Political Science Enhanced ESRI Data
GIS Instruction, California State University Bakersfield
Stanley E. Clark, Professor of Political Science
Assistants Brian Taylor, Thomas DuBois
Supported by a Grant from
The Teaching and Learning Center
Version 1: July 16, 2001
United States State and D.C. Variables
Variable Label: Abortionla
Definition: Abortion restrictions by state
Codes: 1 Partial birth abortion bans
2 Parental consent requirements
3 Parental consent requirements and mandatory waiting periods
4 Partial birth abortion bans and parental consent requirements
5 Partial birth abortion bans and parental consent requirements and mandatory waiting periods
6 None
Source: From USA Today, July 1, 1991, p.2A, Reprinted by permission in: Karen O’Connor and Larry J. Sabato. American Government: Continuity and Change. 2000 Edition. New York, New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 2000. p. 94.
Variable Label: Party_com1
Definition: Comparison of Democratic and Republican party strength by state,
CIRCA 1999
Codes: 1 Republican advantage
2 Democratic Advantage
3 Competitive
Source: Dye, Thomas R. Politics in America. Fourth Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2001. p. 217.
Variable Label: Voter_turn
Definition: Voter turnout in 1996 by state
Codes: 1 59-65%
2 51-58%
3 46-50%
4 39-45%
Source: George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg and Robert L. Lineberry. Government in America: People, Politics and Policy. Eighth Edition. New York, New York: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc. 1999. p. 247. Calculated by the authors on the basis of election results and U.S. Census estimates of the voting-age population in each state.
Variable Label: Party-cont
Definition: Party Affiliations – Governors, Senate and House, CIRCA 1997
Codes: 1 All three Democrat
2 Democratic governor and one Democratic house
3 Two Democratic houses and any other governor
4 Two GOP houses and any other governor
5 GOP governor and one GOP house
6 All three GOP
Source: Council of State Governments. Adapted by: George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg and Robert L. Lineberry. Government in America: People, Politics and Policy. Eighth Edition. New York, New York: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc. 1999.p. 533.
Variable Label: Pres1860
Definition: Electoral College results for presidential election of 1860
Codes: 1 Lincoln (Republican)
2 Douglas (Northern Democrat)
3 Breckenridge (Southern Democrat)
4 Bell (Constitutional Union)
9 Nonvoting Territories
*Note: West Virginia is counted as part of Virginia. Also all of New Jersey went to Breckenridge.
Source: Karen O’Connor and Larry J. Sabato. American Government: Continuity and Change. 2000 Edition. New York, New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 2000. p. 484.
Variable Label: Pres1896
Definition: Electoral College results for presidential election of 1896
Codes: 1 McKinley (Republican)
2 Bryan (Democrat)
9 Nonvoting Territories
*Note: All of California and all of Kentucky went to McKinley.
Source: Karen O’Connor and Larry J. Sabato. American Government: Continuity and Change. 2000 Edition. New York, New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 2000. p. 484.
Variable Label: Pres1932
Definition: Electoral College results for presidential election of 1932
Codes: 1 Hoover (Republican)
2 F.D. Roosevelt (Democrat)
9 Nonvoting Territories
Source: Karen O’Connor and Larry J. Sabato. American Government: Continuity and Change. 2000 Edition. New York, New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 2000. p. 484.
Variable Label: Pres1992
Definition: Electoral College results for presidential election of 1992
Codes: 1 Bush
2 Clinton
Source: Dye, Thomas R. Politics in America. Fourth Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2001. p. 266.
Variable Label: Pres1996
Definition: Electoral College results for presidential election of 1996
Codes: 1 Dole
2 Clinton
Source: Dye, Thomas R. Politics in America. Fourth Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2001. p. 266.
Variable Label: Pres2000
Definition: Electoral College results for presidential election of 2000
Codes: 1 Bush
2 Gore
Source: Dye, Thomas R. Politics in America. Fourth Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 2001. p. 266.
Variable Label: Pres_del_m
Definition: Methods of selecting presidential delegates by state CIRCA 1995
Codes: 1 Closed primary
2 Open primary
3 Caucuses
Source: Karen O’Connor and Larry J. Sabato. American Government: Continuity and Change. 2000 Edition. New York, New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 2000. p. 470.
Variable Label: El_col1860
Definition: Number of Electoral College votes for each state in 1860
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
number of electoral votes that each state had for the given year.
Source: Karen O’Connor and Larry J. Sabato. American Government: Continuity and Change. 2000 Edition. New York, New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 2000. p. 484.
Variable Label: El_col1896
Definition: Number of Electoral College votes for each state in 1896
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
number of electoral votes that each state had for the given year.
Source: Karen O’Connor and Larry J. Sabato. American Government: Continuity and Change. 2000 Edition. New York, New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 2000. p. 484.
Variable Label: El_col1932
Definition: Number of Electoral College votes for each state in 1932
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
number of electoral votes that each state had for the given year.
Source: Karen O’Connor and Larry J. Sabato. American Government: Continuity and Change. 2000 Edition. New York, New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 2000. p. 484.
Variable Label: El_col1992
Definition: Number of Electoral College votes for each state in 1992
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
number of electoral votes that each state had for the given year.
Source: Karen O’Connor and Larry J. Sabato. American Government: Continuity and Change. 2000 Edition. New York, New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 2000. p. 484.
Variable Label: Wrk_pop_fo
Definition: Percent of working age population who are foreign-born, 1999
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Source: Population Reference Bureau. Copyright 2001 by Population Reference Bureau. Updated June 4, 2001.
Variable Label: Unemp_rate
Definition: Unemployment rate by state, 1999
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Source: Population Reference Bureau. Copyright 2001 by Population Reference Bureau. Updated June 4, 2001.
Mexico State Variables
Variable Label: Pop_vote_p
Definition: Popular vote percentage by state
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
Percentage that each state had for the given year.
Variable Label: Pri_pct_20
Definition: PRI vote percentage by state
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Variable Label: Pan_pct_20
Definition: PAN vote percentage by state
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Variable Label: Prd_pct_20
Definition: PRD vote percentage by state
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Variable Label: Pan_prd_pc
Definition: PAN & PRD combined vote percentage by state
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Variable Label: No_of_mun
Definition: Number of municipal governments by state, 1996
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
number of municipal governments that each state had for the given year.
Source: Based on information from the Centro de Servicios Municipales “Heriberto Jara,” Mexico City. Adapted by: Victoria E. Rodriguez. Decentralization in Mexico: From Reforma Municipal to Solidaridad to Nuevo Federalismo. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 1997. p. 55.
Variable Label: Pct_contr_
Definition: Percentage of municipal government controlled by PRI by state, 1996
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage of municipal government controlled by PRI for each state for the given year.
Source: Based on information from the Centro de Servicios Municipales “Heriberto Jara,” Mexico City. Adapted by: Victoria E. Rodriguez. Decentralization in Mexico: From Reforma Municipal to Solidaridad to Nuevo Federalismo. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 1997. p. 55.
Variable Label: Gdp_per_ca
Definition: GDP per capita, by state, 1993
Codes: 1 Very low
2 Low
3 Medium
4 High
5 Very high
Source: SEDESOL/World Bank (1993). Adapted by: Victoria E. Rodriguez. Decentralization in Mexico: From Reforma Municipal to Solidaridad to Nuevo Federalismo. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. 1997. p. 98.
Variable Label: Border
Definition: Percentage of Undocumented Mexican Immigrants Intercepted at the border, by Mexican State of Origin, 1984
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Source: “Encuesta en la frontera norte a trabajadores indocumentados devueltos
por las autoritadades de los Estados Unidos de America,” Consejo Nacional de
Poblacion, Mexico D.F., Dec. 1984, Cuadro 2.7, p. 53; and “Estadistica demografica y
economica,” Consejo Nacional de Poblacion, Mexico D.F., May 1989, Cuadro 8.
Adapted by: The California-Mexico Connection. Edited by Abraham F.
Lowenthal and Katrina Burgess. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 1993.
Variable Label: Pct_mig
Definition: Percentage of migration by state of origin, 1994
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is rounded to the nearest whole number to the actual percentage that each state had for the given year.
*note: Includes head of family, adults present in the family, children of head of family (present or absent), and head of family’s siblings.
Source: Alain de Janury, Gustavo Gordillo, Elisabeth Sadoulet. Mexico’s Second Agrarian Reform: Household and Community Responses, 1990-1994. University of California, San Diego: Ejido Reform Research Project Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies. 1997.
Variable Label: Selec_proc
Definition: Selection process of submunicipal governance structures by state
Codes: 1 Submunicipal authorities elected by the people
2 Some elected, some appointed
3 Appointed by municipality officials
4 Partly chosen by municipality officials, partly chosen by mayor
5 Chosen by mayor
9 Missing data
Source: Translation and summary of chart prepared by the Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo Municipal, November 1995. Adapted by: Jonathan Fox and Josefina Aranda. Decentralization & Rural Development in Mexico: Community Participation in Oaxaca’s Municipal Funds Program. Monograph Series 42. University of California, San Diego: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies. 1996.
Variable Label: Pov_index
Definition: Poverty/underdevelopment levels by state
Codes: Data entries are rounded to the nearest five from the actual number
and increased by thirty to make a positive integer.
Source: COMPLAMAR, Geografia de la marginacion, p.32. Adapted by: Wayne A. Cornelius and Ann L. Craig. Politics in Mexico: An Introduction and Overview. Reprint Series 1, 2nd Edition. University of California, San Diego: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies. 1988.
Canada Province Variables
The following notice applies to all Canada data that was adapted from the Statistics Canada Internet Site:
Statistics Canada information is used with the permission of Statistics
Canada. Users are forbidden to copy the data and redisseminate them,
in an original or modified form, for commercial purposes, without the
expressed permission of Statistics Canada. Information on the
availability of the wide range of data from Statistics Canada can be
obtained from Statistics Canada's Regional Offices, its World Wide
Web site at, and its toll-free access number
Variable Label: Pop_pct_m
Definition: Percent of male population by province, 2000
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Source: Statistics Canada's Internet Site, CANSIM., July 10, 2001.
Variable Label: Pop_pct_f
Definition: Percent of female population by province, 2000
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Source: Statistics Canada's Internet Site, CANSIM., July 10, 2001.
Variable Label: Pop_0_14_m
Definition: Percent of male population of ages 0-14 by province, 2000
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Source: Statistics Canada's Internet Site, CANSIM., July 10, 2001.
Variable Label: Pop_0_14_f
Definition: Percent of female population of ages 0-14 by province, 2000
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Source: Statistics Canada's Internet Site, CANSIM., July 10, 2001.
Variable Label: Pop_0_14
Definition: Percent of population of ages 0-14 by province, 2000
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Source: Statistics Canada's Internet Site, CANSIM., July 10, 2001.
Variable Label: Po_15_64_m
Definition: Percent of male population of ages 15-64 by province, 2000
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Source: Statistics Canada's Internet Site, CANSIM., July 10, 2001.
Variable Label: Po_15_64_f
Definition: Percent of female population of ages 15-64 by province, 2000
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Source: Statistics Canada's Internet Site, CANSIM., July 10, 2001.
Variable Label: Po_15_64
Definition: Percent of population of ages 15-64 by province, 2000
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Source: Statistics Canada's Internet Site, CANSIM., July 10, 2001.
Variable Label: Pop_gt65_m
Definition: Percent of male population 65 and older by province, 2000
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual
percentage that each state had for the given year.
Source: Statistics Canada's Internet Site, CANSIM., July 10, 2001.
Variable Label: Pop_gt65_f
Definition: Percent of female population 65 and older by province, 2000
Codes: No code is used for this variable. Every data entry is the actual