ORG: 6-20-2018

This form is to be filled out by the project manager and submitted to Mary Ann before the ad worksheet date of the bidding schedule. Please change only the information below listed in RED and Answer the following Questions;

  1. Is an MDOT Prequalification required for this project? If Yes, please fill out on the advertisement as appropriate. If no, remove the reference to the MDOT prequalification from the advertisement. Yes / No


Project Engineer SignatureSupervisor (QA/QC) Signature


Road construction

Road commission for oakland county

Beverly hills, michigan

Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of County Road Commissioners of the County of Oakland at its Beverly Hills Office, 31001 Lahser Road, Beverly Hills, Michigan 48025, until 11:00 a.m., local time, Tuesday, (Month Day, Year), at which time they will be publicly opened and read.

PROJECT No. XXXXX, Project Name

A contract for XXXXX, XXXX Township, Oakland County, Michigan.

Michigan Department of Transportation pre-qualification classification for this project is: **If no MDOT Pre-qualification required, delete this paragraph**

When M.D.O.T. prequalification is required, a bidder, at the time the bidder submits the bid, must have proper classification and numerical rating for the work on which the bidder proposes to bid. The bidder must be fully capable of performing the work both financially and with experience in the type of work.

Plans and/or proposalswill be available for download on or after (Month Day, Year). Bid deposit amounts and project description, including approximate materials and quantities for each project are identified in the plans and proposals.

Digital plans and proposals are available at Digital bid submissions will be accepted per the instructions and requirements listed on

Board reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to waive defects and to accept the proposals that in the opinion of the Board are in the best interest of and to the advantage of the Board of County Road Commissioners, of the County of Oakland, Michigan.

Eric S. Wilson, Chairman

Gregory C. Jamian, Vice Chairman

Ronald J. Fowkes, Commissioner

Dennis G. Kolar, P.E., Managing Director


Prequalification Schedule

The numeric prequalification rating number will be the engineer’s estimate truncated by 3 places. For example, a $1,000,000 rating in a bituminous paving project will be shown as 1000 Cb.

Prevailing wages

Generally, all projects with the exception of SAD projects will require these!

It is RCOC policy that the Engineering Secretaryrequests and obtains the prevailing wage schedules.

If there is any electrical work, indicate that electrical prevailing wages are required. The electrical work requires a different set of prevailing wages.

Bid Deposit Schedule

Table 1: Bid Deposit Schedule (From: Inter Department Memo Dated June 22, 1970 )

Engineer’s Estimate (Contactor Payments) / Bid Deposit
0 to 25,000 / $500.00
25,001 to 100,000 / $2,000.00
100,001 to 250,000 / $5,000.00
250,001 to 500,000 / $10,000.00
500,001 to 1,000,000 / $25,000.00
1,000,001 and above / $50,000.00