BEHV 4400.002 – Spring 2011

Thursday 6:00 PM – 8:50 PM

Language 305


Adjunct Faculty


Phone: (940) 369-8668 or (940) 565-2274

Office Hours: Phone or e-mail to make an appointment

Office: Chilton 359B



Office Hours: by apt. only

TEXT: Daniels, A. C., & Daniels, J. E. (2004). Performance Management:

Changing behavior that drives organizational effectiveness. (4th ed.). Atlanta, GA: Performance Management Publications.

OVERVIEW: This course will introduce you to strategies and tactics used in managing behavior/performance in organizational settings. The course content draws from work in the area of Organizational Behavior Management, also called Performance Management, an applied area of Behavior Analysis.

The emphasis of OBM is on the analysis and modification of employee/staff productivity, or work-related problems. OBM practitioners work in business, industry, and human service settings. Unlike some other Behavior Analysts (and clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, and counselors), OBM practitioners do not deal with the personal problems of adjustment that individuals may experience. Therefore, the client for an OBM consultant is not the individuals per se, but rather a company or institution, or some unit within such an organization, in which there is a problem with job-related behavior of the employees. In this course, you will learn how to analyze and alleviate these problems, using behavioral and systems principles and techniques.

ADA Statement: The Department of Behavior Analysis, in cooperation with the Office of Disability Accommodation, complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act in making reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. Students with disabilities should discuss, with me, alternative means by which to fulfill the course objectives if their disability prohibits them from taking tests and completing exercises in standard formats.

**Please present your written accommodation request to me before the third class meeting.**

ESSENTIAL COMPETENCIES: Students will be expected to…

  • Define and identify examples of behavioral principles affecting work performance.
  • Design and describe a comprehensive performance measurement issue.
  • Analyze the causes of performance problems from a behavioral and systems perspective.
  • Describe techniques for improving performance problems.


Attendance: Consistent attendance in this class is essential because of weekly quizzes, in-class activities and group projects. The course will meet once a week for the entire scheduled time. Students unable to accommodate this schedule should drop the class.

Supplemental Readings: Additional readings, consisting of case studies, research articles, etc., will be required to supplement the text. This material may be included on the quizzes and exams.

Exercises & Activities: There will be 13 in class exercises (ICEs) based on the readings or supplemental material provided. ICEs MAY NOT BE MADE UP. STUDENTS WHO LEAVE CLASS EARLY WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THE ICE.

Weekly Quizzes: There will be 11 weekly quizzes given, covering material from previous classes and the assigned reading for the class period. NO MAKE UP QUIZZES WILL BE AVAILABLE.

Mid-term Exam: A mid-term exam will be scheduled during the middle of the semester to assess student mastery of presented material. The mid-term will assess all material presented from the first week of class to the mid-term exam and a study guide will be available.

Group Project/Presentation: To encourage more sophisticated interaction with the subject matter, students will be assigned to a project group. Groups will identify a performance problem, measure it, analyze it, and suggest change and evaluation procedures to address some employee or staff performance problem in a work setting to which a group member has access. This project will be written up and presented to the class at the end of the semester. A project rubric with specific expectations and point values will be available to students.

Final Exam: A final exam will be scheduled during finals week. The final exam will assess all material presented throughout the course. A study guide will be available. However, individuals who are satisfied with their point total/grade may elect to skip the final exam.

GRADE EVALUATION: Grades will be based on total points (250), following the conventional breakdown:

A: 250 - 225

B: 224 – 200

C: 199 – 175

D: 174 – 150

F: 149 and below

10 Quizzes (10 points each) = 100 points (11th quiz can be missed or taken as extra credit)

1 Mid-term = 25 points

11 In Class Exercises (2-5 points each) = 50 points (2 of the 13 ICEs can be missed or taken as extra credit)

1 Group project = 50 points (See rubric for expectations and corresponding point values.)

1 Final exam = 25 points

EXTRA CREDIT: Only 10 of the 11 quizzes will count and only 11 of the 13 ICEs will count. Students may miss one quiz or use the 11th quiz as extra credit and they may miss 2 ICEs or use the 2 additional ICEs as extra credit. Each weekly quiz will have a 1-2 point bonus question. NO ADDITIONAL EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITIES WILL BE GIVEN FOR THIS COURSE.

SCHEDULE: Exact dates and chapters are subject to adjustment. Please keep up with class announcements regarding the content by coming to class. If you must miss a class, e-mail the teaching assistant to ask what you missed.


BEHV 4400.002 – Spring 2011

Updated 1/17/2011

Week # / Date / Topic / Prepare for Class
1 / 1/20/11 / Set course expectations and give overview of course, grading, etc. / Buy Text book
2 / 1/27/11 / Introduction to Performance Management, What is PM, What is Behavior / Chapters 1, 2 & 5
Quiz #1
3 / 2/3/11 / Identifying Performance Problems and Measuring Performance/ Pinpointing- Specifying Key Results and Behaviors / Chapter 12
Quiz #2
4 / 2/10/11 / Choosing Pinpoints- Aligning Pinpoints with Mission. Measurement- Comprehensive Systems for Tracking Results andBehavior: Scorecard Systems / Chapters 13 &14
Quiz #3
5 / 2/17/11 / Analyzing the Causes of Performance Problems. PIC/NIC Analysis, Gilbert Model of Cause Analysis; ABC Model / Chapter 6 & 7
Quiz #4
6 / 2/24/11 / No Class—Texas Association of Behavior Analysis Regional Conference
7 / 3/3/11 / Performance Management Tools for Improving Performance: Antecedents and Feedback / Chapters 11 & 15
Quiz #5
8 / 3/10/11 / Mid-Term Review Game (with prizes)
Mid-Term Exam / Study for Mid-Term
9 / 3/17/11 / No Class—Spring Break
10 / 3/24/11 / Reinforcement Systems; Performance Pay, / Chapter 17 & 18
Quiz #6
11 / 3/31/11 / Group Presentation Work Night / Quiz #7
12 / 4/7/11 / Setting Goals, Unwanted Behavior; Correcting and Coaching / Chapters 20 & 21
Quiz #8
13 / 4/14/11 / Evaluation: Evaluating Performance Change / Chapter 23
Quiz #9
14 / 4/21/11 / The Big Picture: A systems view for Performance Improvement / Article (handed out in class)
Quiz #10
15 / 4/28/11 / Group Presentations / Quiz #11-review
Present and/or give feedback
16 / 5/5/10 / Group Presentations
Review and Course Wrap up / Present and/or give feedback
Course Evaluation
17 / 5/12/10 / Final Exam