Algebra 1

Tracey Rosemeyer


Phone: 835-1303


Ms. Rosemeyer’s Daily Schedule

1st hour / Math Resource in 1021
2nd hour / Algebra 2
3rd hour / Math Resource in 1029
4th hour / Algebra 1
5th hour / Prep
6th hour / Lunch
7th hour / Algebra 1
8th hour / Algebra 2
9th hour / Algebra 2
Materials for class
  • Binder/Folder
  • Pencil/Eraser
  • Scientific Calculator
Course Web Page:
§ Course calendar & assignments.
§ Class notes
§ Answer keys
§ Links to video tutorials
§ Links to other resources and games
To get to Ms Rosemeyer’s web page:
1.  Go the OSD Webpage:
2.  Select staff directory from left
3.  Type in Rosemeyer
4.  Choose the link for my school website.
Absences/Late Work: Staying caught up is the best way to be ready to learn each day. If you miss class or have fallen behind use the calendar and the web page to update your notes and complete the homework
Math Resource Room:
·  The math resource room is available and staffed every hour of the day in room 523. Sign in during your study hall for extra help, for a quiet place to work on math, and to work on retakes.
·  Students may be assigned to attend resource if their grade drops of if they need to complete assessments or retakes. / Grading: Your semester grade will be composed of:
10% - Homework and Quizzes
70% - Chapter Tests and Projects
20% - Final Exam
Grading Policies:
A.  Homework: Expect an assignment on most days.
§  The homework is critical to mastering the concepts of the course. Late work will be accepted for full points but falling behind is stressful!
B.  Quizzes: In-class and take-home quizzes:
§  There will be two quizzes per chapter.
§  The mid-chapter quiz will be graded and returned to give you feedback on your progress in that unit.
§  The qualifier quiz at the end of each chapter will give students immediate feedback on their readiness for the unit assessment.
C.  Tests
§  Tests will be given at the end of every unit.
§  Proficiency on qualifier quiz and the complete qualifier review homework required prior to testing.
§  Students must demonstrate proficiency on all chapter tests to earn credit for the course. This also will demonstrate proficiency in the Common Core Standards adopted by the state of Wisconsin.
§  Anyone may retake any chapter test (see retake policy) to increase their level of mastery.
D.  Final Semester Test
§  20% of semester grade.
§  Covers all material from the current semester.
§  5x7 note card allowed
Learning Teams: Algebra classes are structured in a learning team format. Students work in small groups to explore algebra concepts and problem solve. We feel strongly that this collaborative environment promotes deep and a thorough understanding .
What if I’m struggling with the homework or with Algebra in general?
§  Use your notes , video tutorials on the web page, and consider checking out a textbook for additional examples and practice problems
§  Come get help before school, during my prep hours, or after school. 10 or 15 minutes might be all we need to answer your questions.
§  Come talk to me so we can figure out some strategies you can use to make Algebra easier!
My number one goal is to help you be successful in Algebra 1. / Reassessment and Retake Policy: You will need to prepare to the best of your ability for each assessment. We understand that mastery of a concept or skill may not happen right away. If you want to improve your level of mastery and your test score, a reassessment is available. The Algebra staff will be following the OHS grading expectation guidelines for reassessments:
Ø  Students will complete test corrections and additional work as needed to demonstrate that they are prepared to take the assessment.
Ø  Reassessments will be completed before school, after school, or during a student’s study hall. Students must make arrangements ahead of time.
Ø  Retake opportunities are not available for semester exams.
Learning Skills: In an effort to be consistent the algebra teaching staff has determined the following criteria for determining a student’s learning skills mark each quarter. These grades determine if a student is eligible for RAP study hall.
Consistently: Misses this expectation 0 - 3 times
Sometimes Misses this expectation 4 - 7
Rarely: More than 7 incidents
Using these guidelines teachers will report quarterly on the following learning skills.
i.  Consistently completes class assignments and homework in a timely fashion. At OHS this means a student:
  completes assignments on time
  is prepared for class
  makes up work in a timely manner
ii. Cooperates well with students and staff. At OHS this means a student:
  approaches school work with a positive disposition
  follows the rules and directions of the teacher and school
iii.  Student is actively engaged in classroom learning. At OHS this means a student:
  is on time to class
  is attentive and produces quality work
  initiates contact for extra help when needed
  participates constructively in class activities

Parents and Guardians:

I am looking forward to working with your student this year! If you have any questions or concerns throughout the school year, please do not hesitate to contact me! Please take a few moments to review this syllabus with your student to be sure they understand the expectations of the course.

Mrs. Tracey Rosemeyer
