Orchard Valley Homeowners Annual Meeting

June 18, 2015

St. David’s Church, corner of Randall and Illinois Ave.

Aurora, IL 60506


Jason Morthland, Harold Borg, Andy Woodward, John Novak, Denise Hatcher and Pat Torres from Alpha Management. Also present – Community Policing Officer Ron Miller and Alderman Carl Franco.

Call to Order:

Jason Morthland called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

At this time the floor was turned over to Officer Miller. Officer Miller asked if there were any questions. Things have been quiet in Orchard Valley. He advised the homeowners present about the increasing credit card scams, along with the phone solicitors. Questions were asked the “traffic on Deerpath and Westminster/Fox. He stated that usually the people doing the jack rabbit stops are residents of the community for that stop sign, however Deerpath is better this year. Also he noted that the golf course ATM machine was broken into.

Alderman Franco then took the floor. Carl spoke about the Cosmopolitan World Market is now open however still not totally complete. Homeowners then asked questions.

1.  Can the curbs be painted with ward money? Carl stated that he did not know anything about this project.


Jon reviewed the minutes from the Annual 2014 meeting. Andy made the motion to accept the minutes as presented and Harold seconded the motion. All were in favor the motion passed.


The floor was opened by Jason for nominations; with no nominations from the floor the floor was closed. Candidates were asked to stand up and introduce themselves. Only Zach Hubeck was there; Chris Neidhammer was on his way as he had been on a business trip and Mark Plummer had a previous family commitment. Jason then asked for helpers to count the ballots: Karen Alexandrou and Marilyn Frank volunteered.

While the ballots were being counted, homeowners asked the following questions;

1. Tree on the parkway on Blackberry Ridge needs trimming- told to call the city.

2. A question about the storm drains at Canterbury and Deerfield.

3. Question about where the Oktoberfest will be held, as the Open Range was pretty nice. Jason then

explained that the Board tries to get the best price and quality, and the golf course restaurant was

willing to cooperate. Jason stated that the picnic went well with the weather cooperating and

everyone seemed to have a good time.

Drawing then took place: $50.00 Visa card- / IHop- $25.00- 680 BLA, $25.00 Target- 2568 WM and $25.00 Jewel- PI2572.

Election Results: Chris Neidhammer and Zach Hubeck were elected to the Board for 2 years. Jason thanked both Jon Novak and Denise Hatcher for the last 2 years of service.

With no further business to discuss Andy motioned to adjourn the annual meeting, Harold seconded the motion and all were in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 8:06 pm

1. Officer nominations;

a. Andy nominated Jason to be president; Zach seconded the motion, all were in favor.

b. Jason nominated Andy to be Vice-President, Chris seconded the motion; all were in favor.

c. Jason nominated Chris to be secretary; Andy seconded the motion; all were in favor.

d. Andy nominated Zach to be treasurer; Chris seconded the motion; all were in favor.

e. Harold will stay as a director at large.

2. ARC submittals:

1.  OV7-338 – Jason made motion to deny the application of a fence installation. Andy seconded the motion; Discussion was held regarding the fact that there are no other fences and the homeowners that were spoken with, stated that they bought the house there due to the open land. Vote was called for: all were in favor of the denial. Attorney notified of the decision and verbiage of the letter to be written.

2.  OV7-329 – repainting their home with the same colors- Harold made the motion to approve the request, Zach seconded the motion and all were in favor, motion passed.

3.  OV3-120 – Submitted a request to install new planting in various spots around their house and yard. Andy made the motion to approve the request, Chris seconded the motion; all were in favor, the motion passed.

4.  OV3-078- New siding already done. Andy made motion to approve as an as built. Harold seconded the motion; all were in favor, the motion passed.

5.  OV3-063 – Installation of siding. Jason made motion to approve the submittal; Chris seconded the motion, all were in favor. Motion passed

6.  OV2-009 – Installation of siding. Same color, Harold made the motion to approve the request. Zach seconded the motion; all were in favor, the motion passed.

Board members responsibility for social functions:

Spring Fling: Chris, Picnic: Jason & Andy, Oktoberfest: Zack, Breakfast with Santa: Harold.

With no further business to discuss, Andy made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Harold seconded the motion and all were in favor, the motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 9:48pm.