October 2014 ACT Seniors eNews

10am – 3pm
Saturday, 29 November 2014

at the

Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre,

Level 2, North Building,180 London Circuit, Canberra

To continue the conversations from the recent One Canberra (Multicultural and Multi-faith) Symposium you are invited to attend the 2014 ACT Multicultural Summit, which will be held in the Function Room of the Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre at 10am – 3pm on Saturday, 29 November 2014.

Your involvement and views will shape the new Multicultural Strategy 2015 – 2018, a whole-of-government approach to reflect our active community commitment to multicultural affairs in the ACT. The Multicultural Strategy 2015 – 2018 will be launched mid 2015.

To support this process, it is important that as many people as possible contribute to the 2014 ACT Multicultural Summit. The 2014 ACT Multicultural Summit will further discuss the themes identified in the Capital Culture: a discussion paper, the roadmap to enhancing our city’s multicultural way of life October 2014 (www.communityservices.act.gov.au/multicultural/files/html/capital-culture-a-discussion-paper):

·  Accessible and responsive services

·  Citizenship, participation and social cohesion, and

·  Capitalising on the benefits of our cultural diversity.

Please register your interest in participating in the 2014 ACT Multicultural Summit by sending your information to address by Tuesday, 25 November 2014 with the following information:

·  Full Name

·  Organisation

·  Postal Address

·  Phone Number

·  Email Address

We hope you can join the conversation on 29 November 2014 to further develop our policies in this important area of public policy. There will also be an opportunity for written submission to be provided to the ACT Office of Multicultural Affairs on email . Written submissions will be received up to 20 February 2015.