NEFHIMA Board Meeting Minutes – October 27, 2015
MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF: NEFHIMA Board Meeting teleconferenceDATE: October 27, 2015
Glenneta “Nitta” Thompson, PresidentLee Starling, President Elect
Lisa Shelar, Treasurer
Julia McCurry, Recording Secretary / Rhonda Carmichael, Past President
The meeting was called to order at 4:01 p.m. by Lee Starling, NEFHIMA President-Elect.
The minutes from the previous meeting held September 22, 2015, were previously distributed for review and are also posted on the NEFHIMA
Website. Nitta Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes as written, and Lisa Shelar seconded. Motion passed.
1. Score Card Update
Nitta reported that more will be asked from the regions on the new state Score Card, especially in the areas of education, technology and advocacy. Each region will need to elect a Student Liason to their Board; we can solicit nominations for this position next month along with the other 2016 open Board and committee positions. Lee will reach out to our HIT Program Directors (Brandy Gustavus, Skip Thomas and Julie Shay) for their recommendations. Each region should also have their own Twitter and Facebook pages, which should connect to FHIMA's Twitter and Facebook.
- FCC Meeting Update
Julia gave a report on the FCC Broadband Summit held on October 1st. Four members from NEFHIMA were present: Lisa Shelar, JuliaMcCurry, Valerie Confiado and Skip Thomas. Lisa and Julia posed for a photo with FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn at the FHIMA President's request and posted the photo on our NEFHIMA website. The morning sessions included panel discussions and individual presentations on new technologies that are expanding access, timeliness and quality of health care using broadband and cellular services. The afternoon included a break-out sessions where four separate groups discussed a hypothetical patient, his/her needs as well as thoseof caregivers and providers, and different innovative solutions using new technologies to meet those needs. Julia and Lisa noted there were very interesting speakers that would be great for future NEFHIMA presentations, including Don Hughes, the Fire Chief from Satellite Beach, Florida. Mr. Hughes found a high number of recurring 911 calls for service from the elderly population in his community was partly due to routine health needs not being met. Mr. Hughes established a community paramedicine program using off-the-shelf technology including blood pressurecuffs and other devices that connect to the internet. Julia has a Connected Care presentation ready for the Spring Seminar if needed, which could tie in with a telemedicine presentation by Mr. Hughes if he is available.
- FHIMA/Regional Leadership Update
Nitta reported that voting participation for FHIMA elections has been low, and FHIMA is looking at offering Score Card points for setting up a PC at regional events so that members can vote. Julia reported that her co-workers have voiced that the voting e-mails are frequently sent to their phones while they are work, and they don’t have their AHIMA ID# handy to vote at that time. Some people might look up their AHIMA ID later and come back that e-mail, but others may not. Other Board members stated that being active in FHIMA, the names/faces on the ballot are not familiar and we can only choose based on the bios provided. We will continue to encourage all to participate in the elections, and look for ways to overcome these barriers.
- Regional Meetings Updates
- The next NEFHIMA Regional Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 10th from 5-7 pm at Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Cannaday 1050. Barbara McCarthy, HIMS Administrator, will give the first CEU presentation on Privacy and Security. Julia originally was planning a Connected Care presentation, but one of the physicians she invited to speak has accepted – Dr. Paul Pettit will give the second CEU presentation on UroGYN surgery. Lee will send this information in a flyer to KnowlegeConnex for e-blasts to all members. When the link is received, Julia will also post it to the NEFHIMA website. Julia will obtain a bio from both speakers and send to Nitta and Lee so they may be included in agenda packets. The Board unanimously agreed to once again offer door prizes which include 2 NEFHIMA memberships for the upcoming year. Last year we gave one door prize ticket to each person who donated at least one canned good for the local food banks and another door prize ticket to each person who donated to Dignity U Wear, and we decided to do this again. The Scholarship Committee can also raffle off a gift card or other non-food item if they wish do any fundraising at this event.
- In January, we will hold the first regional meeting of 2016 at Santa Fe College in Gainesville. Lee will work with Julie Shay to line up speakers; one possibility is Charles Behl, VP of Revenue Cycle at UF Health, who gave a recent presentation to AAPC that would be beneficial to our members.
- Student Forums will be held again in February – one in Gainesville and one in Jacksonville. Last year’s forums included resume tips and interviewing techniques, as well as panel discussions from current HIM professions regarding how they got to their current positions. We gave information about NEFHIMA and FHIMA scholarships and encouraged students to apply. This year we also need to emphasize the need for more students to be involved in the NEFHIMA Committees, and especially in the Scholarship Committee fundraising.
- Regional Networking meetings in Gainesville and Jacksonville – We attempted to have these meetings in late September, but the coders were busy with the transition to ICD-10 and wanted to wait until after the holidays. Topics for discussion include the lessons learned from ICD-10 and how things are going now, and the possibility of setting up Coding Clinics as requested by many of our coders. More discussion and possible dates in March will be discussed at an upcoming Board meeting.
- Spring Seminar
Possible topics for the Spring Seminar were discussed including a coding roundtable, Information Governance, telemedicine/telehealth, Psych/Rehab, cyber security, and at least one physician presentation. If Charles Behl cannot present at the January regional meeting, we will ask him to speak at the Spring Seminar. Lee knows someone who might be able to give a presentation on Rehab. Julia knows a hand surgeon who might be able to present on repetitive motion injury (depending on possible personal travel for his anniversary). Nitta stated that Linda Renn does an excellent presentation on cyber security, and will see if she is available. We would also like to have another motivational speaker, and members were asked to think about who could fill that spot to provide some added energy and enthusiasm to our day.
1. Holiday Party?
Lee Starling reported that some members were inquiring about whether NEFHIMA was planning to hold a holiday party this year. After discussion, it was felt that it would be difficult to find a convenient date due to busy work/personal schedules during that time.
2. Board Reports
- Treasurer Report – Lisa Shelar sent the Treasurer report to the Board which included the September bank statement, and Julia has posted to the NEFHIMA website; there has been no change. The next statement will be available in the next week or two.
- F.I.R.E. Report – Ttonya has a meeting of the FIRE Committee scheduled for next week, and will give a committee report to the Board following that meeting.
- Advocacy – Nitta reported that advocacy efforts are currently focusing on telemedicine and telehealth, and includes an upcoming discussion with Florida Senator Aaron Bean. Hill Day next year is scheduled for February 2, 2016, and more information will be forthcoming on efforts to increase awareness, attendance and participation.
- ByLaws – Nitta Thompson sent to the proposed revised ByLaws to the Board for review and feedback.
- Technology – Julia reported that the NEFHIMA Facebook page started by our previous Technology Committee Chair has been taken down. She asked if the previous Facebook page started by Lee could be picked up again or if a new one should be started; we still need a new Technology Committee Chair to take the lead on this. We also have no Twitter feed, and need to start one. It was recommended that we ask Geri Newman of the Advocacy Committee to help set up a Twitter account for NEFHIMA as that will also help with the advocacy Twitter Rallies. As mentioned previously, we also need to “follow” FHIMA on Twitter as well. Once this is established, we can send out education to our members regarding the new Twitter feed and encourage everyone to use it.
- Coding – Lee Starling reported that UF Shands has hired Lindsay Asmus, who would be an excellent candidate for Coding Chair once she has settled into her new position. Lee will wait a couple of weeks, then approach Lindsay to see if she is interested.
- Scholarship - Rhonda suggested at the last meeting that the Scholarship Committee could hold a gift card raffle at the next Regional Meeting in November since we cannot have a bake sale at that event. We have not heard feedback yet, but will check with Chelsea to see if she will attend the November meeting or have someone present that can coordinate this fundraiser.
- Nominating: Nominating Committee will begin soliciting nominations for new Board members November 10th at our next Regional Meeting. We need to include in the Agenda packet printed information on each of the open positions. Open Board positions include Treasurer (2 year term), Recording Secretary (2 year term), and President-Elect (3 year commitment including one year as President-Elect, one year as President, and one year as Past President).
The next NEFHIMA Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 17, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. via teleconference.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 4:42 p.m.
Julia McCurry, RHIT, CHDS, CHTS-IS
NEFHIMA Recording Secretary
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