Oregon National Guard Association

Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday, May 2, 2013


COL (Ret) Roberta Janssen BG Todd Plimpton

Capt Christopher Jenkins LTC (Ret) Marc Snook

LTC Fritz McReynolds Capt Andrea Smothers

COL Kelly Smothers CPT Vo Thanh

Brig Gen Michael Stencel CW5 Terry Swartwout

Capt Dawn Choy Lt Col Joe Harris

CPT Mark Timmons 1LT Matt Worley

1. Welcome by the President – BG Plimpton welcomed members to the meeting.

2. Minute Approval: Meeting was called to order and the April 4, 2013 minutes were reviewed and approved. A motion to accept the minutes was made and a second was given. Motion passed.

3. Financial Update: COL (Ret) Janssen stated she sent out the budget. The Net Income line was moved to line 36 and reflects the net income for each month. We received $1,000 from United Healthcare for their 2013 sponsorship. With the $3500 that was paid by Corporate Partners at the end of 2012 for 2013, we have $37,600 for this year's Corporate Partners and another in kind sponsors for $4775. We are still waiting on Western Shelter to pay for 2013 sponsorship. State Partnership line item was discussed. NIKE is donating $5,000 for this event, but it has not arrived.

4. Membership: The newsletter has been sent out. CPT Vo continues to talk with the 2nd Officers in the Battalions and is trying to engage them on who wants to be more involved. He is working on getting Commanders civilian email addresses. He is willing to go out to Bn staff meetings to give a short briefing on the ORNGA. The Ex Dir sent out an updated list to staff. BG Plimpton indicated he will work with the JFHQ Headquarters during May drill. Col Kessinger has also sent out the list to commands and has encouraged membership in the ORNGA.

5. NGAUS 2013:

a. Awards: LTC Englet's award recommendation has been sent to NGAUS. Col Wedan award is completed and has an endorsement letter for TAG's signature. Senator Wyden's award recommendation is in BG (OR) Caldwell's office.

b. Task Force people: COL Janssen will continue to get people targeted for task force work.

c. Expenses: The Ex Dir should have the budget for NGAUS in greater detail for the next meeting. .

d. Resolutions: LTC Pond was sent another resolution for consideration. MajGen O'Hollaren will ask Col Wedan to submit an emergency resolution. We will need to have these sent by e-mail to the Board members so we can get a vote of the Board before the deadline of 15 May.

e. The Ex Dir was asked to find out what is going on with the multi-state hospitality event.

f. Since we are having the conference in Hawaii, some of the Board thought we should have the Oregon flower (Oregon Grape) for our pin. Marc Snook will work this area. Andrea Sutton will search for items that we can throw at the opening ceremony. She will get it out to the Board and we will vote on it.

6. State Conference - April 26, 2014:

a. The Conference will be at the Riverhouse in Bend. BG Plimpton asked that we

have the President's Reception in with the Corporate Partners like we did this


b. Company Grade officers met to discuss Company Grade Workshop (probably

taking place on Friday at the Bend Armory). CSM Lake was also at the meeting

and wants to look at the possibility of having the Senior Enlisted Workshop at the

same time.

7. Old Business:

a.  Benefits Inc.: COL (Ret) Janssen and LTC (Ret) Woodward (Benefits, Inc Board member) will attend the Insurance meeting May 17-19 in Seattle.

b.  Scholarship Fund: COL Janssen indicated there is currently $32,714.31 in the bank. There was also a $250 donation from a lady in Idaho. However, the Ex Dir received a chargeback from the Bank (fraudulent transaction-no cardholder authorization) and has forwarded the communications that she has had with the donor to the Bank.

8. New Business:

a. Donated Stretchers: Capt Choy stated Skedco donated three medical stretchers which can be used for medical purposes. Her committee is looking into Community Colleges that teach emergency medical training. She will report back the results when they have them.

b. Request for funds: LtCol Harris has forwarded a request for funds ($300) from Col Fitzgerald for a luncheon with the Port of Portland to celebrate the signing of the PANG lease. The question was asked if the 142 FW had significant membership in the ORNGA. Due to the low membership this year, the ORNGA does not have the funds to support this request, unless membership participation makes a drastic increase by June 2013.

9. Next Meeting: The next meeting for June will be held on May 30th at 5:30 PM at the ARC. Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.