Oral Exam Fact Sheet: Trials of the Prime Ministers

Use the following as a template for your fact sheet. The fact sheet must be completed by EACH attorney and is due on the date of the trial! NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

1. Trial Name: Crown vs. Prime Minister ______

2. Trial Date: ______Prosecution or Defence (circle one)

3.a)Your Name: ______

4. Your Opening Statement

  • “Your Honour, members of the jury, my name is ______and I am representing ______(crown or defendant) in this case.
  • I intend to prove (charge or defense) ______.
  • These are the facts of the case:
    -provide background information / overview of the topic / issue (dates, key people, impact on society)
    -give perspective to the side that you are arguing that may appeal to the audience (“Imagine…”)
    -state effects of the issue on history (social, political, economic, military)
    -state the main arguments that you will be presenting (to charge or defend the Prime Minister)
    -offer some challenges / questions to the opposition
  • Today you will be presented with evidence and will hear testimony from my witness, ______which will leave no doubt in your mind of the ______(guilt / innocence) of the defendant.
  • Please find the defendant, ______(guilty / not guilty).”

5. Your Charge / Your Defence

6. Arguments / Evidence

Argument Proving Your Charge / Evidence to Prove Your Argument Footnote Instructions

7. a) Your Witness: ______(character’s name) played by ______(student’s name)

b) Direct Examination

Questions and Answers for Witnesses / How do these questions relate and PROVE to your charge?

8. a) Cross Examination of witness for opposition: ______(character’s name) played by ______(student’s name)

b) Cross Examination

Questions and Answers for Witnesses / How do these questions relate and PROVE to your charge?

9. Examination of Prime Minister:

Questions and Answers for Prime Minister / How do these questions relate and PROVE to your charge?

10. Closing Statement

  • “Your Honour, members of the jury, today I am representing ______(crown or defendant) in this case and have intended to prove (charge or defense) ______.
  • Let me remind you of the key facts of this case presented in court today:
    -restate the major issue, impact, effects and perspective of the topic
    -restate main arguments
  • Today you have also heard from my witness, ______which I believe has left no doubt in your mind of the ______(guilt / innocence) of the defendant.
    --highlight all the major evidence used to prove arguments as well as witness testimony
    -restate the major challenges to oppositions arguments / evidence
  • Please find the defendant, ______(guilty / not guilty).
    -end with a quote / statistic or powerful statement

11. Bibliography

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