Orchesis Constitution
(subject to change - please contact the current Orchesis president for the most recent edition)
The name of the organization established by this constitution is and will be "UNI Orchesis Dance Company."
The purpose of this organization is to promote an appreciation of dance and give the students and other members of the community of the University of Northern Iowa an opportunity to work creatively in the dance field.
These objectives have been formulated:
1. To stimulate an interest in dance and foster standards of performance, appreciation and understanding of dance as an art form.
2. To offer the university community the opportunity for creative dance study, composition and education.
3. To learn and enhance dance skills and techniques as a means of development of strength in dancing ability.
4. To provide a means of expression through movement which will offer meaningful experiences to the dancer and others in the university community.
5. To provide opportunities to lead and participate in public performances such as workshops, conferences, concerts and/or studio dance programs.
1. Membership is open to all men and women in the University community who are interested in dance and enhancing related skills, with not more than ten percent of members being non-student members. Non-student members include faculty, graduates and high school students.
2. Membership to Orchesis will be determined by skill level displayed in auditions held at the end of the spring and/or fall semesters. At least 2 dance faculty members and the president or vice-president, or a company designee must judge auditions.
3. There shall be four membership classifications as follows:
a. Full members - full membership is maintained by regular attendance and participation in activities of the organization. To be a permanent member of Orchesis and earn the option of not having to audition to continue membership, one must audition and be accepted into the company as a full member for two full years (four consecutive semesters). Active membership requires participation in business meetings, technique classes, one major show per semester (i.e. Family Fest, Spring Gala), and various other Orchesis activities. A full member may be placed on provisional status with limitations in regards to performance/rehearsal privileges. Provisional status may be re-evaluated during regularly scheduled auditions. Reasons for provisional status may include but are not limited to attendance issues, time commitment issues, technical abilities/level, etc.
b. Inactive members - inactive membership is a temporary discontinuation of regular attendance and participation in the organization's activities. Reason for inactive membership must be discussed with the faculty advisor and the executive officers. Regardless of status prior to going inactive, members must audition to be reinstated into Orchesis membership (full or apprentice). Inactive membership status may be based upon the following reasons:
1. Class hour overload.
2. Regular participation in class/campus activities scheduled at time of technique class.
3. Personal dissatisfaction with academic performance.
4. Accident or illness resulting in restriction of activity.
5. Student teaching/exchange programs.
6. Personal reasons.
c. Active apprentice - active apprenticeship is maintained by regular attendance and participation in the activities of the organization. The same attendance/commitment rules apply as with active members. Apprentices participate fully in business meetings, voting, technique classes and have performing rights as an understudy. Apprentices must audition yearly each spring and may audition at fall semester's end for re-evaluation of apprentice status.
d. Alumni/Honorary members - alumni/honorary members are defined as former active Orchesis members who are no longer a part of the university community or esteemed persons voted honorary members for life. This is a non-active membership status for honorary purposes only.
4. Guest artists (nonmembers such as International Dance Theatre, faculty, alumni, and other regional dance companies) may perform in one dance in each concert (fall or spring) pending approval of members.
5. Members are required to pay dues for each semester of active membership. Inactive members do not have to pay dues for their inactive semesters prior to rejoining the company as an active member.
6. Regular attendance of technique classes, business meetings and service hours is required for all active members/apprentices. Each full (non-provisional) member determines her/his attendance/commitment level and subsequent ability to be cast in one to four dances. Levels of commitment are as follows:
Level / Technique Hours / Business Meetings / Service Hours / # of Dances1 / 37.5-42.5 / 11-13 / 3:00-4:00 / 4
2 / 32.5-37.4 / 9-10 / 2:10-2:59 / 3
3 / 27.5-32.4 / 7-8 / 1:30-2:09 / 2
4 / 22.5-27.4 / 5-6 / 1:00-1:29 / 1
7. Each semester, each member must sign a contract agreeing to commit to a certain Level of hours in technique, meetings and service. Levels 1 and 2 will receive two semester credit hours and Levels 3 and 4 will receive 1 semester credit hour. These Levels are PACKAGE deals and extra hours from one Level may not be applied to another Level to increase the number of dances a member may be in.
8. The “# of dances” are the MAXIMUM allowed – there is no guarantee that a member will be selected to dance in the maximum number on her/his contract.
9. Provisional and Apprentice members may also select the Level they are able to commit to in regards to technique, meetings and service hours with the realization that Provisional members are limited to one dance (unlimited understudying of dances) and Apprentices are limited to understudying dances. It is suggested that Provisional and Apprentice members try to commit to Levels 1 or 2 with the goal of improving their technique in order to attain full (non-provisional) membership.
10. Members who meet the hourly requirement for their contracted Level automatically receive an "A" if they also meet the attendance requirement for rehearsals. Members who fail to meet the minimum hourly requirement for the contracted Level will receive a grade drop for each minimum Level hourly requirement they drop down to. For example: A member contracts for Level 1, but for whatever reason, only attends 26 hours of technique (well below the 33.1-41.5 hours needed). She would then receive a "B" since she only met the hourly requirements of the next level down. If she also only makes 8 business meetings, then she would receive a "C," because she met the minimum requirements of two levels down in one area, etc.
11. Should a member fail to meet the minimum hourly requirement of the lowest Level (4), regardless of the Level she/he chose, or fail to report all hours fairly and honestly, then membership in Orchesis may be terminated and/or the member may earn an “F” academically
12. One absence from rehearsal per semester per dance is allowed. Decisions regarding excused absences rest with the choreographer. Absences exceeding this limit will be brought to the advisors and the officers' attention for review and disciplinary action will be taken. Absences beyond this number are grounds for dismissal from the dance in which absences are incurred and an understudy or alternate dancer may then take the member's place in that particular dance.
13. Reasons for dismissal from the company are as follows:
a. Failure to comply with Orchesis policies.
b. Inability to work constructively with others in the company.
14. All traditional University of Northern Iowa students are required to take Dance Performance for academic credit each semester. This additional technique requirement is intended to ensure the dancer's physical safety and maintain the technical proficiency required for Orchesis membership.
1. Election of officers for the upcoming calendar year shall be held during the fall semester. The newly elected officers will take over their respective offices at the beginning of the calendar year (January 1).
2. Election is by simple majority of those present and votes are cast by secret ballot.
3. Nominations must be submitted two weeks prior to elections to the faculty advisor or the current president. A member may nominate her/himself or another member with that member's consent.
4. In case of a vacancy in any office during the year, except that of the president, an election to fill the vacancy shall be held at the meeting following the announcement of the vacancy.
1. The Executive Board shall consist of the following officers:
a. President - The president shall preside over regular business meetings and coordinates executive board meetings. The president serves as a liaison for Orchesis to Northern Iowa Student Government (NISG) and the university community. The president is the officer chair of the publicity committee.
b. Vice President - The vice president shall oversee the activities of the various committees in Orchesis and be responsible for being a source for current information regarding Orchesis' interests. The vice president shall be directly responsible to the president. If the president cannot meet the duties of the office, the vice president shall assume the responsibilities of the vacant office. The vice president is responsible for taking attendance at business meetings, officer meetings and other Orchesis functions. The vice president is the officer chair of the recruiting committee.
c. Secretary - The secretary shall keep accurate minutes of each meeting for distribution over e-mail and write all thank-you notes as needed. The secretary is responsible for ordering and maintaining inventory for company t-shirts, jackets and any other apparel. The secretary is the officer chair of the costume committee.
d. Treasurer - The treasurer shall keep records of dues paid and all of Orchesis' financial transactions. The treasurer is also responsible for ticket sales and keeping an accurate record of them. The treasurer is the officer chair of the fundraising committee.
2. The term of office for each of the officers shall be for one calendar year (January 1-December 31).
1. Publicity - The publicity committee is responsible for drafting, producing and distributing publicity material to the media, public relations office and on and around UNI, etc., with information regarding upcoming Orchesis events (i.e. auditions, performances, etc.).
2. Fundraising - The fundraising committee shall organize fundraising activities for the purpose of meeting the expenses of the company.
3. Recruiting - The recruiting committee is responsible for drawing prospective members to Orchesis Dance Company. The recruiting committee will send out brochures/information to prospective students and arrange visits as necessary. The recruiting committee will develop and maintain a database of addresses for dance studios and high schools and are responsible for outreach activities (i.e., guest performances, lecture/demonstrations, etc.).
4. Costume - The costume committee will keep an inventory of company owned apparel and costumes and accurate records of costume distribution to and collection from Orchesis members prior to and following any event requiring costumes.
5. Social - The social committee is responsible for the planning and organizing of social events (i.e. cast parties, induction ceremonies, poster parties, and activities involving Orchesis members outside of structured events).
6. Scrapbook - The scrapbook committee is responsible for developing and maintaining a record of the history of Orchesis, including newspaper articles, photographs, programs, etc.
7. There will be one appointed chair for each committee and will be agreed upon by company members and the faculty advisor. The chairperson is responsible for completing projects on-time and ensuring committee member involvement.
8. Every active member must serve on a minimum of one appointed or selective committee. The various committees shall be formed by one of the following methods:
a. Active members will volunteer for committee service.
b. Active members will be appointed to a committee at the discretion of the executive board.
9. Each member must serve on the committee for a term of one academic year.
10. When deemed necessary other committees may be formed and existing committees may be disbanded by a majority vote of the active company members at regular business meetings.
1. Ratification of the constitution of the UNI Orchesis Dance Company must be approved by 75% or 3/4 of current active members.
2. Ratification of amendments and by-laws - Proposed amendments and by-laws must be submitted to the president and/or faculty advisor to be presented to the whole company at the next business meeting. After discussion of the proposals, a vote will be taken. For the amendment/by-law to be accepted, the following criteria must be met:
a. One-half (1/2) of total Orchesis members need to vote to pass new amendments, regardless of the number of people are at the meeting.
b. Two-thirds (2/3) of those voting must approve.