November 5, 2017


9:30 A.M.

Prelude…………………………“It Is Well” Bethel Music Video

Organist: Alma Verburg Pianist: Joyce Van Berkum


Call to Worship

Opening Prayer


*Hymn #133...... “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me”

Ministry of Music………………………………………..Bell Choir

Children’s Message…………………………………….Jen Taylor

Profession of Faith…………………..Lindsay Hoogendoorn



*Confession of Faith: “I Am”




1st Church Ministry Fund

2nd Jail Ministries


*Offertory Prayer

*Hymn #327……………..“’Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”

Scripture……1 Corinthians 13:4-7 & Galatians 5:13-15

Scripture Reader: Traci Landegent

Message……………………….…………….Pastor Verlyn Boone

“Love Is Trustworthy”

Prayer for Blessing on the Word

*Hymn #321....vv. 1-4 “When We Walk with the Lord”


*Closing Song……….“We Are One in the Bond of Love”


*If you are able, please stand with us

Confession of Faith

I believe Jesus Christ is the great I Am (John 8:58)

I believe Jesus is the bread of life. Whoever comes to him will never go hungry and whoever believes in him will never be thirsty. (John 6:35)

I believe Jesus is the light of the world. Whoever follows him will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. (John 8:12)

I believe Jesus is the gate. Whoever enters through him will be saved. (John 10:9)

I believe Jesus is the good shepherd. He lays down his life for the sheep. (John 10:11)

I believe Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in him will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in him will never die. (John 11:25)

I believe Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him. (John 14:6)

I believe Jesus is the true vine. Whoever remains in him and he in them; will bear much fruit. Apart from Jesus no human being can do anything. (John 15:5)

I believe Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. Amen. (Revelation 1:8)


Welcome to the First Reformed Church, we are glad to have you worshiping with us. Please join us for coffee, juice, and cookies following the morning service.

Calendar for the Day

8:30 AM Cantata Practice

9:30 AM Morning Worship

10:45 AM Sunday School & Catechism

4:00 PM Whispering Heights Worship Service

Those Serving Today

Nursery – Dave & Sonja Bliek & Kaylee Vande Hoef

Greeters – Laurie Baatz (NF)

Clara Bannick (SF)

Ryan & Jillian Blankespoor (N)

Dave & Sonja Bliek (O)

Ushers – Ross Bousema, Kevin Bouwman, Jacob Brosamle

Sound – Vonk family

Lift – Marv Hoogendoorn

Coffee – Rod & Lil Netten

Elder Greeters – Jerry Kelderman (B), Jeff Koldenhoven (BW), Rich Schwanke (O), Gerrit Van Holland (FE),

Pastor Verlyn (FW)


Church Ministry Fund & Jail Ministries

Prayers & Praises

Doris Wesselink as she recovers from Cochlear Implant


Bev Vande Vegte as she continues treatments.

Ed & Alma Post will celebrate their 46th Anniversary on


Henrietta Van Roekel will celebrate her 90th Birthday

on Wednesday.

Thank You: The family of Russ Van Berkum thanks all

who expressed their sympathy in the many acts of

love, prayers, cards, food, and memorial gifts.

Joyce & family

Calendar for the week

Monday, November 6:

3:30 PM The Block

5:15 PM Shepherd’s Table @ First CRC

Tuesday, November 7:

3:30 PM Kids’ Block

6:30 PM Grace Bible Study

Wednesday, November 8:

3:30 PM The Block



Thursday, November 9:

3:30 PM Kids’ Block

Those Serving Sunday, November 12

Pastor Verlyn will lead worship. The Church Health Vision Casting Team will meet from 6:00-7:30 pm.

Nursery – Paul & Linda Van Kekerix & Brooklin Wiersma

Greeters – Doug & Leanne Bliek (NF)

Randy & Wanda Bliek (SF)

Herb & Mina Bliek (N)

Keith & Doris Boer (O)

Ushers – Weston De Jager, Joel Fennema, Chris Huyser

Sound – Ver Mulm family

Lift – Duane Ver Mulm

Children’s Message – Chris Huyser

Coffee – Norm & Deb Kempema

Offering – Church Ministry Fund


1501 16th St., PO Box 174

Rock Valley, IA 51247

Office Hours: T-Th 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM

Pastor Verlyn (712)476-9952

Pastor Verlyn (home) (712)722-2978

Sheri (Office) (712)476-2376

Jen (Youth) (712)476-9951

Kids’Block/The Block (712)476-2674

Fax (712)476-9954


Pastor Verlyn:

Sheri Bousema:

Jen Taylor:


Digital Channel 76.78

DVR Channel 78

Analog Channel 12

Morning Services are broadcast live

Our MISSION is to learn God’s love for His people, and to learn to love Him and them.

Our VISION is to see the individuals of our community, our nation, and our world come to a knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus Christ, so that they too may be equipped by the Holy Spirit and function as a vital piece of the beautiful bride of Christ.