OregonState Aviation Board

Meeting Minutes

Feb. 18, 2009Salem, Oregon

Pursuant to notice made by press release to newspapers of general and local circulation throughout the state and mailed to persons on the mailing list of the Committee, a meeting of the Oregon State Aviation Board was held on Feb. 18, 2009,at the Salem Airport Conference Room, Salem, Oregon.

Board Members in attendance included: Board Chair Mark Gardiner, Vice-Chair Chris Corich, Board Members:Steve Beckham, Larry Dalrymple,Nan Garnick, Jack Loacker, and Joe Smith.

Employees in attendance included: ODA Director, Dan Clem; ODA State Airports Manager, Mitch Swecker; ODA Projects Planning Manager, Chris Cummings; ODA Fiscal Manager, Cindy Pease; ODA Fiscal Analyst, Melody Taber; ODA Lease & Contracts Manager, Rita Rogerson; ODA Planning Analyst, Melinda Fahey; ODA Airport Operations Specialists, John Wilson and Tralee Knapp, ODA Director’s Executive Assistant Board Secretary, Renee Stryker.

Presenters and Guests in attendance included: Various Airport Managers;OAMA Members; FAA staff; TSA staff; Umpqua Bank staff; Mead & Hunt staff; DOJ Legal staff; and the general public.


  • Board Chair, Mark Gardinercalled the meeting to order Feb. 18, 2009 at 8:05 a.m.
  • Self introductions were made.

Agenda Adjustment:The Board will not be attending the OTC meeting today at 1 p.m. Agenda item #6; Planning Projects is an “Action Item”.

ACTION ITEM––Approval of meeting minutes for Nov. 12, 2008

Motion to approveby Mark Gardiner

Motion passed unanimously

Public Comments:

Steve of Umpqua Bank: provided information of what the bank is offering in regards to aviation financing and aircraft. In the very near future the bank’s website will have an aviation link providing information.

Mike Ferguson, AOPA(Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association); AOPA is fighting the TSA NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking)on security requirements for aircraft over 12,500 pounds, and are encouraging folks to send in their comments on it.

Board Member Activity:

Steve Beckham:He flew to Wasco to view the wind turbines and stated it really stands out for serious future planning of areas that would involve turbines. The Center for Airways Science met with the RV12 Group, to purchase and donate for the “new generation” of students, an RV12 for a pilot program and have the students build it, in memory of Bob Strickland.

Larry Dalrymple: Attended the OAMA Spring Conference yesterday in Salem. There has been discussion in UnionCounty of inter-county transportation.

Jack Loacker: Nothing to report

Joe Smith:Took a telephone survey of vendors and airport managers at 45 Oregon airports about the new chart policy by NOAA, and the proposed 12,500+pound security rule, which will affect many airports. Some airports will no longer provide charts and some will try to hook-up with others to provide. Many persons are interested in knowing what the affect of the 12,500 pound aircraft rule will be. The results were sent to the survey participants along with a letter from Craig Fuller urging people to submit comments to TSA about the 12-5 Rule. TSA will be at this meeting so the Board will have the opportunity to ask questions.

Chris Corich: Chris acknowledgedJoe Smith for his participation with the Citizen’s Noise Advisory Committee andsupporting the Port of Portland, with regards to the noise from Air National Guard’s F15 “approaches” and their need for practicing.Chris has been working on the PDX Master Plan.

Nan Garnick: Nothing to report

Mark Gardiner:Will brief the Board later in the meeting over various items he has been involved in.


OAP 2007 Update: Explained theOAP handout, on which Mead & Hunt will be putting together an Executive Summary Pamphlet in the next couple of weeks and will distribute to the Board when completed.

Aviation Industries Council: Dan explained to the Board that a letter had been sent out to Oregonaviation related businesses from the AIC committee’s three co-chairs persons asking for recommendations to seek support and relief in the Oregon Avaition Industries.

Mark Gardiner:Mark provided a recap of the AIC meeting and explained persons from the Oregon Business Council and State Economic Developmentwhom had attended concluded there’s not much understanding of the scope of the aviation industries in Oregon or the leadership that is in Oregon. Manufacturers such as Columbia, Cessna, Van’s, who are “the best of the best, globally” have an interest in economic development terms in traded sector industries and jobs. They export, not necessarily internationally but industries that have jobs in Oregon, which ship products out. The response from the committee was very positive.

Outreach ISAS Independence Access Agreements: Rita Rogerson said there are a couple of items still being worked on, one being the resistance of providing N-numbers on based aircrafts and registrations. They are opposed to providing this information. The second item is not wanting to make payments for access of undeveloped lots.

Mulino Update: By the end of this month, the initial transfer documents should be ready for the Port of Portland to transfer ownership on July 1, 2009, to ODA, if approved by the Legislature and the Governor. With the moneys the Port would have paid ODA for 5 years of management, ODA will purchase the remaining 17 private hangars owned by Cougar Development and Dr. Joe Entile.

WascoWindTowers:The FAA has issued a hazard determination delaying PGE’s construction for the last 4 towers on the North side of WascoStateAirport. Mitch flew with another pilot to see what alternatives would have to be made to keep this as a GA airport with at least half of a flight pattern left.

Connect Oregon II Update:There is a couple of million dollars under Connect Oregon I and II that are not being spent, either because something went awry or because money was dependent on some other private investment that did not occur. In the future they will look at, did they create jobs as intended? The rules involved just got tighter. In the future when the Board scores the COIII applicants, they will need to do a more detailed job, to be sure the projects are actually shovel ready. The airport managers who are interested in COIII will be asked to move ahead with designs, so when the time comes they can prove their projects are shovel readyagain,this will be part of the review for COIII applications.

Status of Federal Grants: The agency now has a “closing grant procedure” and Dan will provide a grant spreadsheet to the Board at the next meeting.

Renaming of the ProspectAirport as “Burrill Field” or “Burrill Memorial Field” in memory of Gene Burrill. Mark asked if there is a current policy in place to do this? The Board will discuss at a later date, per Chair Gardiner.

75th Legislative Assembly Aviation Caucus: Dan provided the Board an overview of what was discussed at the recent Aviation Caucus Committee meeting.

Break from 9:30 a.m. to 9:40 a.m.

Current Budget Status & Budget Presentation 2009-11: Dan provided the Board with an overview of current budget, projected ODA budget status, accounts receivable in regards to leases, Through-the-Fence, KPM (Key Performance Measurements), deferred maintenance projects, the water-system at Mulino, and the Aurora airport tower. Through-the-Fence: want to include an additional 3 airports, with a total of six, waiting approval.ODA wants to expand FAM grants and to obtain funding for AWOS at seven airports. Explained revenues and fuel tax, expenditures, capital construction projects.

TSA Aircraft Security Rulemaking –– Mike Irwin, Terry Gehringer

Spoke to the Board and guests on the aircraft security rules and answered questions.

Current OAD House & Senate Bills: Dan provided an overview to the Board of bills and where they currently are.

ODA Current Budget–– Cindy Pease/Dan Clem: explained to the Board the status of the budget for ODA, accounts receivables, expenditures, and liabilities.

State Airports OperationsUpdate –– Mitch Swecker

Mitch gave the group an update what ODA operations are currently working on.

Dan and Nan left at 12:45.

ACTION ITEM,Program Planning Projects –– Chris Cummings:Chris distributed a handout to the Board of ODA’s 2009 Pavement Maintenance Program projects.

Motion read by Chair Gardiner to approve the proposed planning projects

Motion to approve byJoe Smith

Motion was 2nd by Jack Loacker

Motion passed unanimously by those present, Nan Garnick was absent.

Strategic Planning –– Chair Gardiner:Mark would like members to think about what it takes to promote aviation, the aviation industry, what areas of aviation are under-utilized and which areas are over-utilized. He asks members to look ahead to the future of aviation, put together ideas and thoughts of how to continue promoting aviation. He plans to put together ideas and take them to each member to discuss individually.

Public Comments:none

The meeting was adjourned at 12:54 p.m.

The Board went into Executive Session at 1:10 p.m. and ended at 2 p.m.

The next OAB teleconference is scheduled for March 23, 2009,from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

The next OAB meeting will be April 15-16, 2009, in Astoria.

Final Minutes Board Approved Feb. 2009