Staff Council

Meeting Minutes

October 26, 2006

Order- Vice-Chair Bob Ward

The meeting was called to order at 2:05 pm in UC-260.

Delegate Attendance

Delegates: Alina Brooks, Bob Ward, Dirk Morrell, Gloria Chapman, Jean Hughley, Jillian Jones, Jivaro Lovett, Joan Murphy, Karen Born, Laura Herndon, Lydia Vanderford, Scott McElroy, Sondra Landrum, Tiekeya Reed

Excused: Amber Dimkoff, Carol Montgomery, Cheryl Garvin, Joyce Sandusky

Alternates: Jared Morrison; Gina Hearn

Constituents: Barbara Dantzler, Kara Mullen, Vicky Stewart, Valerie Lancaster, Lisa Phillips

Meeting Minutes

Motion properly made and duly seconded, the minutes of the Staff Council meeting held on September 28, 2006 were unanimously approved as distributed.


Celebrating Jenny as she retires at the end of November.

Avian Influenza

Lisa Eichelberger’s presentation a lot of information regarding the history of pandemics and the threat of a possible pandemic. She has been on the task force that was established via the BOR for each university to have a response plan in place.

The website has information regarding what is the Avian Bird Flu, measures that can be done to avoid possible spread, treatment, etc.

Committees Update


§  Book Scholarship form and process distributed. Delegates to disseminate information to Constituents and encourage to apply

§  Minutes seminar for October

§  Stress Management scheduled for Nov. 16th

§  November Lunch N Learn TBA

§  Resources purchased for the lunch n learn series. Videos/Books will also be available for check out.


Legacy Brick Process:

By majority vote the Constituents process will be as follows:

Names to be chosen from Smith Nominee and You’ve Been Spotted which will yield about 125 eligible names. The names will be divided by the number of Staff Council committees and each committee to pick their top 5 after evaluating the nominations. After which the top 5 of each committee will be put in a drawing and a winner shall be chosen.

Special Events

§  Campus Connect will be hosted by Spivey Hall and Music on December 7th at 2pm

§  During homecoming $100 was raised to go towards book scholarship

§  Will be helping with the Tree Lighting in bringing refreshments

§  Working on either a holiday can drive or Toys for Tots

PR Coordinator

Need information for next newsletter by Nov. 9th.

Concerns Update

Recycling program was established by a student focus group. Waiting for implementation date.

Hold Music are recorded concerts performed at Spivey. This is a cost effective measure as we do not have to pay any royalty fee plus, it supports Spivey.

New Concerns

Library sending out survey, please provide feedback by November 2nd.

Pedestrian Crossing signs have been installed by Spivey and 2 speed bumps will be placed in that area.

In regards to the “hold” music, perhaps can be used as advertising tool to promote campus events and other important information about the school.


Meeting adjourned at 3:10. The next meeting scheduled for November 30, 2006 at 2pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Alina Brooks

Alina Brooks, Secretary