Name ______
Date ______Period _____
Chapter 26 Questions: Understanding Postwar Tensions
- What was the Sacco and Vanzetti case about?
- Why was there and increase in unemployment after WWI?
- How many Americans were jobless by 1920?
- What does “a spike in inflation” mean?
- What led to a sharp recession and what is a recession?
- Give some examples of the growing crime in the 20’s.
- How did businesses return to prewar labor practices?
- How did the AFL and the IWW organize?
- What happened in Seattle Washington?
- Why was The Boston Police force strike of 1919 the more controversial strike?
- What was the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters?
- Why did Unions loose public support, membership, and power?
- Who were some of the 34 bombs addressed to?
- Radicalism referred to the ideas of these three groups…
- German philosopher Karl Marx believed in Communism and the economic theory behind it. What is the economic theory?
- Vladimir Lenin led the Bolsheviks and tried to take over this country in 1917?
- These people opposed all systems of government? Since what event had they been peaceful?
- Explain how the Red Scare led to the Palmer Raids.
- How were our civil liberties trampled during the Palmer Raids?
- What new laws closed the doors to immigrants?
- The KKK was revived and had new targets, who were these targets?
- The ACLU was formed to protect certain groups, give some examples…
- Africans were facing discrimination, Marcus Garvey created this movement?
- What happened to Garvey in 1925?
- Why was the Anti-Defamation league created in 1913?
Name ______
Date ______Period _____
Chapter 27 Questions: The Politics of Normalcy
- How did Harding’s speech capture the public mood?
- What did his promise of normalcy win him?
- Where was Harding from?
- Harding was committed to the free enterprise system, which relied on competition for profits and the forces of ???
- What was Harding’s Fiscal Policy?
- How much did the unemployment rate drop from 1921-1923?
- What was the OHIO GANG?
- Explain the Tea Pot Dome Scandal and what it left the public wondering?
- What happened to Harding on August 2nd, 1923? Who then took office?
- Coolidge pushed for a reduction in these three types of taxes.
- Who is elected in 1928?
- What was unique about Hoover’s upbringing as a child?
- What is associationalism?
- Why did many Americans believe in Isolationalism?
- Although the US did not join the League of Nations they did join the World Court. What is the World Court?
- What was decided at the Washington naval conference?
- Who started the Kellogg-Briand Pact, and how many nations ended up signing it?
- How much did GB and France owe the US at the end of WWI?
- What was Charles Dawes plan to the debt crisis?
- List three ways we reduced our involvement in Latin America?
- Why was Henry Ford so popular by the 1920’s? Be specific…
- List three new industries of the 1920’s…
- Why was business getting even bigger?
- Why were mom and pop grocery stores driven out of business?
- What is a PonziScheme? Give an example of one.
- What was happening on the stock market in the late 20’s?
- What happened to the GNP throughout the 1920’s?
Name ______
Date ______Period _____
Chapter 28: Popular Culture in the Roaring Twenties
- How did the Charleston begin?
- Why was the Charleston a perfect fit for the Roaring Twenties?
- How did Americans buy into Consumer Culture? Give some examples…
- How did some products make our lives easier? Electrification of homes…..
- What did Carver do with the Peanut?
- What does Stuart Chase say in his quote?
- What did consumers do that could not afford all the goods they wanted? Give two examples…
- 3 out of every 4 radios and 6 out of every 10 cars were bought this way…
- What did Charles Lindberg do?
- What did Amelia Earhart do?
- What were planes being used for in the 20’s?
- How did automobiles give people a sense of freedom?
- What act encouraged states to create highway departments?
- What started popping up along the highways?
- What was new with printing and the radio?
- What did motion pictures create? Why?
- Who is Charles Chaplin (picture on the side)?
- Who is Jeannette Rankin and why is she important for women?
- Did congress pass the Equal Rights Amendment? Why?
- Who is Margaret Sanger? What did she found?
- How did African Americans become introduced to Jazz?
- What is Harlem?
- Who are Jelly Roll Morton, Duke Ellington, and George Gershwin?
- Why was Langston Hughes famous?
- List three famous writers, authors, or artists during the 1920’s.
- How did sports grow in the 1920’s
- List three famous sports stars from the 20’s that we all still know today…
- Did women make a mark in sports?
Name ______
Date ______Period _____
Chapter 29 Questions: The Clash between Traditionalism and Modernism
- Who is Norman Rockwell and why is he famous?
- How were traditionalists and modernists different?
- What percentage of the US was urban?
- How did urban attractions lead to an increase in the CPI?
- Why were the farmers having trouble?
- Why did President Coolidge veto the McNary-Haugen Bill?
- Where did defenders of traditional values often look to find support?
- College enrollment grew rapidly and young couples had new fads such as…
- Explain what a flapper looks like.
- Why did adults feel that the young people had lost their way?
- Explain the dry perspective of Prohibition..
- Explain the wet perspective of Prohibition…
- Where did the term speakeasy come from?
- How did Al Capone get rich during prohibition?
- What was the modernist perspective of Evolution?
- What was the traditionalist perspective of Evolution?
- Who were the people involved in the Scopes Trial case and what were their roles? What was the outcome to the trial?
- What was the Epperson v. Arkansas Supreme Court case about?
- What are the three points in the Lemon Test?
- What is the theory of Intelligent Design?
- What school was the first in 2004 require students be taught about Intelligent Design?
- What is the sticker about in the corner of the book?
Name ______
Date ______Period ___
Unit 5 Vocabulary
Chapter 26: Understanding Postwar Tensions
Sacco and Vanzetti Trial
American Federation of Labor
General Strike
Karl Marx
Red Scare
Palmer Raids
Civil Liberties
Quota System
American Civil Liberties Union
Back to Africa Movement
Anti-Defamation League
Name ______
Date ______Period ___
Unit 5 Vocabulary
Chapter 27: The Politics of Normalcy
Free Enterprise System
Fiscal Policy
Teapot Dome Scandal
Inheritance Taxes
Herbert Hoover
Washington Naval Conference
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Dawes plan
Holding Companies
Florida land Book
Dow Jones Industrial Average
Gross National Product
Economic Boom
Name ______
Date ______Period ___
Unit 5 Vocabulary
Chapter 28: Popular Culture in the Roaring Twenties
Roaring Twenties
Consumer Culture
Installment Buying
Charles Lindberg
Henry Ford
Popular Culture
Magazines, Radio, Television, and Movies in the 20’s (Mass Media)
Grassroots Organization
League of Women voters
Equal Rights Amendment
Jeannette Rankin
Jazz Age
Harlem Renaissance
Lost Generation
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Georgia O’Keeffe
Spectator Sports
Name ______
Date ______Period ___
Unit 5 Vocabulary
Chapter 29: The Clash between Traditionalism and Modernism
Consumer Price Index
Volstead Act
Theory of Evolution
Scopes Trial
Lemon Test
Intelligent Design
Urban versus rural
Youth versus adults
Wets versus drys
Religion versus science