s statement. The group agreed that Donna is more than qualified and capable, and would be an asset to the group. Donna has been duly appointed as literature rep.

Scotland’s Islands update

Clare reported that the Scotland’s Islands year of activity (April 2011-March 2012) is now well under way across all the island groups. Orkney has a proportionately high number of funded projects taking place – 19 separate projects, and two flagship-funded projects: the St Magnus International Festival’s production of The Tempest, and the Pier Arts Centre’s Art and Archaeology project. Some local projects have already taken place very successfully: the GMB Fellowship’s Orkney Book Festival; ‘a yarn from North Ronaldsay’ native sheep conference; storytelling workshops run by the Orcadian Story Trust; the unveiling of a plaque to Robert Rendall, organised by the Kirkwall Community Council. In addition, ‘Deerness in 100 objects’ is under way, and two of the six Sanday Soulka weekends have taken place.

Book festival

Sylvia reported that the GMB Fellowship’s Orkney Book Festival was very successful, with a wide range of talks, workshops and events. There were many books on display and sale in the Orkney Library from publishers all over Scotland and representing all the island groups. Ron Ferguson gave a moving and memorable GMB Memorial Lecture to a packed house at the Pier Arts Centre, and other evening events were successfully held in the Cromarty Hall and the Lynnfield Hotel. The visiting writers were very well received, and local, emerging writers had slots at events. It’s hoped that the Book Festival will become an annual event.

Film festival

Pam reported Mark’s update on the film festival, as he was unable to be at the meeting. Mark has met with Edwina Cook from VAO, who gave helpful advice on setting up an association and drafting a constitution. A small core group of three has been formed (Mark, Sian Thomas and Victoria Rhodes) who are discussing forming an association whose aims and objectives would include, but be wider than running the film festival. The group would aim: To promote and develop Moving Image in Orkney through exhibition and education on a not for profit basis. From this, the group would develop the Orkney Moving Image Festival. Funding and partnership options are now being considered. These include an application to Screen HI, and working with the Pier Arts Centre on a proposed exhibition of Margaret Tait’s work. Also, to screen different genres of films in suitable venues on the Orkney mainland and the isles, and to develop an educational aspect to the festival.

It was agreed that the Forum’s good will for the continuing progress of the moving image festival should be recorded.

Saltire Committee Feedback

Leslie reported on the Saltire Committee lunch at the Pier Arts Centre in May, which six Forum members attended by invitation. Also invited were Colin Kirkpatrick and Alistair Peebles. The Committee, who are judging a £10m prize for a renewables project, were in Orkney to discuss the potential impact of such projects locally, and to consult with a wide-ranging group of local people. There were some full and frank discussions, and Leslie has since had contact with the Crown Estates office. The committee were well-informed and included some high-powered scientists and academics. They were keen to listen to all views, but it remains to be seen if this will have an impact on the resulting award. Those who attended, however, felt it was very worthwhile.

5 Culture Fund

Clare reported that the Culture Fund is now open for applications from not-for-profit organisations that are planning events or activities in the area of culture, heritage or language in the current financial year. There has been a high number of requests for applications forms from a wide-ranging group of organisations. It’s expected that the pot of £26,830 will be heavily over-subscribed. The deadline for applications is 5pm on 24 June 2011.

6 Culture Study

The forthcoming culture study, commissioned by HIE, is being undertaken by François Matarasso. Robert Livingston, Director of HI-Arts (via Skype), explained that the study was always intended to address cultural and social issues beyond the economic, and has been instigated by HIE because Orkney has been perceived as a unique laboratory in arts and culture over the last generation, through very successful initiatives such as the Pier Arts Centre, the St Magnus Festival and the thriving crafts industry. The study will ask why Orkney consistently punches above its weight culturally, and if this is unique to Orkney, or are there are lessons to be learned by other areas in the Highlands and Islands. For instance, there is a task force in Moray, addressing the issue of the loss to the area of the armed forces, and culture could have a role there. Robert encouraged everyone to communicate with François.

Pam mentioned that François had asked to attend the next Arts Forum meeting when he is in Orkney at the end of the summer. All agreed that this would be welcomed, and the date of the next meeting was brought forward to 1 September, to accommodate his dates.

Robert signed out of the meeting at this point.

7 Website and Facebook

Clare has set up a Facebook page for the Arts Forum, and all are encouraged to ‘like’ it. Pam has also updated the website on Orkney Communities, and will be uploading news, information and relevant meeting documents. (www.orkneycommunities.co.uk/ORKNEYARTSFORUM)

8 Arts Development Plan 2012-2015 – next steps

Pam has received a list of priorities/plans for film, music and drama, and has begun work on the new arts development plan and the associated action plan. The new priorities of the re-structured Creative Scotland were read out, many of which are relevant to current and planned activity in Orkney. These can be found on the Creative Scotland website (www.creativescotland.com). While no set of external priorities will dictate the arts development plan in Orkney, the Creative Scotland corporate plan and list of priorities will be borne in mind, and included in the plan as an appendix, as they are relevant to any arts organisation seeking funding, and present opportunities.

So as to be able to have a working draft of the new arts development plan before the next meeting, the deadline for receiving artform priorities was set at Friday 29 July. Artform reps are asked to email Pam a list of priorities, in any form they like. (For instance, a set of bullet points, or a more discursive list.)

For those who would like to use a questionnaire to ask for feedback from the community, Pam has drawn up a generic form. A slightly modified version of the questionnaire, with more explanation about the development plan, will also be placed in the libraries and the Pier Arts Centre, for the wider public to use. The questionnaire will be circulated to all Arts Forum members.

9 Artform feedback


Elaine drew attention to the Open Windows exhibition, featuring 45 Orkney artists, which is running until the end of June in Stromness.


Gemma reported that the Folk Festival ‘gathering’ went very well, with a lovely concert, which was filmed by Mark Jenkins. A CD and DVD are planned.

Gemma is also making progress with the report on music provision she is compiling as co-ordinator of the Orkney Youth Music Forum.


Tom reported that the Story Trust received Scotland’s Islands funding to hold a series of workshops and events in early May. These had been very successful, and monthly events are planned. Tom and Fran Hollinrake will be storytelling in the Lynnfield later this month.

Visual art

Rik reported that the Untitled group hopes to plan some new activities soon. Clare added that a letter had been received from WASPS, with the news that they are prioritising Stromness Library as their next project (to develop artists’ studios).

St Magnus International Festival

Tanya reported that the Festival kicks off with a ferry concert on Thursday 16 June. The Festival formally opens on Friday 17 June, and there are still tickets available for some events. All are welcome.

George Mackay Brown Fellowship

The GMB Fellowship is about to apply for three-year funding to run a more varied series of residencies and other activities, and take on a part-time administrator. Partnership with the Orkney Library, and the St Magnus International Festival, are very strong. Recent events such as the Book Festival have been very successful.

Orkney College

Attention was drawn to the art and design students’ end-of-year exhibition, which is on now at the College.

7 Any Other business

Pam reported that she is applying for development funding for the Orkney Arts Education Network – to create an online presence on a community website, and on Glow, and to fund creative residencies in schools and CPD sessions for teachers and creative practitioners.

Rik drew attention to the new www.orkney.com website, which has facilities for uploading artwork and information.


The next meeting is scheduled for 1 September 2011, Orkney Library 1.30pm. (Please note slightly later starting time.) Please feel free to bring sandwiches. Tea/coffee/water will be provided.