Surname 1
Professor’s Name
Student’s Name
Explain your aim for your medium piece. You were trying to reach a public audience about something you wrote in this class. So out of all the things you could have chosen to write about, why did you choose this? What did you hope your audience would get out this piece of writing? In other words, what do you hope they will find interesting or meaningful, etc.? Quote a portion of your medium piece and show how it you are trying to achieve that aim in the quoted section
I decided my study on the effects of drugs and substances abuse on the youths. This drew my attention is that most of the youths nowadays are much into drug addiction that has very adverse effects on their health. The consistent use of drugs further affects their psychological health as well. I know after the study, the students and those who will get access to this work will get some insights on the effects of using these drugs.
Highlight the differing Materials you use (i.e. sources) and explain why you use those Materials rather than other materials you could have chosen to use. Out of all the research you could have chosen to talk about this subject, why did you choose the research you did? How those materials/sources, in particular help you achieve your aim? If you used other materials (such as design elements, titles and subheadings, or one line paragraphs, for example), also explain how you used those to appeal to your audience and achieve your aim
My study is based on some of the previously conducted studies on the effects of drug abuse on the youths. I chose this study so that it could provide some insights on the effects of drugs usage and give some possible solutions to the menace. The materials that I used helped find the possible points of focus for the study and have a sound basis for the study. The usage of titles and subheadings helped give the readers a clear view of the areas of study and guide them on the specific topics that they are covering. As opposed to the prose format that would not make points of focus to be easily identified.
Explain how you worked toward creating a hook, hold, and articulation in your Medium piece. For example, how did you use questions (if you used questions)? If you didn’t use questions, what other way did you try to draw the reader in and try to keep them reading? Highlight and explain what your question/theory/thesis was and how you communicate that question/thesis to your readers
In my work, I used the questions that would draw the reader’s attention. After posing the questions, the solutions are contained in the paper that gives the reader the urge to get the answer to the question that has been posed at the beginning. “What effects would the consistent abuse of drugs cause a youth?”
Explain how you further evolved your theory. How did you try to further show what your data means and how/why it matters to your audience? Note: this is hard, and we didn’t really go over it in class. So give it your best shot and tell me how you gave it your best shot. You will not fail or succeed on this point alone
The data used in the study is a close resemblance of the facts and figures on the actual state of condition. The data gives the audience a true picture of the study and take it as a reality rather than just a theory. It supports the theoretical part of the study.
Highlight places (as in tell me exactly) where you are practicing extending and countering (showing how one source adds to or builds upon the claims of another). How are you using that countering and extending to help build your main idea
The data used in the papers are interrelated as they tend to build onto the other’s idea. The kind of information from an article is reliant on other articles and they strengthen the primary topic of discussion.
Highlight moves you make inside of paragraphs in terms of Given/New, Aligning the Subject, 1 Point 1 Paragraph (as in quote from your paper or explain specific paragraphs and how you are using these methods). How are you using those cohesion methods in terms of building evidence for your claims? In other words, how are you using cohesion so that each paragraph sets up the coming paragraphs and builds a bridge between paragraphs (via transition and topic sentences)
The flow of the paper is kept with the way the ideas are brought and the cohesion in each paragraph is brought out with the hook in the topic sentence of each and every sentence. The topic sentences in the paper are backed up by information from other research papers and the data obtained from other secondary materials I used for research.
Highlight and explain how your conclusion helps readers think about why what you’re saying matters and how it points to the future. Quote specific parts of your conclusion and show me how the language you’re using shows the reader why this subject matters and how, specifically, you are pointing to the future
My conclusion brings the audience to a point of making decision and weighing the positive aspects of getting indulged in drug abuse and the adverse effects as well. The topic is very significant especially when it comes to the rate at which the performance and the active nature of the youths are deteriorating as a result of drug usage. At a point in the future when this issue is not addressed, the youths will be exposed to lots of harm.
Explain to me the labor you did in trying to pay deep attention to language trouble spots. What kinds of revisions did you make as a result of this labor? Did you have friends read your work? Did you go to the writing center? What kind of time did you put into revising?
Language is very key in passing the information especially when you are trying to reach bout on a bigger audience. I had my friends go through the paper to help revise the linguistics in the paper. The revision took some considerable time as the corrections too needed greater attentions to ensure that the intended meaning is reached without altering the information.
Explain what kinds of images, pull-outs, or links you included in your Medium piece and why you included them. How did these help you achieve your aim or to keep the reader interesting, or to appeal to a public audience.
The links that were included in the paper were to help readers get further readings and knowledge from some of the sources that I used to carry out my studies. These helped give the readers a broader understanding of the topic as all and comprehensive information could not be included in the paper. The links also help provide a backup for my paper.
Explain how each paragraph sets up the coming paragraph, AND puts paragraphs in conversation by referring back to previous ideas and claims, helping readers make even clearer connections. In other words, how are you consciously writing in a way that compels the reader to keep reading in order to learn more?
I did my paragraphing considering the maintenance of the flow of information from one paragraph to the other progressively. This helped to build the readers knowledge the more they read. Some of the reality checks and stories give the people a true view of the issue at hand.