Supplemental materials

Oral antigens induce rheumatoid arthritis in a rat model

Running title: Oral antigens induce arthritis

Dandan Wu*#, Xiaoyu Liu*#, Hong Su*#, Xiao Chen¶, Huiyun Zhang*, Dongsheng Hu*, Zhong Huang*, Ping-Chang Yang¶, Zhigang Liu*

*Institute of Allergy & Immunology, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. ¶Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada.

# Equally contributed to this work

Corresponds to: Dr. Zhigang Liu, or Dr. Ping-Chang Yang

Dr. Zhigang Liu, Institute of Allergy & Immunology, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. Email: . Tel: 86-755-26536108. Fax: 86-755-26534940

Dr. Ping-Chang Yang, Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada. Tel: (905) 522-1155. Ext. 32934. Fax: (905) 540-6593. Email:

Fig.S1. Absorption of CII in the small intestine. The representative confocal images show the ingested CII (in bright green) in the lamina propria of rats (see Table S1). A: Control. B: M1 group. C: M2 group. D: M3 group. E: M4 group. N=10 in each group.

Table S1. Experimental groups

Group / Treatment / n
Control / Saline / 10
M1 / LPS / 10
M2 / CII / 10
M3 / CII+Aspirin+LPS / 10
M4 / CII+Aspirin / 10

CII: Collagen type II (1 mg/rat, gavage). LPS (50 µg in 0.3 ml saline/rat, ip). Aspirin (1 mg/rat; gavage).

Table S2. Urine levels of lactose and mannitol (mg/ml)

Mannitol / Lactose / Lactose/ Mannitol
Day 7 / Control / 1.21±0.52 / 1.71±0.57 / 1.48±0.32
M1 / 1.22±0.48 / 1.68±0.51 / 1.45±0.38
M2 / 1.23±0.49 / 1.80±0.47 / 1.58±0.34
M3 / 0.97±0.08 / 1.71±0.40 / 1.80±0.50
M4 / 1.22±0.21 / 1.69±0.23 / 1.47±0.27
Day 14 / Control / 1.32±0.37 / 1.74±0.49 / 1.37±0.42
M1 / 1.28±0.39 / 1.69±0.51 / 1.41±0.43
M2 / 1.25±0.18 / 1.77±0.25 / 1.42±0.29
M3 / 0.82±0.24* / 3.48±0.47* / 4.50±1.09*
M4 / 1.31±0.33 / 1.69±0.33 / 1.40±0.29

*, p<0.01, compared with control group.