Ordinance: 12-07 Repeal of architectural review committee ordinance; adoption of 2007 Architectural Review Board ordinance.

The architectural review committee Ordinance of the City of Pine Lake, Georgia, contained in Municode (Sec. 54-20), is hereby repealed; and the following Architectural Review Board ordinance is hereby adopted and enacted in lieu thereof.

architectural Review board.

The city of Pine Lake hereby forms an Architectural Review Board (ARB) to review construction plans submitted for both residential and commercial/professional development and redevelopment and to review building and signage guidelines and ordinances.

The city will not grant a residential building permit until the ARB has provided advice & consent on all permits for new homes or permits for additions that are either greater than 200 square feet or alter the street elevation of the property greater than 25% of the visible elevation area as measurable from submitted plans.

The city will not grant a commercial/professional permit until the ARB has provided advice & consent on all permits for new commercial construction or permits for redevelopment and the business owner and/or property developer has scheduled and attended a meeting with authorized members of the ARB and City administration.

The administration will notify the ARB chair and the ARB Secretary within three business days of the receipt of a permit that requires review.

The ARB chair and secretary shall hold meetings of its board for the purposes of reviewing a permit applications and other business twice a month.Decision made by ARB may be appealed to council following the variance procedures.

Section one. Purpose.The ARB will assist both the City Council and city residents in creating and implementing a standard (guideline) to achieve quality in architectural design and to protect the unique environment of Pine Lake; the ARB will assist the council and residents in determining and implementing a vision for the city’s built and natural environment; the ARB will provide standards for developers on projects that include two or more homes adjacent to one another.

(1) Revisions to current code: The ARB will provide recommended revisions to current land development regulations to better assure that residential and commercial development will be undertaken in a manner that: (i) has minimal negative impact on the city’s existing traffic infrastructure, floodplains lake and wetlands; and (ii) provides protection to community from the increases in storm water runoff caused by construction of impervious cover; and (iii) provides meaningful protection of the communities trees and other natural resources and (iv) provides a methodology for new development to provide public facilities (such as parkland) proportional to the new development’s impact on such public facilities.

(2)Development Guidelines: recommend development guidelines that include, but are not limited to, protecting significant features of the natural environment, providing community open space, encouraging variety of housing types, encourage infill development and specify architectural standards and streetscape standards , including location of ingress and egress during construction and parking of construction vehicles; and planned traffic ingress and egress after building completion.

(3) Guidance for multiple housing developments: review, evaluate, and advise developers on the appearance of developments that involve two or more homes that are built adjacent to one another to ensure that they each have a uniqueness that does not disrupt the eclectic housing outlook of the community.

Section two. Composition.Members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council and shall include two City Council members, and five (5) at-large community representatives who represent a diversity of expertise, skills, and viewpoints. Qualified candidates must be willing to devote a substantial amount of time and energy toward shaping the future of Pine Lake. The mayor shall appoint a chair for the first meeting. The Board shall elect its chair, vice chair and secretary from among its members with staggered terms of service.

Section three. Duties.The Architectural Review Board shall meet no less than once per month with the purpose of achieving the objectives set out in section one of this ordinance.

Section four. Meetings. The date and time of meetings shall be established at the first meeting. The frequency of the meetings may vary according to the phases of the planning process. All committee meetings will be open work sessions. A quorum shall be necessary to conduct business. Meetings to review permit applications will be called upon receipt of a review request and may be conducted with as few as two members. Since property owners have the right to a fair and speedy review of their plans, in the absence of an ARB review, the Director of Administration and the mayor shall conduct an emergency review.

Section five. Attendance. Regular attendance at meetings is necessary to maintain momentum and create a productive environment. Members of the board shall attend all meetings of the Board. Failure to attend two meetings in succession shall be sufficient cause for removal of the member by the City Council. Members should attend as many public meetings and workshops as possible. Members of the board shall read all appropriate materials and arrive prepared to work.

First Reading October 8, 2007. APPROVED and ADOPTED this day, the 12th day of November 2007 to be effective immediately.


Greg Zarus, Mayor


Kathie deNobriga, Mayor Pro Tem

Attest: I hereby certify that the

foregoing is a true and accurate

copy of Ordinance 12-07 .


Elisabeth Shields, Councilmember


______Deborah Dunbar Councilmember

Edie Warwick

City Clerk


Brent Walker, Councilmember


Melanie Hammet, Councilmember