Orders & Observations Conference Call

5 May 2016

+1 770 657 9270, Passcode: 398652#


Name / Organization
1 / Patrick Loyd / iCode Solutions
2 / Andrea Pitkus / IMO
3 / Lorraine Constable / Constable Consulting
4 / Jonathan Harber
5 / Bob Yencha / RTY LLC
6 / Kathy Walsh / LabCorp
7 / Margaret Dittloff
8 / Freida Hall / Quest Diagnostics
9 / Cindy Johns / LabCorp
10 / Diego Lopez
11 / Riki Merrick / Vernetzt, LLC
12 / Ron van Duyne / CDC
13 / Jose Teixera

Co-Chair: Patrick Loyd

Scribe: Lorraine Constable, Riki Merrick

·  Agenda Review

·  Meeting Minutes

o  Apr 28 – Motion to approve as corrected:

§  Riki Merrick, Cindy Johns, no further discussion, against: 0, abstain: 2, in favor: 10

·  OO WGM Agenda May 2016

o  Lorraine not available Mon Q2

o  Monday Q3 and Q4 is workflow – add as note

o  Tues Q4 – no meeting – PC hosting OO – Patrick will let Lynn know

o  Thu Q1 will just be an update -> working session Tues Q2 in SOA for Order Service project

o  Create a dial in for Friday Q1, since Frieda cannot attend

o  WGM Meeting tracker item prioritization/sequence

§  Balloters

§  Clem McDonald

§  Corey Spears

§  Emma Jones

§  Eric Haas

§  Hans Buitendijk

§  Ioana Singureanu

§  James Agnew

§  Lloyd McKenzie

§  Michelle Miller

§  Riki Merrick

§  Sean Moore

§  Tom Oniki

§  Line Items

§  8941change ReferenceRage.meaning to 0..* (Riki Merrick) Considered for Future Use

§  9038Culture (James Agnew)

§  9187flatten out Diagnostic Order, move specimen collection to ProcedureRequest (Eric Haas)

§  9375Remove invariant from Observation.component.code (Michelle Miller)MondayQ2 andWednesdayQ1

§  9671DiagnosticReport - add support for linking reports together (Michelle Miller)MondayQ2 andWednesdayQ1

§  9774Create required core profile for Vital Sign (Eric Haas)In PersonMondayQ2 andWednesdayQ1

§  9857change Observation.category from Example to Extensible (Eric Haas)MondayQ2 andWednesdayQ1

§  9859combine DiagnostReport.conclusion and DiagnostReport.codeDiagnosis (Eric Haas)

§  9880element for indicated who or what changes the status (Hans Buitendijk)MondayQ2

§  72502015May core #310 - Body site should be a code, not a type or resource (Clem McDonald)In PersonNot Persuasive

§  73422015May core #532 - There should be at least 2 types of body sites indicated. targetBodySite and approachBody site (Corey Spears) Not Persuasive

§  74752015May core #770 - Complext structure or data type needed for BodySite (not resource) (Tom Oniki) Not Persuasive

§  75772015May core #868 - Recommend changing this to a "common structure" that could be used for Condition.site, etc. (Ioana Singureanu) Not Persuasive

§  9206DiagnosticReport element to include textual narrative of the diagnostic assessment (Sean Moore) Not Persuasive

§  9433Observation.issued and DiagnosticReport.issued (Hans Buitendijk) Not PersuasiveMondayQ2

§  9543Multieple Observation Categories (Hans Buitendijk) Not PersuasiveMondayQ2

§  8936DiagnosticReport.performer Definition (Hans Buitendijk)In PersonNot Persuasive with ModMondayQ2

§  9290Add warning text to Observation.component (Eric Haas) Persuasive

§  9663Specimen should have link to DiagnosticRequest (Lloyd McKenzie) Persuasive Wednesday Q2

§  9676Add Observation.component.interpretation (Michelle Miller) Persuasive with ModMondayQ2 andWednesdayQ1

§  9852Add timing atttributes to DiagnosticOrder (Hans Buitendijk) Persuasive with Mod MondayQ2

·  Ballot Update

o  Nutrition Order DAM – will review the dispositions on Tuesday Q1 – passed already by 1 vote

·  Project Updates

o  UDI – has been stalled last few weeks – missed content deadline for last ballot, so will now complete material and request peer review prior to the ballot – leadership meeting was held last week – schedule for next meetings as well as should be published by end of this week


§  EDOS has a few DSTU comments to review – version that is posted is not the final version that was submitted. Freida and Bob working on it

§  EHR-S FR has beenwas approved for publications last week by TSC

·  FHIR – Eric is not on, so postponed till WGM

No OO on FHIR call today

·  Other?

Call adjourned 1:31 PM EST