Oregon Department of EducationTitle I A Carryover Waiver Request Form

Susan Castillo, Superintendent of Public Instruction

TitleIACarryover Waiver Request

Carryover for Fiscal Year July 1, 2004-September 30, 2005

Carryover provides districts with an opportunity to spend TitleIA funds approved for one project year in a subsequent year. Districts have authority to carry over up to 15% of their allocation to September 30 of the next school year. (Districts that receive less that $50,000 in Title I funds are not subject to a carryover limitation.)

District may request a waiver from the 15% limitation once every three years.


  • Waiver requests must be made in writing to the ODE Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation (EII) on district letterhead.
  • Contact the EII Office to determine the specific staff member the waiver should be submitted to.
  • The letter should indicate the amount or estimated amount of carryover, the percentage in relation to the original grant, a brief explanation of the factor(s) contributing to the carryover and a brief statement of how the funds will be used in the subsequent year.
  • Provide any evidence necessary to document that the request as reasonable and necessary.
  • In addition a waiver form must accompany the letter. The waiver form is located at the following link:

With the exception of reserves for Neglected or Delinquent programs, carryover funds resulting from less than expected expenditures in district reserves (e.g. parent involvement, homeless) may be redistributed for other purposes in the subsequent year.

Districts are advised to use carryover funds as early as possible.



Submit to:School District


Oregon Department of EducationMailing Address

Office of EII – Support To DistrictsZip

255 Capitol Street NEContact Person

Salem, OR97310Telephone () -

Carry over for Fiscal Year: July 1,2004 to September 30, 2005
Requirement to be waived:
Title I excess carryover, specified in Section 1127 of the “No Child Left Behind Act”. This waiver to allow a carryover of funds greater than 15% of the Title I allocation can be exercised once every three (3) years.
Total Allocation $
Total percent of carryover
% Amount of Carryover $
Waiver request on district letterhead is attached citing reason and need for the waiver. Necessary information is provided to demonstrate request is reasonable and necessary.

District Signatures: Printed Name:

District LEA Representative
District Superintendent
Denied / ODE Authorized Signature: