A+ CadetsExpectations for Tutoring

Welcome to the Milan A+ Program. Your help with our students is greatly appreciated. We wantourstudents and the A+ tutors to have a wonderful experience. As you work in the different buildings, please remember that our students look up to you. We request that you be the best possible role model for our impressionable students. Please talk quietly in the hallways so you do not disturb classes being held. Using profanity or words that express that intent is unacceptable at all times in all buildings. Please exhibit the following character traits:

*Be prompt *Be polite *Be respectful *Be courteous *Be responsible*Be honest

A+tutors are expected to follow the district dress code. Please use the following guidelines when selecting clothing:

  1. Clothing shall be appropriate, neat, clean, inoffensive and decent.
  2. Any item of clothing that has on it the promotion of alcohol, tobacco, drugs or sexual innuendoes shall not be worn.
  3. Headgear shall not be worn.
  4. NO tank tops, midriff tops or jeans/shorts that have holes.
  5. Jeans, shorts and skirts are to come to the waist. NO underwear should be seen.
  6. Shorts and skirts must be longer than the tips of your fingers.

You are responsible to complete a Time Log form each WEEK.

You will turn in the form on a Friday and pick up your form for the next week. It is your responsibility to get your teacher to complete the form on a daily basis …not just at the end of the week. This is to benefit you as well as the teacher you are helping.

You are receiving a grade for this class so please take it seriously.

You get up to 24 points a week based on your performance. Turning in your sheet on time each week is part of your responsibility and does factor into the grade you receive. You will be deducted 3 points for each day you are late turning in your Time Log starting on the Tuesday after the Friday it is due. For example…if you do not turn it in on Friday when it is due, I will give you Monday of the next week to get it to me. If you forget again and give it to me on Tuesday it will be minus 5 points. If you forget till Wednesday it will be minus 10 points….and so on. This is not a punishment; it is a way to track your performance and a way for the volunteering teacher to communicate with me. It will become a habit once you do it for a while.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to stop by my office. If I am unavailable, leave your name and I will get back to you. Thanks in advance for your cooperation and help with molding our younger students.


Confidentiality is the keeping of private information private! Very simply that means: Don’t repeat what you are told by students or teachers. Do not discuss tutoring sessions with any other person other than the teacher, principal or student. Treat each person with whom you work as you would hope others would treat you. It is your obligation to respect the right of privacy of your students.

Consider the following points regarding confidentiality:

  1. Tutors must act in an ethical manner and adhere to a high standard of conduct.
  2. Telling just one person, even your best friend, about some confidential matter, breaks the ethical code of confidence.
  3. Remember, it takes weeks and months to build the trust of another person, but only a minute to destroy it.

The only exception: If someone is going to hurt himself/herself or if someone else if going to be hurt.**These situations need to be reported IMMEDIATELY to the teacher you are working with or the principal.

Signature of Cadet:______

*****************************************************EXPECTATIONS FOR TEACHERS WORKING WITH A+ TUTORS

  1. Initial student timesheet daily after your student has worked in your classroom. Studentsshould ask but if they don’t please remind them.
  2. Provide appropriate work/activities for A+ tutor to assist students with. Remember they should be working with the students not doing your busy work.
  3. Provide a variety of subjects, students and lengths of assignments. Have them create their own lessons with your guidance if appropriate.
  4. Complete Quarterly Tutoring Evaluation form as well as the weekly progress and time logs.
  5. It is your job to validate the time logs. Please check the time, score their performance and sign the form each Friday.

Signature of Teacher:______