Kerogen Isolation Bibliography
Selected References— Revised March 2018
These bibliographic references have been compiled as a TSOP project, and organic petrologists have found the references to be useful in their work. They should be available at university or geological research center libraries. They are not available from TSOP.
Barker, C.E., 1982, A rapid method for concentrating sedimentary organic matter for vitrinite reflectance analysis: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 52, p. 663-664.
Barss, M.S., and G.L. Williams, 1973, Palynology and nannofossil processing techniques: Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 73-26, 25 p.
Baskin, D.K., 1979, A method of preparing phytoclasts for vitrinite reflectance analysis: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 49, p. 633-635.
Bertrand, R., J.-C. Berube, Y. Heroux, and A. Achab, 1985, Petrographie du kerogene dans le paleozoique inferieur: methode de preparation et exemple d'application: Revue de l'Institut Francais du Petrole, v. 49, p. 155-167.
Blandon, A., N. Parra, G.E. Gorin, and F. Arango, 2008, Adapting palynological preparation methods in subbituminous and bituminous coals from Colombia to improve palynofacies and hydrocarbon source rock evaluations: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 73, p. 99-114.
Bostick, N.H., and B. Alpern, 1977, Principles of sampling, preparation and constituent selection for microphotometry in measurement of maturation of sedimentary organic matter: Journal of Microscopy, v. 109, pt. 1, p. 41-47.
Brown, C.A., 2008, Palynological techniques, second edition, J.B. Riding and S. Warny, eds.: Dallas, American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation, 137 p.
Browning, J.S., 1961, Heavy liquids and procedures for laboratory separation of minerals: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8007, 14 p.
Bryant, V.M., Jr., and J.H. Wrenn, eds., 1998, New developments in palynomorph sampling, extraction and analysis: American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Contributions Series, v. 33, 155 p.
Crelling, J.C., and D.F. Bensley, 1995, Recent advances in separating and characterizing single coal macerals, in J.A. Pajares and J.M.D. Tascón, eds., Coal science, v. 1: New York, Elsevier, Coal Science and Technology 24, p. 235-238.
Dancey, L.A., Y.V. Hardy, and S.A.J. Pocock, 1982, Sample processing for acid insoluble particulate organic matter studies, in F.L. Staplin and others, How to assess maturation and paleotemperatures: SEPM Short Course Notes 7, p. 90-101.
Doher, L.I., 1980, Palynomorph preparation procedures currently used in the paleontology and stratigraphy laboratories, U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 830, 29 p.
Durand, B., and G. Nicaise, 1980, Procedures for kerogen isolation, in B. Durand, ed., Kerogen -- insoluble organic matter from sedimentary rocks: Paris, Editions Technip, p. 35-53.
Eble, C.F., 2017, The use of glycol ethers to help reduce amorphous organic matter (AOM) in palynological preparations: Palynology, v. 41, p. 180-182.
Ellin, S., and D. McLean, 1994, The use of microwave heating in hydrofluoric acid digestions for palynological preparations: Palynology, v. 18, p. 23-31.
Feldmann, R.M., R.E. Chapman, and J.T. Hannibal, eds., 1989, Paleotechniques: The Paleontological Society Special Publication 4, 358 p.
Felix, C., and P. Burbridge, 1986, Variables to be considered in kerogen microscopy: The Texas Journal of Science, v. 38, p. 139-145.
Filho, J.G.M., 2008, Report on organic matter concentration working group (OMCWG 2008): ICCP News, no. 45, p. 43-51.
Funkhouser, J.W., and W.R. Evitt, 1959, Preparation techniques for acid-insoluble microfossils: Micropaleontology, v. 5, p. 369-375.
Gray, J., 1965, Extraction techniques, in B. Kummel and D. Raup, eds., Handbook of palaeontological techniques: San Francisco, W.H. Freeman, p. 530-587.
Herngreen, G.F.W., 1983, Palynological preparation techniques, in L.I. Costa, ed., Palynology-micropaleontology, laboratories, equipment and methods, v. 2: NPD Bulletin, p. 13-34.
Hillier, S.J., and J.E.A. Marshall, 1988, A rapid technique to make polished thin sections of sedimentary organic matter concentrates: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 58, p. 754-755.
Ibrahimov, R.A., and K.K. Bissada, 2010, Comparative analysis and geological significance of kerogen isolated using open-system (palynological) versus chemically and volumetrically conservative closed-system methods: Organic Geochemistry, v. 41, p. 800-811.
Jones, T.P., and N.P. Rowe, eds., 1999, Fossil plants and spores: modern techniques: London, Geological Society, 396 p.
Kinghorn, R.R.F., and M. Rahman, 1980, The density separation of different maceral groups of organic matter dispersed in sedimentary rocks: Journal of Petroleum Geology, v. 2, p. 449-454.
Kizgut, S., N. Miles, and M. Cloke, 1995, Production of coal maceral concentrates by flotation, in J.A. Pajares and J.M.D. Tascón, eds., Coal science, v. 2: New York, Elsevier, Coal Science and Technology 24, p. 1553-1556.
Kouwenberg, L.L.R., R.R. Hines, and J.C. McElwain, 2006, A new transfer technique to extract and process thin and fragmented fossil cuticle using polyester overlays: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 145, p. 243-248.
Lee, H.W., 1964, A modified method of coal maceration and a simple technique for slide preparation: Micropaleontology, v. 10, p. 486-490.
Lignum, J., I. Jarvis, and M.A. Pearce, 2008, A critical assessment of standard processing methods for the preparation of palynological samples: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 149, p. 133-149. (dinoflagellate)
Lipps, J.H., 1993, Appendix: collection and preparation techniques, in J.H. Lipps, ed., Fossil prokaryotes and protists: Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications, p. 305-310.
Litwin, R.J., and A. Traverse, 1989, Basic guidelines for palynomorph extraction and preparation from sedimentary rocks, in R.M. Feldmann, R.E. Chapman, and J.T. Hannibal, eds., Paleotechniques: The Paleontological Society Special Publication 4, p. 87-98.
Love, A.H., 1977, Kerogen-isolation and thermal maturation study in sedimentary rock sections: Colorado School of Mines, unpublished M.S. thesis, 34 p.
Mendonça Filho, J.G., 2010, Report on organic matter concentration working group (OMCWG 2009): ICCP News, no. 49, p. 15-28.
Mendonça Filho, J.G., C.V. Araujo, A.G. Borrego, A. Cook, D. Flores, P. Hackley, J.C. Hower, M.L. Kern, K. Kommeren, J. Kus, M. Mastalerz, J.O. Mendonça, T.R. Menezes, J. Newman, P. Ranasinghe, I.V.A.F. Souza, I. Suarez-Ruiz, and Y. Ujiié, 2010, Effect of concentration of dispersed organic matter on optical maturity parameters: Interlaboratory results of the organic matter concentration working group of the ICCP: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 84, p. 154-165.
Mendonça Filho, J.G., C.V. Araujo, A.G. Borrego, A. Cook, D. Flores, P. Hackley, J.C. Hower, M.L. Kern, K. Kommeren, J. Kus, M. Mastalerz, J.O. Mendonça, T.R. Menezes, J. Newman, P. Ranasinghe, I.V.A.F. Souza, I. Suarez-Ruiz, and Y. Ujiié, 2011, Reply to effect of concentration of organic matter on optical maturity parameters. Interlaboratory results of the organic matter concentration working group of the ICCP. Discussion by Vinay K. Sahay: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 86, p. 289-290.
Mendonça Filho, J.G., 2013, Report on Organic Matter Concentration Working Group (OMCWG 2010): ICCP News, no. 57, p. 14-27.
Moura, J.C. de, A. de Moraes Rios-Netto, M.D. Wanderley, and F.P. de Sousa, 1999, Using acids to extract calcareous microfossils from carbonate rocks: Micropaleontology, v. 45, p. 429-436.
O’Keefe, J.M.K., and C.F. Eble, 2012, A comparison of HF-based and non-HF-based palynology processing techniques in clay-rich lignites from the Claiborne Group, upper Mississippi Embayment, United States: Palynology, v. 36, no. 1, p. 116-130.
Pawlewicz, M.J., 1987, Polishing method for dispersed vitrinite and coal slides: TSOP Newsletter, v. 4, no. 1, p. 1,5.
Pernia, D., K.K. Bissada, and J. Curiale, 2015, Kerogen based characterization of major gas shales: Effects of kerogen fractionation: Organic Geochemistry, v. 78, p. 52-61.
Phipps, D., and G. Playford, 1984, Laboratory techniques for the extraction of palynomorphs from sediments: Pap. Dep. Geol. Univ. Queensland, v. 11, p. 1-23.
Riding, J.B., J.E. Kyffin-Hughes, and B. Owens, 2007, An effective palynological preparation procedure using hydrogen peroxide: Palynology, v. 31, p. 19-36.
Riding, J., and S. Warny, eds., 2008, Palynological techniques by C.A. Brown (second edition): AASP Foundation, The Palynological Society, 146 p.
Riding, J.B., and J.E. Kyffin-Hughes, 2011, A direct comparison of three palynological preparation techniques: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v. 167, p. 212-221.
Robinson, W.E., 1969, Isolation procedures for kerogens and associated soluble organic matter, in G. Eglinton and M.T.J. Murphy, eds., Organic geochemistry: New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 181-195.
Robl, T.L., and B.H. Davis, 1993, Comparison of the HF-HCl and HF-BF3 maceration techniques and the chemistry of resultant organic concentrates: Organic Geochemistry, v. 20, p. 249-255.
Robl, T.L., and D.N. Taulbee, 1995, Demineralization and kerogen maceral separation and chemistry, in C. Snape, ed., Composition, geochemistry and conversion of oil shales: Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, NATO ASI Series C, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, v. 455, p. 35-50.
Sahay, V.K., 2011, Effect of concentration of dispersed organic matter on optical maturity parameters. Interlaboratory results of the organic matter concentration working group of the ICCP: Discussion: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 85, p. 184-185.
Saxby, J.D., 1970, Isolation of kerogen in sediments by chemical methods: Chemical Geology, v. 6, p. 173-184.
Schmidt, M.W.I., H. Knicker, P.G. Hatcher, and I. Kögel-Knabner, 1997, Does ultrasonic dispersion and homogenization by ball milling change the chemical structure of organic matter in geochemical samples? — a CPMAS 13C NMR study with lignin: Organic Geochemistry, v. 26, p. 491-496.
Senftle, J., 1989, Influence of kerogen isolation methods on petrographic and bulk chemical composition of a Woodford Shale sample: TSOP Newsletter, v. 6, no. 4, p. 7-9.
Senftle, J., 1989, Influence of kerogen isolation methods on petrographic and bulk chemical composition of a Woodford Shale sample: TSOP Research Subcommittee Report.
Thompson-Rizer, C.L., 1993, Optical description of amorphous kerogen in both thin sections and isolated kerogen preparations of Precambrian to Eocene shale samples: Precambrian Research, v. 61, p. 181-190. (doubly polished thin section)
Vandenbroucke, M., 2003, Kerogen: from types to models of chemical structure: Oil & Gas Science Technology, Revue de l’Institut Français du Pétrole, v. 58, no. 2, p. 243-269.
Vidal, G., 1988, A palynological preparation method: Palynology, v. 12, p. 215-220.
Whelan, J.K., and C.L. Thompson-Rizer, 1993, Chemical methods for assessing kerogen and protokerogen types and maturity, in M.H. Engel and S.A. Macko, eds., Organic geochemistry: New York, Plenum Press, p. 289-353.
Wood, G.D., A.M. Gabriel, and J.C. Lawson, 1996, Palynological techniques — processing and microscopy, in J. Jansonius and D.C. McGregor, eds., Palynology: principles and applications: American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, v. 1, p. 29-50.