
General MeetingWednesday 16thDecember2015

Haven, 6pm

Items carried over from November meeting

  1. Sam Dawson to be invited to speak about the project management issues with Terragon Project. Action Item – Claire to invite Sam to November meeting.Carried over to the next meeting.
  2. Mid Oxley Project – Hamish is happy to review the current arrangements for Project Management. Claire and Hamish to liaise on this.Carried over to next meeting
  3. Landcare Co-ordinator position –Action item: Hamish to circulate to committee a list of possible tasks for this for committee consideration.To be carried over to next meeting.
  4. Landcare Officer work plan – Hamish, Chris and Fran to meet with Jude re setting tasks –draft of position prepared by Jude – to be confirmed by committee. To be carried over to next meeting.

Action Items from November meeting

  1. Break down of interest earned on all projects. Action: Chris to provide at next meeting.
  2. Acknowledgment needs to be sent to new members along with current newsletter. Action: Marion to review process and advise on next meeting.
  3. New Landcare Co-ordinator Position - Action: Hamish to prepare article for newsletter announcing Amelia in position for February newsletter.
  4. Update on Upgrade of MYOB to assist with bookkeeping – Chris
  5. Website – access, communications, membership, storage of files and email clearing, general responsibility for TLI site including minutes onto Website.
  6. Action: Chris and Hamish to approach Jude to see how job description fits to take in responsibility to maintain website.
  7. Info@Tweedlandcare email needs to be activated. Action: Michael to review this as matter of urgency. Hamish to send info re the email address that he had to Michael.
  8. Action: Chris to talk to John Hillcoat re possibility of creation of separate page for committee members and report back next meeting.
  9. Action item: Fran to send email to both Mark and BRS to sign contract and return invoice for first payment. On receipt of invoice – Fran to forward to Chris for payment.
  10. Promotion of TLI to public at various events including new brochure, banners, membership forms etc. Action item: Jude & Chris to present ideas at next meeting for consideration.

Correspondence In

  • Copy of Submission of State wide review of NSW Pest Animal Management Issues Paper by North East Pest Animal Advisory Committee (NEPAAC) for comment
  • Email from Kim Wolfenden, Regional Landcare Facilitator, North Coast Regional Landcare Network re quote to host workshops across the north coast Landcare network on organics to be run by Organic Federation of Australia
  • Return of contract for ET corridors project + copy of personal accident and public liability insurance + invoice for first payment from Mark Evans.
  • Applications for organisational & individual membership to Northern Rivers Fire and Biodiversity Consortium (NRFABCON) + agenda for upcoming AGM on 2/12/2015 in Woodburn + info on what NRFABCON are about
  • Email from Kim Wolfenden – North Coast Landcare Facilitator asking if any Networks interested in hosting pest animal workshops/training days as a part of their Sustainable Ag Grant Application. The training is in the field and very much hands on.
  • Returned contract and invoice for $3,960for Stage 7 of the Terragon Biodiversity Fund project covering the period to 31 December 2015 sent by Ian Walker
  • Returned contract and invoice for $3,960 for Stage 7 of the Terragon Biodiversity Fund project covering the period to 31 December 2015 sent by Adam Heggie
  • Invoice from Jude Mason for $2,400 for the month of November for Landcare Officer work
  • Email from Eli Szandala re opportunity to register for Understanding Our Soils project to be run over a series of workshops and field days in 2016/17
  • Landholder Agreement for Mid Oxley returned by James McKenzie
  • Invoice from NCRLN for $27.50 representing additional money owing on annual membership fee (up from $50 + GST to $75 +GST)
  • Acknowledgment of receipt of Tweed Landcare Sustainable Agriculture SGR 2015-16
  • Confirmation of purchase and monthly direct debit for MYOB Essentials software
  • Media release from TSC re coloured roadside markers help protect native vegetation
  • Proposal for shared council land at the end of Murwillumbah St – Jock Mackenzie – see attached proposal.
  • Invoice from WES for $4356 for work done on Caroline Rifello's property as part of the Terragon Environmental Trust Project for the period from 01/07/2015 to 30/12/2015
  • Revised Project Management Contract_Filling the Gaps ET_2015-16 – from Claire Masters

Correspondence Out

  • BRS Contract ET Corridors project 2015-16 sent to Rhonda James
  • Contract ET Corridors project 2015-16 sent to Mark Evans
  • Email confirming location and date of December meeting to Nicky Lawson – Stroud Homes
  • Invoice to North Coast Regional Landcare Network for $308 for attendance of Hamish Brace to Biological Farming Conference
  • Response back to Kim Wolfenden confirming TLI interest in hosting workshop.
  • Contract for Stage 7 of the Terragon Biodiversity Fund project covering the period to 31 December 2015 sent to Ian Walker
  • Submission of Tweed Landcare's application for the National Landcare Program Sustainable Agriculture Small Grants Round 2015-16
  • Email from Kim Wolfenden – North Coast Landcare Facilitator re LLS questions around Landcare's WH&S capacity with survey link
  • Contracts to Adam Heggie Ian Walker for Stage 7 of the Terragon Biodiversity Fund project covering the period to 31 December 2015.
  • Contract to Eddie Roberts for Stage 5 of the Terragon Biodiversity Fund project covering the period to 31 December 2015
  • Email from Hamish Brace to Bernard from Dung beetle Solutions asking for supply of 8 units of deep tunnelling dung beetles for a Nov 2016 release.

Business arising from Correspondence

  1. Applications for organisational & individual membership to Northern Rivers Fire and Biodiversity Consortium (NRFABCON) + agenda for upcoming AGM on 2/12/2015 in Woodburn + info on what NRFABCON are about
  2. LLS questions around Landcare's WH&S capacity with survey link
  3. Proposal for shared council land at the end of Murwillumbah St – Jock Mackenzie – see attached proposal.

General Business

  1. Presentation by Nicky Lawson of Stroud Homes
  2. Native wildlife education group" (starting on Tweed Coast) - Marion Riordan
  3. Revised TLI membership form – recommendation for sub committee to be formed to work on some ideas for presentation to a meeting in the first quarter of 2016 – Jude & Fran.
  4. Sustainable Agriculture Strategy – Eli Szandala
  5. Update on Tweed River Committee – Claire
  6. Potential format including guest speakers for future meetings – Fran & Chris
  7. Next meeting date – do we have a meeting in January?

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