SWCH033Organizational Requirements – Preliminary Checklist30 October 2012
Organizational Requirements – Preliminary Checklist
These organizational requirements arise as a result of DOD, AF or MAJCOM policies and may apply to this release. This information is not usually found in the functional requirements. This checklist represents the initial analysis based on the customer requirements, funding and programmatic decisions.
Applies to this release /Condensed Policy Description
Yes / No / There are significant changes in Security, Interoperability, Sustainability, Supportability or Usability (SISSU) that will require significant rework for the SISSU questions.Yes / No / Changes in this release impact security and will require a new or reaccreditationsecurity package before the release can be implemented.
Yes / No / This release will require the system to use the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) and related architectural viewpoints in the Information Support Plan (ISP).
Yes / No / This release will use either the Global Command and Control System (GCCS) or the Global Combat Support System (GCSS) and will need to be registered, interoperate with the system, and utilize the system in testing.
Yes / No / This release will impact external systems and require new or updated Interface Requirements Agreements (IRA) and related interoperability testing.
/The development or testing of this release will require special coordination with one or more of the following specialists: (LAN, Oracle, Web, etc.).
/This release will be field-tested (Operational Test & Evaluation) by the Responsible Test Organization.
/This release will be tested by AFOTEC for Operational Test & Evaluation and require a Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP)
/This releasecannot use the Lean Engineering Process but will require the full DoDI 5000.02 Integrated Defense Acquisition Framework, which may include Analysis of Alternatives, Initial Concept Definition, Capability Development Document and reviews by the Milestone Decision Authority at decision points and milestones. Note: SISSU questions are included in the DoDI 5000.02 Framework
/This release may be designated a Major Automated Information System (MAIS) and will require Clinger-Cohen Act certification, Economic Analysis and Cost Analysis Requirements Description (CARD) to be generated and updated for designated reviews.
/This release is for a defense business system with total modernization or development funding exceeding $1 million. As a result, it requirescertification by the Investment Review Board (IRB) and approval by the Defense Business Systems Management Committee (DBSMC).
/The acquisition of the solution associated with this release will require contracting and possible legal support for Request for Information, Request for Proposal or the purchase and licensing of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components.