Organisation Involvement

We remain committed to ensuring that the services we provide meet the needs of all passengers who require assistance. Over the 6 months from July 2016 to December 2016 we have continued to engage with the following groups and organisations:-

OCS Challenging for Change

On 29th November Terminal Operations and Security staff attended the above event hosted by OCS Special Assistance. Airlines, business partners and disability groups were invited to attend.

The aim of the day was to share the findings of a report commissioned by OCS into the overall customer experience for disabled customers. The forum provided an invaluable opportunity to discussissues of concern relevant to those passengers with disabilities.

Amongst stakeholders in attendance were representatives from the

Sensory Support Team for Belfast Health and Social Care Trust,

Disability Sport NI


Autism NI

Dementia NI

Hearing Loss NI

Cedar Foundation

The Colostomy Association

Belfast 89FM – local radio

Guide Dogs NI

The Consumer Council

Individual passengers who had previously provided feedback in terms of their recent airport experience were also invited to attend.

Many useful contacts were made and invitations to visit the airport were extendedto all attendees and will be followed up over the coming months. As a result of one such contact, we are delighted to advise that arrangements are being put in place for Guide Dogs NI to use the Airport as a location for the training of guide dogs.

Autism NI

We continue to support passengers travelling with a child or family member on the autistic spectrum by inviting individual family groups to the airport for familiarisation visits comprising of a full run through of the passenger experience including the various stages of the security screening process. The feedback received has been extremely positive in terms of the peace of mind and support afforded to those families before, during and after their journey through the airport.

The Autism Awareness section on our website through which passengers can request a copy of our Autism Awareness Pack has proven to be extremely popular. We have provided 105 packs to families travelling with children on the autistic spectrum during this period.

Eakin Supplies (representing users with Colostomy, Ileostomy or Urostomy)

Belfast International Airport has continued their consultation process with Eakin Supplies, manufacturer of ostomy products, with a view to improving the airport experience for ostomy users. The information guide, accessed from a link on our website, based on the processes at Belfast International Airport has had almost 1200 visits between June and December 2016

We invite ostomy users who have expressed concerns and reservations regarding security screening to visit the airport prior to travel. An experienced member of our security team is on hand to explain the various stages of the process and provide tailored information and advice to the individual passenger.

Training for Security and Terminal Operations staff provided by Eakin Supplies is scheduled to take place early in 2017.

If you are a member of a disability group and you feel that we could be of assistance to you or your group then please contact: