Memoranda and Agreements between Syrian Ministries and Departments and Arab and Foreign Ministries and Departments
REMARKS / STATUS OF COOPERATION / DATE OF SIGNING / NAME OF COOPERATOR / COUNTRY / MINISTRYN/A / N/A / 11/09/2006 / Agreement in the field of youth / Sudan / Revolution Youth Union / 1
N/A / N/A / 21/05/2008 / Cooperation agreement in the field of youth / Tunis / Revolution Youth Union / 2
N/A / N/A / 12/09/2003 / Executive program for cooperation in the field of sports and youth / Saudi Arabia / General Sport Union / 3
N/A / N/A / 11/09/2006 / Executive program for sport cooperation / Sudan / General Sport Union / 4
N/A / N/A / 18/05/2003 / Mutual understanding Memorandumin the field of sports cooperation / Sudan / General Sport Union / 5
N/A / N/A / 21/04/2002 / Sport cooperation agreement in the SyrianArabRepublic and State Committee for physical education and sports in Ukraine / Ukraine / General Sport Union / 6
N/A / N/A / 29/11/2008 / Cooperation agreement in the field of physical and sport culture between the Belarusian Ministry of Sport and Tourism and the General Sport Union in the SyrianArabRepublic / Belarus / General Sport Union / 7
N/A / N/A / 21/05/2008 / Executive program for sport cooperation / Tunis / General Sport Union / 8
N/A / N/A / 23/10/2003 / Mutual understanding Memorandum in the field of sports and youth cooperation / Qatar / General Sport Union / 9
N/A / Not ratified yet / 05/11/2007 / Cooperation agreement in the field of sports / Libya / General Sport Union / 10
N/A / N/A / 14/12/2006 / Mutual understanding Memorandum in the field of sports / Egypt / General Sport Union / 11
N/A / 28/01/2007 / Cooperation protocol in the field of sports / Egypt / General Sport Union / 12
Valid and it depends on the activities of chambers / N/A / 10/05/2004 / Cooperation agreement between Aleppo Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce and Navigation in Tartousa, Spain / Spain / Private Sector / 13
It is being executed and it is connected with the activities of chambers / 28/05/2002 / Mutual understanding and economic cooperation Memorandum / Spain / Private Sector / 14
Councils are being restructured / 20/09/2000 / Cooperation and coordination agreement between the Union of Chambers of commerce in Syria and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Bahrain / Bahrain / Private Sector / 15
Councils are being restructured / 20/09/2000 / An agreement to establish a Syrian-Bahraini businessmen council / Bahrain / Private Sector / 16
Councils are being restructured / 16/10/2008 / An agreement to establish a businessmen council / Algeria / Private Sector / 17
Councils are being restructured / 17/01/2000 / An agreement to establish a businessmen council / Sudan / Private Sector / 18
Councils are being restructured / 18/05/2003 / An agreement to establish a joint Syrian-Sudanese businessmen council / Sudan / Private Sector / 19
Connected with the activities of chambers / 31/05/2001 / Cooperation agreement between the two countries Chambers of Commerce / Sudan / Private Sector / 20
Councils are being restructured / 23/07/2001 / An agreement to establish a joint businessmen council / Yemen / Private Sector / 21
It is being executed and it is connected with the activities of chambers / 01/01/2003 / An agreement to establish a joint Syrian-Greek businessmen council signed in 2003 / Greece / Private Sector / 22
It is being executed and it is connected with the activities of chambers / 03/06/2008 / An agreement to establish ajoint Syrian-Iranian businessmen council / Iran / Private Sector / 23
It is being executed and it is connected with the activities of chambers / 03/02/2004 / Mutual understanding memorandum between the Union of Syrian Chambers of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Milan, signed in Damascus / Italy / Private Sector / 24
It is being executed and it is connected with the activities of chambers of commerce / 18/01/2007 / Twinning agreement between Aleppo Chamber of Commerce and Armenia / Armenia / Private Sector / 25
Councils are being restructured by the Union of Chambers of Commerce / 18/01/2007 / An agreement to establish a joint Syrian-Armenian businessmen council / Armenia / Private Sector / 26
Connected with the activities of chambers / 21/04/2002 / An agreement to widen cooperation between the Union of Chambers in Syria and the Chamber of Industry and contractors in Ukraine / Ukraine / Private Sector / 27
It is being executed and it is connected with the activities of chambers / 13/04/2004 / An agreement to establish a joint businessmen council between the Syrian Union of Chambers of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Belarus / Belarus / Private Sector / 28
It is being executed and it is connected with the activities of chambers / 14/06/2002 / Mutual understanding memorandum between the Union of Syrian Chambers of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Belarus to activate and encourage mutual visits and communications among businessmen / Belarus / Private Sector / 29
It is being executed and it is connected with the activities of chambers / 01/05/2008 / Mutual understanding memorandum between the Syrian Chamber of Marine Navigation and the Chamber of Marine Navigation in the Regions of Istanbul, Marmara, Aege, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea / Turkey / Private Sector / 30
It is being executed and it is connected with the activities of chambers / 19/06/2006 / An agreement to establish a joint Syrian-Turkish businessmen council / Turkey / Private Sector / 31
Economic Committee recommendation / 27/03/2004 / Twinning agreement between the Jehawi Union of Industry and Commerce in the State of Aroos in Tunis and Aleppo Chamber of Commerce / Tunis / Private Sector / 32
Connected with the activities of chambers / 01/01/2002 / Agreement between the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Federal Russia and the Syrian Union of Chambers of Commerce / Russia / Private Sector / 33
Connected with the activities of chambers / 01/01/2002 / Extended meeting memorandum of the Syrian-Russian businessmen Council / Russia / Private Sector / 34
Connected with the activities of chambers / 26/04/2007 / Mutual understanding memorandum of joint cooperation between the Syrian-Russian businessmen Council and the Unions of Syrian Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture, Tourism, and Marine Navigation / Russia / Private Sector / 35
Connected with the activities of chambers / 01/01/2002 / An agreement to establish a joint Syrian-Rumanian businessmen council / Rumania / Private Sector / 36
Connected with the activities of chambers / 16/07/2007 / An agreement to establish a joint Syrian-Kazakhstan businessmen council / Kazakhstan / Private Sector / 37
Connected with the activities of chambers / 19/03/2004 / Agreement between Damascus Chamber of Commerce and the Croatian Economic Chamber, signed in Damascus / Croatia / Private Sector / 38
Connected with the activities of chambers / 18/04/2000 / An agreement to establish a joint Syrian- Canadian businessmen council / Canada / Private Sector / 39
N/A / 19/11/2000 / An agreement to establish a joint Syrian-Egyptian businessmen council / Egypt / Private Sector / 40
N/A / 19/11/2000 / Cooperation Protocol between the Syrian Union of Chambers of Commerce and the General Union of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce / Egypt / Private Sector / 41
N/A / 01/01/2002 / Cooperation program between the Investment Bureau in Syria and the Investment System in Sudan / Sudan / Syrian Investment Commission / 42
N/A / 01/01/2002 / Agreement of private agricultural investment / Sudan / Syrian Investment Commission / 43
N/A / 31/05/2001 / Cooperation protocol between the two investment systems in the two countries / Sudan / Syrian Investment Commission / 44
Valid / 01/01/2001 / Cooperation agreement between the Investment Bureau and the General Commission of Yemeni Investments / Yemen / Syrian Investment Commission / 45
It is supposed that it will beexecuted after having the approval of the Economic Committee in the Prime Ministry in order come into force / 15/03/2007 / Mutual understanding memorandum of cooperating to establish a joint committee between the Syrian Investment Commission and the Investment and Economic Organization and technical / Iran / Syrian Investment Commission / 46
N/A / 23/01/2001 / Executive program for the cooperation protocol between the Tunisian Agency of Promoting Foreign Investment and the Investment Bureau in Syria / Tunis / Syrian Investment Commission / 47
N/A / 23/01/2001 / Cooperation protocol between the Tunisian Agency of Foreign Investment and the Investment Bureau in Syria / Tunis / Syrian Investment Commission / 48
The document of approval has been issued / 07/11/2005 / Agreement of establishing the Syrian-Qatari Company of Investment / Qatar / Syrian Investment Commission / 49
N/A / 14/12/2006 / Cooperation protocol between the Investment Bureau and the General Commission of Investment in Egypt / Egypt / Syrian Investment Commission / 50
The agreement was initialed in Brussels on 21/04/2004, and a series of negotiations were held on the technical and formal amendments which must be added to the agreement draft to suit the new situations of the two parties before signing it. The amended copy was initialed on 14/12/2008 / It is suggested that the final signature shall be concluded soon, and the temporary commercial panel shall come into force as soon as the Syrian Party has finished the ratification procedures / 21/10/2004 / Partnership Agreement draft with the European Union / European Union / State Planning Commission / 51
Ratified by virtue of Decree No.271 dated 03/04/2000 and came into force as of 19/04/2001 / 20/09/2000 / Agreement of establishing Syrian-Bahraini Higher Committee in Bahrain / Bahrain / State Planning Commission / 52
31/05/2001 / Agreement of establishing a Joint Higher Committee / Sudan / State Planning Commission / 53
Ratified by virtue of Legislative Decree No.40 on 26/08/2001 and came into force on 18/10/2001 / Its execution depends on the private sector activities in the two countries / 01/11/2001 / Commercial, Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement / China / State Planning Commission / 54
Ratified by Law No.42 dated 26/10/2004 / 12/11/2003 / Economic and Technical Cooperation Agreement / China / State Planning Commission / 55
Ratified by Law No.7 dated 22/03/2009 / The amount is allotted to purchase drills for the sake of Syrian Oil Company / 11/12/2008 / The Frame Agreement of giving a facilitated loan by the Chinese Government as a 250 million Chinese Yuan grant to the Syrian Government / China / State Planning Commission / 56
Ratified by Law No.53 dated 13/12/2004 / Grants / 22/06/2004 / Economic and technical cooperation agreement by which the Chinese Government gives a grant to use in executing projects agreed on by the two parties / China / State Planning Commission / 57
Submitted to the Ministry of Finance in 2006 / 22/06/2004 / Mutual letters to present a free detector of containers / China / State Planning Commission / 58
N/A / 23/06/2005 / Economic and technical agreement / China / State Planning Commission / 59
Implemented in 2007
Implemented in 2008 / 26/06/2007 / Three mutual letters dated 26/07/2007 connected with:
-Sending a group of experts to study the project of increasing and extending the telephone communications in the field of Higher Education
-The Chinese Government approval to carry out a study course in China in the field of running electric transformation stations and care of electricity networks / China / State Planning Commission / 60
Grant / 26/06/2007 / Economic and technical cooperation agreement between the two governments / China / State Planning Commission / 61
N/A / 13/08/2001 / Economic, commercial, academic, technical and cultural cooperation agreement / Iraq / State Planning Commission / 62
N/A / 13/08/2001 / Agreement of establishing the Joint Higher Committee in Baghdad / Iraq / State Planning Commission / 63
Under procedures of ratification / 31/03/2009 / Mutual understanding memorandum between the Planning Institute for Economic and Social Development in Syria and the Arab Institute of Planning in Kuwait / Kuwait / State Planning Commission / 64
N/A / 04/11/2001 / Agreement of establishing the Joint Higher Committee signed in Fass / Morocco / State Planning Commission / 65
N/A / 01/01/2000 / Mutual understanding memorandum between the State Planning Commission in Syria and the Ministry of Sciences and Technology in India / India / State Planning Commission / 66
Valid / 18/04/2005 / Mutual understanding memorandum between the State Planning Commission in Syria and the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in Yemen / Yemen / State Planning Commission / 67
N/A / 03/02/2005 / Executive program of the cultural agreement between the two countries for the years 2005, 2006 and 2007 / Greece / State Planning Commission / 68
Being executed and shall be effected through out the works of the joint committee formed within its frame / 02/03/2007 / Economic and economic cooperation agreement between the two countries / Indonesia / State Planning Commission / 69
Ratified by Legislative Decree No.452 dated 19/11/2007 / N/A / 02/05/2007 / Mutual understanding memorandum on establishing a joint committee for economic, scientific, technical ,and cultural cooperation between the two countries / Indonesia / State Planning Commission / 70
According to it an amount of 9 billion Italian Lire was allotted as a grant and 45 billion Italian Lire as easy loan for the Agricultural Sector / N/A / 23/11/2002 / Mutual understanding memorandum between the two countries about technical and financial cooperation / Italy / State Planning Commission / 71
Ratified by Decree No.8 dated 25/01/2003 and came into force on 16/03/2003 / Its execution depends on the activities of the private sectors in both countries / 21/04/2002 / Commercial, economic and technical cooperation agreement / Ukraine / State Planning Commission / 72
N/A / 12/09/2003 / Academic and technological cooperation agreement / Belarus / State Planning Commission / 73
N/A / 19/03/2004 / Mutual understanding memorandum on deepening and widening cooperation between the two Syrian and Belarusian ministries of industry / Belarus / State Planning Commission / 74
N/A / 01/01/2003 / Scientific and technical cooperation agreement with the Russian Air Geological Establishment / Russia / State Planning Commission / 75
N/A / 01/01/2004 / Scientific cooperation agreement with Conxia Company, Russia / Russia / State Planning Commission / 76
Ratified by Legislative Decree No.453 dated 19/11/2007 / N/A / 02/10/2007 / Economic, Scientific and technical cooperation agreement / Tajikistan / State Planning Commission / 77
Signed at the end of the Tajikistani President's visit in 2007 / 02/10/2007 / Mutual understanding memorandum to carry out bilateral consultations between the Syrian and the Tajikistani two governments / Tajikistan / State Planning Commission / 78
Signed by the Head of the State Planning Commission during his visit in France on 13/05/2009 / It will be effected by establishing the Office of the French Development Agency in Syria and commencing activities stated therein / 09/04/2008 / Mutual understanding memorandum between the two countries / France / State Planning Commission / 79
It has been initialed. / 26/03/2009 / Foundation agreement for the French Development Agency / France / State Planning Commission / 80
Signed Mr. Hugo Shafiz, President of Venezuela during his visit in Syria on 30/08 – 01/09/2006 / N/A / 15/02/2007 / An agreement of emblem sharing between the Syrian Airlines and the Iranian and Venezuelan Airlines / Venezuela / State Planning Commission / 81
The Venezuelan Side suggested amending it and the Ministry of Economy has sent its notes and has been waiting for response / 31/08/2006 / Commercial, economic and technical cooperation agreement with Venezuela / Venezuela / State Planning Commission / 82
Ratified by virtue of Decree No.91 dated 02/03/2004 and came into effect on 27/04/2006 / 23/10/2003 / Agreement of establishing the Syrian-Qatari Joint Higher Committee / Qatar / State Planning Commission / 83
It was signed to firmly establish cooperation with Kazakhstan / 14/08/2008 / Declaring intentions for cooperation between the two countries signed in Damascus / Kazakhstan / State Planning Commission / 84
Ratified by Legislative Decree No. 142 dated 09/05/2002 / N/A / 28/10/1998 / Economic, scientific and technical cooperation agreement / Cuba / State Planning Commission / 85
N/A / 19/11/2000 / Mutual understanding memorandum on planning / Egypt / State Planning Commission / 86
N/A / 23/10/2007 / Mutual understanding memorandum signed between the General Organization of Remote Sensing and the Algerian Space Agency / Algeria / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 87
N/A / 01/01/2002 / Cooperation agreement between the National Information Centre and the National Document House / Sudan / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 88
N/A / 01/01/2002 / Executive program between the National Information Centre and the National Document House / Sudan / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 89
An executive program draft was set and the Ministry of Communications and Technology has not been called to participate in the joint committee meetings after 2007 / Ratified on 25/03/2007 / 11/09/2006 / Mutual understanding memorandum in the field of documents and information / Sudan / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 90
Valid / Formal agreements according to Universal Postal Union / 18/05/2003 / Bilateral agreement between the Syrian General Establishment of Posts and the Sudanese General Commission of Posts and Telegraph on postal draft exchange / Sudan / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 91
Came into effect on 01/08/2001 / 01/01/2001 / Cooperation agreement on prompt postal draft exchange / Yemen / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 92
N/A / 30/09/2004 / Mutual understanding memorandum between the General Organization of Remote Sensing and the Studies Centre Environmental / Yemen / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 93
Valid / 23/07/2001 / Mutual understanding memorandum in the field of information and communications services / Yemen / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 94
N/A / 01/01/2001 / Cooperation memorandum in the field of information and communications services / Greece / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 95
N/A / 14/10/2003 / Mutual scientific understanding memorandum between the General Organization of Remote Sensing and the Iranian Space Agency / Iran / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 96
It is executed by mutual bilateral meetings the last of which was the meeting held during the visit of the Minister of Communications and Technology / Ratified on 26/09/2007 / 15/03/2007 / Executive program of the mutual understanding memorandum in the field of communications and information technology signed on 03/05/2006 / Iran / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 97
N/A / 17/02/2004 / Cooperation protocol in the fields of post, communications and information technology / Iran / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 98
An executive program has been set waiting the Armenian side / Ratified by virtue of Decree on 01/03/2005 / 08/05/2004 / Cooperation agreement in the field of communications and information signed between Syria and Armenia / Armenia / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 99
N/A / 06/06/2007 / Executive program of the cooperation agreement in the field of communications and technology / Ukraine / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 100
Valid / Formal agreements according to Universal Postal Union / 05/10/2009 / Frame agreement in the field of post / Tunis / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 101
Valid throughout executing a common project and visit exchange / N/A / 15/12/2002 / Cooperation agreement in the field of remote sensing and the National Centre of Remote Sensing / Tunis / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 102
An executive program was signed in 2006 / Economic Committee's recommendation in its session No.11 on 22/03/2004 / 24/02/2004 / Mutual understanding memorandum in the field of post and communications and information technology / Tunis / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 103
Valid / Formal agreements according to Universal Postal Union / 27/03/2005 / Mutual understanding memorandum on cooperation in the field of quality international post services between the General Establishment of Syrian Post and the National Divan of Tunisian Post / Tunis / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 104
Needs an executive program / Ratified on 07/08/2007 / 29/04/2007 / Mutual understanding memorandum between the Ministry of Communications and Technology in Syria and the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Oman in the field of communications and information technology / Sultanate of Oman / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 105
N/A / 08/06/2003 / Bilateral agreement to exchange Express post services between the two countries / Korea / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 106
N/A / 01/09/2004 / Cooperation protocol in the field of communications and information technology between the two countries / Korea / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 107
N/A / 01/09/2004 / Annex of mutual consent contract to execute the telephone services of the Lebanese village, Tfeil, signed in Damascus / Lebanon / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 108
Ratified by the two Ministers of the two countries / 29/10/2003 / Investment Contract of Syrian telephone lines in the Lebanese village, Tfeil, signed in Damascus / Lebanon / Ministry of Communications and Technology / 109