Organizational Excellence ApplicationPage | 1
Organizational Excellence Application
Final submissions for credit are due to the Office of Student Involvement by May 13, 2016.
The purpose of the Organizational Excellence Application is to establish standards to ensure that every student organization is well managed and is fully committed to the highest quality of student experience for each of its members, with particular emphasis on academic achievement, member development, and campus and community involvement.
Student Leadership Awards will be based in part on performance reflected on this application.
This application and other documentationshould reflect club activities from theFall 2015 term through the Spring 2016 term. There are a few occasions where the Spring Quarter from the previous academic year will be used, to allow sufficient time for processing the application.
Some sections will indicate that a minimum number of points are required. In some cases, the minimumsare a requirement of chartering. In others, the minimums are a requirement of participation in theOrganizational Excellence Program.
In categories where sign-in sheets are required and typed attendance lists are not acceptable,CSUB ID card scanners may be acceptable replacements if available/practical.
Organization Name:______
Submitted By:______
Office Use Only
Date Submitted:______Staff Initials:______
Section Breakdown (2,000 pts total available):
Section I: Membership Development – 30% - 600 pts
A. Academic Achievement – 240 points
B. Membership Recruitment & Education – 120 points
C. Leadership Development – 120 points
D. Club Values – 120 points
Section II: Club Management – 30% - 600 pts
A. Campus Visibility – 120 points
B. Financial Management – 100 points
C. Goals & Action Plans – 60 points
D. Alumni and/or Advisor Guidance – 60 points
E. Executive Board Training & Transition – 80 points
F. Club Meetings – 80 points
G. Administration – 100 points
Section III: External Relations – 20% - 400 pts
A. Campus Involvement – 100 points
B. Community Service – 120 points
C. Alumni & Family Relations – 40 points
D. Faculty/Staff Relations – 40 points
E. Public Relations – 100 points
Section IV: Policy Compliance – 20% - 400 pts
A. Risk Management – 100 points
B. Social Events – 80 points
C. Member Conduct – 120 points
D. Compliance with Campus Policies – 100 points
Section I: Membership Development – 30%
A. Academic Achievement – 240 points
California State University, Bakersfield provides a range of academic programs and the opportunity for all students to prepare themselves to assume roles in society. The academic progress of all club members considered collectively indicates the relative strength and vitality of the club itself. Above average collective academic performance insures a club’s relevance to the mission of California State University, Bakersfield. The standards outlined below have been shown to be standard practices that help student clubs and organizations to perform well academically.
- Club GPA – Maintain a club grade point average equal to or higher than the all undergraduate men’s/women’s cumulative average. Clubs below the all-undergraduate men’s/women’s cumulative average must show improvement each term to meet the all-undergraduate men’s/women’s average.
Documentation: The Office of Student Involvement provides the information for this section. Club membership will be based upon membership registered through RunnerSync for all regular (non-associate or alumni) members.
Previous Spring Quarter
______15 pts if club's GPA equals/exceeds all-undergraduate men’s/women’s average
______1 pt for each 0.01 above the all-undergraduate men’s/women’s average (max 10pts)
______5 pts if club’s GPA is below all-undergraduate men’s/women’s average but the club’s GPA has improved by at least 0.10.
Fall Quarter
______15 pts if club’s GPA equals/exceeds all-undergraduate men’s/women’s average
______1 pt for each 0.01 above the all-undergraduate men’s/women’s average (max 10pts)
______5 pts if club’s GPA is below all-undergraduate men’s/women’s average but the club’s GPA has improved by at least 0.10.
Winter Quarter
______15 pts if club’s GPA equals/exceeds all-undergraduate men’s/women’s average
______1 pt for each 0.01 above the all-undergraduate men’s/women’s average (max 10pts)
______5 pts if club’s GPA is below all-undergraduate men’s/women’s average but the club’s GPA has improved by at least 0.10.
- Academic Success Program – Submit a written academic success/club scholarship program for initiated and new members and demonstrate how the plan is being implemented.
Documentation: A written academic success/club scholarship plan. Upload to RunnerSync.
______40 pts per year
- Academic Success Presentations – Points will be awarded for academic related presentations hosted with at least 50% attendance of the entire club. Presentations should be conducted by a trained presenter and may include the following topics: study abroad, study skills, time management, graduate school presentations, alumni mentor program, career development, coping with stress, etc. Presentations may be the result of collaborative efforts (club + club, club + OSI).
Documentation: A letter signed by the presenter including topic, date, location, length of program, and list of attendees. Uploadto RunnerSync.
______25 pts – Event 1 ______
______25 pts – Event 2 ______
- Academic Recognition Programs – Use of recognition activities to identify and honor those members who have excelled academically. Examples of recognition activities include, but are not limited to, recognition dinners or ceremonies, certificates or awards, advertisements in The Runner, and rewards. The programs should be presided over by an advisor. Programs may be a result of collaborative efforts.
Documentation: Letters describing your club's method of recognition signed by an advisor, copies of certificates, and list of accomplished members each term. Upload to RunnerSync.
______15 pts Previous Spring Quarter
______15 pts Fall Quarter
______15 pts Winter Quarter
- Individual Member Standards – Establish minimum individual expectations for academic performance (a minimum 2.25 cumulative GPA is recommended) and make use of constructive activities to identify and help those members who are on academic probation. The club should offer a program (e.g. tutoring, study hours, etc.) to assist members having academic difficulty.
Documentation: Description of the standards and assistance programs, and advisor signature verifying that the requirements of an academic assistance program have been utilized. Do not include any personally identifiable information in your documentation.Upload to RunnerSync.
______30 pts per year
B. Membership Recruitment Education –120 points
The strength of any student organization is its membership. The skills, experience, personalities, and attitude of each member defines the levels of attainment possible for the club in leadership, scholarship, social awareness, involvement, and career preparation. These qualities are what employers look for and are indicative of the way the club maintains its traditions and imparts them to future generations. The standards of this section provide focus for a club's processes for inducting new members into the organization, and its programs for developing the full potential for each member.
- Written Recruitment Program – Utilize a written recruitment program that outlines recruitment goals and action plans for each term.
Documentation: The club’s written recruitment program and a letter outlining the results of recruitment efforts this year. Upload to RunnerSync.
______25 pts per year
- Written Education Program – Utilize a written education program for new member education and a continuing education program for all members.
Documentation: The club's written new member education program, schedule, and description of all new member activities, and the club’s written plan for the continuing education of all members of the club. Upload to RunnerSync.
______25 pts per year
- Retention – Club tracks retention rates per term to identify opportunities for improvement in the recruitment and education programs.
Documentation: List of new members immediately following recruitment efforts each term, an indication of their status at the end of eachterm (resigned/dropped, continuing as new member, initiated), reasons members are being removed from the roster, and action plans, if any, to avoid membership drops. Upload to RunnerSync.
______25 pts per year
- Club Educational Programs – Host, co-host, sponsor, or co-sponsor personal development educational programs with attendance by a minimum of 50% of the club membership at each program. Acceptable programs include but are not limited to: social responsibility, leadership development, personal financial management, service learning, health issues, career development, campus involvement, social etiquette, values and ethics, gender issues, sexual responsibility, diversity issues, and cultural issues. Programs should be conducted by trained presenters. Programs may be the result of collaborative efforts.
Documentation: Submit attendance (sign-ins*) of programs. Include the date, time, location, length of program, presenter contact information (business card), and description of each program. Upload to RunnerSync.*A typed list of names will not be accepted.
______15 pts – Event 1 ______
______15 pts – Event 2 ______
______15 pts – Event 3 ______
C. Leadership Development – 120 points
Membership in student organizations offers students many opportunities to develop their leadership potential. Student organizations can not only provide training in the principles of leadership, they can serve as laboratories in which these principles can be practiced and tested. Each member should be actively involved in decision-making processes, teaching and encouraging students to utilize their leadership talents within theirclubs and elsewhere on the CSUB campus.
- Student Leadership Council Representation – Club designates one attendee for representation on ASI's Student Leadership Council. One unattended meeting per club is allowable.
Documentation: Letter from an ASI representative verifying club member participation and rate of attendance. Upload to RunnerSync.
______10 pts Previous Spring Quarter
______10 pts Fall Quarter
______10 pts Winter Quarter
- External Leadership Programs/Internships/Research Assistant Positions – 15% of the clubparticipates in an external (non-club, off-campus) leadership program, career related internship, or research assistant position (combined).
Documentation: Submit sign-in attendance forms of programs. Include the date, time, location, length of program, presenter contact information (business card), and description of each program.Or, include proof of internship or research asst. position. Upload to RunnerSync.
______30 pts per year
- Individual Leadership Positions, Non-"Home Club"– Five points for every five percent of the membership who holds a volunteer executive office in a campus organization (excluding the applicants' home club) up to a maximum of 40 points.
Documentation: List of members, organization, contact information (name, phone, e-mail) for organization advisor or another executive officer member, office held, and term of office. Upload to RunnerSync.
______30 pts per year
- Individual Leadership Positions, Off-Campus – Five points for every five percent of the membership who holds a volunteer executive office in an off-campus civic or service organization up to a maximum of 40 points.
Documentation: List of members, organization, contact information (name, phone, e-mail) for organization contact, office held, and term of office. Upload to RunnerSync.
______30 pts per year
D. Club Values – 120 points
- Tradition Program – Club performs a tradition ceremony at least once per term.
Documentation: A letter signed by the club president and an advisor listing the ceremony/program (initiation, officer installation, new member ceremony, etc.) and the date performed. Upload to RunnerSync.
______15 pts Previous Spring Quarter
______15 pts Fall Quarter
______15 pts Winter Quarter
- Club Values Education – Club conducts a program that reinforces/discusses the club’s values that is attended by at least 60% of the membership at least once per term.
Documentation: Brief description of program and number of attendees signed by the club president and an advisor. Upload to RunnerSync.
______15 pts Previous Spring Quarter
______15 pts Fall Quarter
______15 pts Winter Quarter
- Lifetime Commitment – Alumni participate in at least one ritual ceremony/program per year.
Documentation: A letter signed by the club president and advisor listing the ceremony/program (initiation, officer installation, new member ceremony, etc.), the date performed, and the number of alumni who participated. Club advisor cannot count toward alumni participation. Upload to RunnerSync.
______30 pts Fall Quarter
Section II: Club Management – 30% - 600 pts
A. Campus Visibility – 120 points
Clubs are most successful when they put out effort to connect with students on campus and seek out those who share their areas of interest.
- Participation inClub Fairs– Club is represented at OSI Club Fairs, to recruit new members, to promote meetings and events, and to put out effort in booth decoration.
Documentation: The Office of Student Involvement verifies the information for this section.
______20 pts Fall Quarter
______20 pts Winter Quarter
______20 pts Spring Quarter
- Representation in DDH – Clubs are allotted a 3' x 9' space for a vertical wall banner in Dorothy Donohoe Hall (DDH) on a first come, first serve basis. Banner must include club contact info and/or meeting times and location.
Documentation: The Office of Student Involvement verifies the information for this section.
______20 pts Annually
- Attendance at Student Leader Reception – Each year, CSUB President Horace Mitchell invites two members of every CSUB student organization to his home for recognition and encouragement.
Documentation: The Office of Student Involvement verifies the information for this section.
______20 pts Annually
- Club Attire – "Official" clothing that identifies the wearer as a member of the club. Includes but not limited to t-shirts, polo shirts, smocks, caps, lanyards, etc.
Documentation: Club provides proof of current year's branded attire. Upload to RunnerSync.
______20 pts Annually
B. Financial Management –100 points
Sound financial management is essential to the successful operation of a club. Through discipline, consistent bookkeeping, proper budgeting, qualified supervision, and fiscal control, the club will build an atmosphere of fiscal responsibility and security.
- Budget – The club has a budget approved by the club and advisor.
Documentation: Copy of the budget (a summary broken down by categories is sufficient), signed by the club treasurer and advisor indicating that the budget was approved by the club and submitted to (inter)national officer (if applicable). Upload to RunnerSync.
______25 pts per year
- Financial Policies – The club strictly enforces financial discipline (financial requirements for a member to remain in good standing) as prescribed by the club’s bylaws or (inter)national policy.
Documentation: Copy of the financial discipline policy with a statement signed by the treasurer and advisor that they are strictly enforced. Upload to RunnerSync.
______10 pts per year
- Non-Negative Fund Balance – Clubs are considered inactive any time their club fund falls in the negative. For each quarter the club is not in the negative, it will receive five points.
Documentation: The Office of Student Involvement provides the information for this section. (All points must be earned in this section as a requirement of remaining chartered.)
______5 pts Fall Quarter
______5 pts Winter Quarter
______5 pts Spring Quarter
- Fundraising – Clubs are encouraged to raise money to fund club events. These include food sales on campus, auctions, donation drawings, and off-campus fundraisers where local businesses provide a percentage of sales and clubs drive traffic to the business.
Documentation: Club provides a promotional flyer from the event, signed by the Club President that the event took place. Upload to RunnerSync.
______10 pts Fall Quarter
______10 pts Winter Quarter
______10 pts Spring Quarter
- ASI Funding Request – Students at CSUB pay fees, some of which go to the Associated Students Inc. to be redistributed to clubs to fund events. Clubs are encouraged to hold events with a broad appeal to the student body and seek partial funding from ASI's Finance Committee.
Documentation: A copy of the ASI Application for Funding form signed by the ASI VP of Finance verifying the request was submitted. Approval not required. Upload to RunnerSync.
______20 pts per year
C. Goals & Action Plans – 60 points
Successful organizations regularly establish goals and objectives and develop strategies and action plans to achieve those goals.
- Goal Setting – The club conducts at least one goal setting session each term and establishes specific written goals and objectives, approved by the members. A club that only conducts an annual goal setting session can obtain full credit by conducting a review of goal progress each term through the executive board.
Documentation: Brief description of the club’s goal setting process. Include dates and locations of sessions; process for goals selection, approval, and review; and list at least 3 significant goals for each term and progress made toward goal attainment. Upload to RunnerSync.
______20 pts Previous Spring Quarter
______20 pts Fall Quarter
______20 pts Winter Quarter
D. Alumni and/or Advisor Participation – 60 points
All clubs are required to have advisors. Successful student organizations have active advisors that assist with organizational development, provide continuity, and ensure compliance with University policies.
- Club Advisor – The club has an advisor who attends at least one club and one executive board meeting per month and maintains regular communication with the club.
Documentation: Letter signed by the club advisor and president indicating the club advisor attends at least one club and one executive board meeting per month and maintains regular communication with the club. Upload to RunnerSync.
______40 pts Annually
- Alumni Support – Have an active club alumnus or associate member that helps guide the club.
Documentation: Letter from the alumnus outlining how the advisor was involved with the club.Upload to RunnerSync.
______20 pts Annually
E. Executive Board Training & Transition – 80 points
Leaders are more prepared and better equipped to serve in their roles if trained and transitioned by previous leaders and advisors.
- Officer Handbooks – Each club officer has a notebook, handbook, or manual.
Documentation: Statement from club president affirming that officers (at least the executive board) have a notebook, handbook, or manual. Also include the title page and table of contents of notebooks, handbooks, or manuals.
______40 pts Annually
- Transition Meeting – A transitional meeting with incoming/outgoing officers.
Documentation: Date, location, agenda and outcomes for the transition meeting(s).