PUBLIC COMMENT (one half hour – 5 minutes per person)
New Business
Executive Session – Council met in Executive Session on Tuesday September 9, 2014 at 6:30 PM to discuss pending litigation with the Bryan Hills, John Cizmarik and Aaron Ockimey matter.
Department of Community and Economic Development – Early Intervention Program – Marita Kelley, Local Government Policy Manager presented the Early Intervention Program to the Borough of Colwyn at the Committee Workshop meeting held on September 4, 2014. Application to the program will be extremely beneficial to the Borough of Colwyn. It is also highly recommended that the Borough demonstrate the initiative to make application to the program prior to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania mandating alternative action to correct prior actions that led to the financial distress of the community. The guidelines for participation in the program are attached as well as Resolution 2014-16 which authorizes the Borough manager to make application to the program.
- Motion to approve Resolution 2014-16 authorizing participation and application to the Early Intervention Program.
RCN Cable Franchise – The RCN Cable Franchise has expired. The renewal is for ten (10) years from the date of acceptance with an additional five (5) year extension. Proposed Ordinance will be submitted after review.
- Motion to advertise an Ordinance Notice for the RCN Cable Franchise renewal for adoption at the Colwyn Borough Council regular meeting to be held on October 9, 2014.
Minimum Municipal Obligation (MMO’s) 2015 Budget – The Financial Requirement and Minimum Municipal Obligation for the Borough of Colwyn’s Police Pension Plan and Non-Uniformed Pension Plan report must be submitted to Council by September 30, 2014. Borough Council must elect and certify the amounts that will be paid. Colwyn Borough has escalated to distress level 3. There is a choice of three (3) different options (low, middle and high) that Council must choose to pay. Line 10 which is the Minimum Municipal Obligation; Line 12 which is the least amount – the Minimum Municipal Obligation minus the reduction from Act 44 which reduces the amount by a 25% amortization and Line 13 which reflects an additional amount to contribute to stabilize the plan. It is strongly recommended that Line 13 is selected so that the Pension Plans can try to be actuarially sound. The reports are attached.
- Motion to approve Resolution 2014-17 – Chief Administrative Officer of the Pension Plans and elect and utilize Line 13 of the 2015 Financial Requirement and Minimum Municipal Obligation Budget for 2015. $109,010.00 for the Police Pension Plan and $18,488.00 for the Non-Uniform Pension Plan.
Colwyn Comets – Lease Renewal
- Motion to renew the Lease between Colwyn Comets and the Borough of Colwyn for the price of $1.00 per year for five (5) years.
2014-2015 Crossing Guards – In an emergency situation where various street corners were not covered for the 2014-2015 school year, Mayor Blue exercised his authority to temporarily appoint applicants in the vacant positions. All appointees are Colwyn residents.
- Motion to sustain the action of Mayor Blue’s special appointments and hire the following crossing guards: Carol Brink, Margaret Katalinas, Shakir Blackmon, Antionette King, Kyle Jackson and Katie Hamilton at $9.35 per hour.
Engineers Report -
3rd & Chestnut – Sinkhole – Repair quotes were sought from the following contractors:
- Progressive Pipeline Management, LLC
- Tri-State Grouting
- All State Power VAC
- S.W.E.R.P., Inc.
Only one quote was received – S.W.E.R.P., Inc. responded with a price of $11,250.00 for 250 linear foot of 8” C.I.P.P.
- Motion to award 3rd & Chestnut Street sewer repair contract to S.W.E.R.P. Inc., of Bristol PA in the amount of $11,250.00
Water Street – William Penn School District Bus Depot – Delinquent Sewer fees - WPSD has two (2) occurrences of delinquent taxes listed on the Portnoff list for 2011 and 2012. The total amount is $19,083.35. William Penn School District never received the tax bills and there has been no activity or usage at this site during those years. The property is tax exempt. William Penn School District and Portnoff are both asking for a resolution to this error and a financial agreement.
- Motion to approve a waiver of the fees owed for the above years on Property ID 12-00-00893-09 and Property ID 12-00-00375-00 – Water Street
- Motion to Accept Engineer’s report
Old Business
- Motion to Approve Resolution 2014-01 – Rules for Council Meetings
- Motion to Approve the Minutes of 6-12-14
- Motion to appoint Delaware County Animal Control – located in Colwyn as the Official Colwyn Animal Control company. Contract is for $200.00 per month - $45.00 per call from Borough Officials ONLY. Cats will NOT be picked up unless Borough Officials have determined that they are a nuisance. If determined to be a nuisance, cats will be picked up and taken to foster homes, rescue or the Humane Society.
- Motion to advertise for bids for the sale of the Colwyn Borough 1984 Hahn Fire Truck
- Motion to appoint Mayor Michael Blue to conduct an investigation into possible financial discrepancies and incidents of Colwyn Borough Fire Company Station 92 and suspend Station 92 from operating as the designated fire company for Colwyn Borough for a period of up to 90 days or until the conclusion of the investigation. All fire emergencies will be handled the same as usual, from responding fire companies in District 4.
Solicitors Report
- Motion to Accept Solicitor’s Report
Public Safety Report
- Motion to accept Public Safety Report
Finance and Ordinance Report
- Motion to accept Finance and Ordinance Report
Borough Manager’s Report
- Motion to sustain the action of the Borough Manager in transferring the payroll process from ADP to Paychex at a monthly savings of 9.5% and an annual savings of 51%.
- Motion to authorize the Borough Manager to upgrade the current RCN phone system to the RCN web based Hosted Voice system with auto attendant.
- Motion to approve the report
- Motion to approve August Bills
.PUBLIC COMMENT - (one half hour – 5 minutes per person)
Next Meeting: Council Committee Workshop Meeting – Thursday October 2, 2014 at 7:00 PM
Council Meeting – Thursday October 9, 2014 at 7:00 PM