Conducting Club Elections


The club elections will be conducted in the following manner:

1)Call for the report from the nominating committee

2)Elections will be conducted one office at a time starting with President and ending with Sergeant at Arms

3)Ask for additional nominations for the office of President

4)Ask for a second for the nomination

5)Ask the nominee if he/she accepts the nomination

6)Entertain a motion to close the nominations.

7)Ask for a second to the motion

8)Restate the motion and call for the vote.

  • All in favor, say aye
  • All opposed, say nay

9)If there are 2 or more candidates for an office:

  • Each candidate will have 2 minutes to give a campaign speech. The speeches will be given in alphabetical order.
  • Instruct everyone to cast a ballot.
  • Ask the ballot counters to collect the ballots.
  • Announce the results of the vote.

10)If there is only one candidate for an office:

  • Entertain a motion that the Secretary cast a single ballot on behalf of the candidate.
  • Ask for a second to the motion.
  • Restate the motion and call for the vote.
  • All in favor, say aye
  • All opposed, say nay
  • Announce the results of the vote

11)Repeat steps 3-11 for the next office. Continue until all officers are elected.



You will need to change all the (names) before using this script for your club election.

This script describes how to start the elections and step-by-step how to conduct the elections.

Today we are electing the officers that will lead us during the next year.

To present the report of the nominating committee is the chairman (Paula Tunison)

(Chairman presents the committee report)

Thank-you, Madam Chairman.

The elections are conducted starting with the office of President and concluding with the office of Sergeant at Arms. For each office I will ask for additional nominations. Each nomination must have a second. To close the nominations for an office I will entertain a motion to close the nominations. Once the nominations are closed, if there are 2 or more candidates for an office, each candidate will have 2 minutes to present a campaign speech. After the speeches for an office are completed, I will ask everyone to complete their ballot. Nominations for the next office will not begin until the results are announced for the current office.

If there is one nominee for an office I will entertain a motion for the Secretary to cast one ballot for the candidate. This motion will need a second and must be voted on by the membership.

For the office of President, (Don Brown) has been nominated.

Are there any other nominations?

If a person wishes o make a nomination:

The chair recognizes (fill in name)

Is there a second?

(Address the person who was nominated) Do you accept the


Are there any other nominations?

Hearing none, the chair entertains a motion to close nominations for President.

Is there a second? (this is not necessary if it has already been seconded)

It has been moved and seconded to close nominations for the office of President.

All in favor say AYE.

All opposed say NAY

The motion carries.

The candidates will speak in alphabetical order and will have 2 minutes to deliver a campaign speech.

Call the first candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Call the second candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Continue until all candidates have spoken

Cast your vote for (announce names of the candidates) for President.

Please collect the ballots.

Announce the results when they are brought in. You CANNOT continue with the elections until the results are announced.

(name of candidate 1) has ___ votes

(name of candidate 2) has ___ votes

(name of candidate with most votes) is declared the winner

If there are more than 2 candidates:

If a candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, he/she is declared the winner

If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, drop the candidate with the fewest number of votes and ask the membership to vote for the remaining candidates.

If there is only one candidate:

The chair entertains a motion for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Don Brown) for President.

Is there a second?

It has been moved and seconded for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Don Brown) for President.

The motion carries. (Don Brown) is our new President.

For the office of Vice-President Education, (Jeff Johannigman) has been nominated.

Are there any other nominations?

If a person wishes o make a nomination:

The chair recognizes (fill in name)

Is there a second?

(Address the person who was nominated) Do you accept the


Are there any other nominations?

Hearing none, the chair entertains a motion to close nominations for Vice-President Education.

Is there a second? (this is not necessary if it has already been seconded)

It has been moved and seconded to close nominations for the office of Vice-President Education.

All in favor say AYE.

All opposed say NAY

The motion carries.

The candidates will speak in alphabetical order and will have 2 minutes to deliver a campaign speech.

Call the first candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Call the second candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Continue until all candidates have spoken

Cast your vote for (announce names of the candidates) for Vice-President Education.

Please collect the ballots.

Announce the results when they are brought in. You CANNOT continue with the elections until the results are announced.

(name of candidate 1) has ___ votes

(name of candidate 2) has ___ votes

(name of candidate with most votes) is declared the winner

If there are more than 2 candidates:

If a candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, he/she is declared the winner

If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, drop the candidate with the fewest number of votes and ask the membership to vote for the remaining candidates.

If there is only one candidate:

The chair entertains a motion for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Jeff Johannigman) for Vice-President Education.

Is there a second?

It has been moved and seconded for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Jeff Johannigman) for Vice-President Education.

The motion carries. (Jeff Johannigman) is our new Vice-President Education.

For the office of Vice-President Membership, (Jonathan Leistiko) has been nominated.

Are there any other nominations?

If a person wishes o make a nomination:

The chair recognizes (fill in name)

Is there a second?

(Address the person who was nominated) Do you accept the


Are there any other nominations?

Hearing none, the chair entertains a motion to close nominations for Vice-President Membership.

Is there a second? (this is not necessary if it has already been seconded)

It has been moved and seconded to close nominations for the office of Vice-President Membership.

All in favor say AYE.

All opposed say NAY

The motion carries.

The candidates will speak in alphabetical order and will have 2 minutes to deliver a campaign speech.

Call the first candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Call the second candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Continue until all candidates have spoken

Cast your vote for (announce names of the candidates) for Vice-President Membership.

Please collect the ballots.

Announce the results when they are brought in. You CANNOT continue with the elections until the results are announced.

(name of candidate 1) has ___ votes

(name of candidate 2) has ___ votes

(name of candidate with most votes) is declared the winner

If there are more than 2 candidates:

If a candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, he/she is declared the winner

If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, drop the candidate with the fewest number of votes and ask the membership to vote for the remaining candidates.

If there is only one candidate:

The chair entertains a motion for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Jonathan Leistiko) for Vice-President Membership.

Is there a second?

It has been moved and seconded for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Jonathan Leistiko) for Vice-President Membership.

The motion carries. (Jonathan Leistiko) is our new Vice-President Membership.

For the office of Vice-President Public Relations, (Steven Sigrest) has been nominated.

Are there any other nominations?

If a person wishes o make a nomination:

The chair recognizes (fill in name)

Is there a second?

(Address the person who was nominated) Do you accept the


Are there any other nominations?

Hearing none, the chair entertains a motion to close nominations for Vice-President Public Relations.

Is there a second? (this is not necessary if it has already been seconded)

It has been moved and seconded to close nominations for the office of Vice-President Public Relations.

All in favor say AYE.

All opposed say NAY

The motion carries.

The candidates will speak in alphabetical order and will have 2 minutes to deliver a campaign speech.

Call the first candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Call the second candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Continue until all candidates have spoken

Cast your vote for (announce names of the candidates) for Vice-President Public Relations.

Please collect the ballots.

Announce the results when they are brought in. You CANNOT continue with the elections until the results are announced.

(name of candidate 1) has ___ votes

(name of candidate 2) has ___ votes

(name of candidate with most votes) is declared the winner

If there are more than 2 candidates:

If a candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, he/she is declared the winner

If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, drop the candidate with the fewest number of votes and ask the membership to vote for the remaining candidates.

If there is only one candidate:

The chair entertains a motion for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Steven Sigrest) for Vice-President Public Relations.

Is there a second?

It has been moved and seconded for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Steven Sigrest) for Vice-President Public Relations.

The motion carries. (Steven Sigrest) is our new Vice-President Public Relations.

For the office of Secretary, (Debi Sigrest) has been nominated.

Are there any other nominations?

If a person wishes o make a nomination:

The chair recognizes (fill in name)

Is there a second?

(Address the person who was nominated) Do you accept the


Are there any other nominations?

Hearing none, the chair entertains a motion to close nominations for Secretary.

Is there a second? (this is not necessary if it has already been seconded)

It has been moved and seconded to close nominations for the office of Secretary.

All in favor say AYE.

All opposed say NAY

The motion carries.

The candidates will speak in alphabetical order and will have 2 minutes to deliver a campaign speech.

Call the first candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Call the second candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Continue until all candidates have spoken

Cast your vote for (announce names of the candidates) for Secretary.

Please collect the ballots.

Announce the results when they are brought in. You CANNOT continue with the elections until the results are announced.

(name of candidate 1) has ___ votes

(name of candidate 2) has ___ votes

(name of candidate with most votes) is declared the winner

If there are more than 2 candidates:

If a candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, he/she is declared the winner

If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, drop the candidate with the fewest number of votes and ask the membership to vote for the remaining candidates.

If there is only one candidate:

The chair entertains a motion for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Debi Sigrest) for Secretary.

Is there a second?

It has been moved and seconded for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Debi Sigrest) for Secretary.

The motion carries. (Debi Sigrest) is our new Secretary.

For the office of Treasurer, (Lark Doley) has been nominated.

Are there any other nominations?

If a person wishes o make a nomination:

The chair recognizes (fill in name)

Is there a second?

(Address the person who was nominated) Do you accept the


Are there any other nominations?

Hearing none, the chair entertains a motion to close nominations for Treasurer.

Is there a second? (this is not necessary if it has already been seconded)

It has been moved and seconded to close nominations for the office of Treasurer.

All in favor say AYE.

All opposed say NAY

The motion carries.

The candidates will speak in alphabetical order and will have 2 minutes to deliver a campaign speech.

Call the first candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Call the second candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Continue until all candidates have spoken

Cast your vote for (announce names of the candidates) for Treasurer.

Please collect the ballots.

Announce the results when they are brought in. You CANNOT continue with the elections until the results are announced.

(name of candidate 1) has ___ votes

(name of candidate 2) has ___ votes

(name of candidate with most votes) is declared the winner

If there are more than 2 candidates:

If a candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, he/she is declared the winner

If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, drop the candidate with the fewest number of votes and ask the membership to vote for the remaining candidates.

If there is only one candidate:

The chair entertains a motion for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Lark Doley) for Treasurer.

Is there a second?

It has been moved and seconded for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Lark Doley) for Treasurer.

The motion carries. (Lark Doley) is our new Treasurer.

For the office of Sergeant at Arms, (Paula Tunison) has been nominated.

Are there any other nominations?

If a person wishes o make a nomination:

The chair recognizes (fill in name)

Is there a second?

(Address the person who was nominated) Do you accept the


Are there any other nominations?

Hearing none, the chair entertains a motion to close nominations for Sergeant at Arms.

Is there a second? (this is not necessary if it has already been seconded)

It has been moved and seconded to close nominations for the office of Sergeant at Arms.

All in favor say AYE.

All opposed say NAY

The motion carries.

The candidates will speak in alphabetical order and will have 2 minutes to deliver a campaign speech.

Call the first candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Call the second candidate forward to give a campaign speech.

Continue until all candidates have spoken

Cast your vote for (announce names of the candidates) for Sergeant at Arms.

Please collect the ballots.

Announce the results when they are brought in. You CANNOT continue with the elections until the results are announced.

(name of candidate 1) has ___ votes

(name of candidate 2) has ___ votes

(name of candidate with most votes) is declared the winner

If there are more than 2 candidates:

If a candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, he/she is declared the winner

If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, drop the candidate with the fewest number of votes and ask the membership to vote for the remaining candidates.

If there is only one candidate:

The chair entertains a motion for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Paula Tunison) for Sergeant at Arms.

Is there a second?

It has been moved and seconded for the Secretary to cast one ballot for (Paula Tunison) for Sergeant at Arms.

The motion carries. (Paula Tunison) is our new Sergeant at Arms.

Our club Officers for 2003-2004 are:

President:(Don Brown)

VP Education: (Jeff Johannigman)

VP Membership:(Jonathan Leistiko)

VP Public Relations: (Steven Sigrest)

Secretary:(Debi Sigrest)

Treasurer:(Lark Doley)

Sergeant at Arms: (Paula Tunison)