
Welcome to the Preschool room. Together we will embrace a new step in your child’s life. In the Preschool room, children have opportunities to explore and experiment in order to discover new things about themselves, others, and the world they live in. We are pleased to be a part of these new experiences. This booklet will provide you with more information about the Preschool room and we encourage you, if you have any questions about your child, to speak with any of the Preschool teachers.


We begin our morning with the Kindergartens in the Preschool room having free play and a free flow snack until 9:00 a.m. At that time the Kindergarten group will leave the room to start their Kindergarten program.

The Preschoolers then have a morning circle as a group. We ask that you arrive before 9:00 a.m. to provide the group with uninterrupted time and help maintain focus. Circle time is an opportunity for the children to listen to stories or share stories of their own, sing songs, play games, gather information about their interests and discuss various activities available for that day. For programming purposes, the teachers brainstorm activities based on the children’s interests. The teachers then build upon these interests through planned and spontaneous activities. Program plans are always posted outside the classroom. We encourage parents to make note of activities in order to discuss them with your child at the end of the day.

Newsletters and Calendars

Each month the Preschool room will send out a calendar with birthdays, new enrollment, children leaving and other pertinent information (possibly show and share days or other special days). On the back of the calendar is our monthly newsletter.


Medication that does not require refrigeration is kept in a locked box in the Preschool room bathroom. The key is kept next to the corkboard. Medication that needs to be refrigerated is kept in the kitchen fridge in a locked box. The key is kept on the fridge door. It is the parents/ caregiver’s responsibility to put the medication in whichever box is appropriate to the medication. Please be sure to fill out the Medication Form, located in a green binder, on the main foyer counter (outside the Infant room) and then go over it with the staff on duty in your child’s room. The form will either be posted within the room or left in your child’s binder. As a reminder, we are not allowed to administer over the counter drugs without a Doctors consent i.e. Tylenol, advil etc.


Outside the preschool room the children are provided with a cubby to keep their belongings in.

On the counter above your child’s cubby is a binder that includes sign in/out sheets that parents are to fill in daily. The teachers will record how many servings of lunch your child ate daily as well as whether or not they slept. The binders also include: notices, ELECT observations, record of accidents/ill health and artwork. We ask that you take all notices (leaving the sign in/out forms for our files) and artwork home at the end of each day.

A brown basket is also provided to keep extra sets of seasonal clothing. In the extra set please include: underwear, socks, pants, T-shirt, sweater and shorts. Please label all articles of clothing. Dirty clothes will be placed on top of your child’s cubby in a labeled plastic bag to be taken home and washed. If we notice your child is in need of something we will leave a note on their daily chart indicating what should be replenished. Thank you.

Rest Time

The preschoolers sleep/rest either in the gross motor room or in the classroom. Sleep/Rest time is from 1:00p.m. - 2:30p.m. If children are not asleep by 2p.m. they are able to get up and do quiet activities in the preschool room. The other children will be woken up at 2:30p.m.Your child is encouraged to bring a small, labeled blanket (and possibly stuffed toy) every Monday morning. They will stay on your child’s bed until Friday at which time we will then send it home to be laundered.

Outdoor Time

Outdoor time is two hours or more per day for all age groups The only times we do not go out are when there is rain, heat/smog alert and high wind chill factors. The Preschoolers are expected to dress appropriately for hot summer weather and cold winter days. Outdoor time provides the children with opportunities to participate in child-directed games, get fresh air, and develop many skills (gross motor coordination, balance, social skills, independence, and imaginative play).


Many parents enjoy having their children celebrate their birthdays at N’sheemaehn. If you wish to do so please provide us with one box of

Betty Crocker cake mix and a container of Betty Crockerfrosting as this is a product that contains not nuts. We will then have your child pick out a cake mould and have him/her make their birthday cake with their friends during morning activities. We would appreciate you letting a Preschool teacher know on which date you would like to celebrate. Birthday’s are celebrated at our 3:00 p.m. snack time within the Preschool room. Unfortunately parents cannot take pictures of the entire group, however you are more than welcome to join in the celebration and take pictures of your child. The cook will provide a fruit and drink to go with the cake.

Any Questions, Concerns or Comments

The Preschool teachers work as a team, please feel free to speak to anyone of us. We will ensure that information be shared amongst each other. Usually there is a Preschool teacher in at 8:00 a.m. daily and another should be here until 5:30 p.m.

Attached is a copy of the Preschool daily routine. Please go through it so that you get familiarized with your child’s new schedule.


The Preschool Teachers,