Product Area: Database

Oracle High Availability Solution in a Nutshell

Daniel T. Liu, Senior DBA
First American Real Estate Solutions


One of the biggest responsibilities for a database administrator is to provide high availability and reduce planned or unplanned downtime for a database. However, this has become a major challenge as our database size increased so dramatically over the years and our critical business information system requires 24x7 uptime. In an unplanned downtime when a terabyte database was corrupted, it may take hours, even days to restore such a database. To minimize downtime and avoid data loss, we need database technologies that can provide high availability solutions.

Oracle9i technology meets such challenges. Oracle9i provides four popular high availability solutions:

  • Oracle Advanced Replication
  • Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC)
  • Oracle Data Guard (physical/logical standby database)
  • Oracle Streams

This paper provides an overview of Oracle9i’s latest high availability solutions. It offers an introduction to the basic concepts and architectures of the four products and discusses the requirements and steps for setting up each high availability solution. It also provides performance analysis and implementation tips for the four products. The paper helps readers choose the right high-availability solutions to fit their business needs at low cost.

High-Availability Concepts

Computing environments configured to provide nearly full-time availability is known as high availability system. Such systems typically have redundant hardware and software that makes the system available despite failures. Well-designed high availability systems avoid having single points-of-failure.

When failures occur, the failover process moves processing performed by the failed component to the backup component. This process remasters system wide resources, recovers partial or failed transactions, and restores the system to normal, preferably within a matter of microseconds. The more transparent that failover is to users, the higher the availability of the system.

High Availability Measurements

There are three types of metrics to measure high availability:

The mean time to recovery (mttr)

It measures the average time to recover/restore a system after each failure.

The mean time between failures (mtbf)

It measures frequency of system failure occurs. It is generally more applicable to hardware availability metrics.

Total Uptime In a Year (%)

It measures the percentage of time the system is up and available in a year. The table below shows the percent of system uptime in a year from a 5 minutes downtime to a 2 days downtime.

Minutes of Downtime / 5 / 60 / 1440 / 2880
Minutes of Uptime / 525595 / 525540 / 524160 / 522720
Minutes in a Year / 525600 / 525600 / 525600 / 525600
Total Uptime in a Year (%) / 99.9990% / 99.9886% / 99.7260% / 99.4521%

Cause of Downtime

There are two types of downtime:

Unplanned downtime

  • Corruptions
  • Logical corruptions
  • Physical corruptions
  • Human Errors
  • Accidentally drops, truncates a table
  • Accidentally delete, update rows in a table
  • Accidentally delete a data file or drop a tablespace
  • Disasters
  • War, terrorism
  • Earthquake, flood, fire or hurricane
  • No power for a long period
  • Server crush, malfunction of hardware

Planned downtime

  • Database Maintenance
  • Backup
  • Upgrade/Patching
  • Operating System Maintenance
  • Upgrade/Patching
  • Periodic reboot server
  • Hardware Maintenance
  • Adding memory and CPUs
  • Replacing parts
  • Network Maintenance

Oracle provides four popular high availability solutions:

Oracle9i Advanced Replication

Replication is the process of copying and maintaining database objects, such as tables, in multiple database that make up a distributed database system. Changes applied at one site are captured and stored locally before being forwarded and applied at each of the remote locations.

Replication supports a variety of applications that often have different requirements. Some applications allow for relatively autonomous individual materialized view sites. Other applications require data on multiple servers to be synchronized in a continuous, nearly instantaneous manner to ensure that the service provided is available and equivalent at all times.

Replication Components

Replication Objects

  • Tables and Indexes
  • Views and Object Views
  • Packages and Procedures
  • Function and Triggers
  • Synonyms
  • Indextypes and user-Defined Operators

Replication Groups

Oracle manages replication objects using replication groups. A replication group is a collection of replication objects that are logically related. Each replication object can be a member of only one replication group.

Replication Sites

Masters Sites – A master site maintains a complete copy of all objects in a replication group. A replication group at a master site is more specifically referred to as master group.

Materialized View Sites – A materialized view site can contain all or a subset of the table data within a master group. A replication group at a materialized view site is based on a master group and is more specifically referred to as a materialized view group.

Types of Replication

Advanced Replication supports the following types of replication environment:

Multimaster Replication

Multimaster replication includes multiple master sites; each master site operates as an equal peer. Multimaster replication provides complete replicas of each replicated table at each of the master sites. Multimaster replication can be used to protect the availability of a mission critical database; therefore, it provides high availability to the database system during failover.

There are two types of multimaster replication:

Asynchronous Replication, also referred to as store-and-forward replication, is the default mode of replication. It captures any changes (also called deferred transaction), stores them in a queue, and propagates and applies these changes at remote sites at regular intervals

Synchronous Replication, also know as real-time replication, applies any changes or executes any replicated procedures at all sites participating in the replication environment as part of a single transaction. If the data changes or procedure fails at any site, then the entire transaction rolls back. This strict ensures data consistency at all sites in real-time.

Materialized View Replication

A materialized view is a replica of a target master from single point in time. Whereas in multimaster replication tables are continuously updated by other master sites, materialized views are updated from one or more masters through individual batch updates, known as a refreshes, from a single master site or master materialized view site.

The benefits of materialized views include:

  • Ease Network Loads
  • Create a Mass Deployment environment
  • Enable Date Subsetting
  • Enable Disconnected Computing

There are three types of materialized views:

Read-Only Materialized Views - Application can query data from read-only materialized views, however, data manipulation language (DML) changes must perform at the master site.

Updateable Materialized Views – Application can insert, update, and delete rows of the target master table or master materialized view by performing these operations on the materialized view.

Writeable Materialized Views – You can create a materialized view using the FOR UPDATE clause yet never add the materialized view to a materialized view group. Application can perform data changes on the materialized view; however, changes will not pushed back to the master.

Administration Tools for Replication Environment

Oracle Enterprise Manger

Oracle Enterprise Manager’s Replication Management tool helps to configure and administer replication environments.

Replication Management API

The replication management API is a set of PL/SQL packages you can use to configure an Advanced Replication environment.

Replication Catalog

The replication catalog contains administrative information about replication objects and replication groups in a replication environment.

Oracle9i Real Application Clusters (RAC)

Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) allows multiple instances accessing a single database. The typical installation involves a cluster of nodes with access to a set of shared disks.

RAC Components

Real Application Clusters consists of the following components:

Local Disks

Local disks attached to each individual node. Each instance’s Oracle executables and archive logs are stored on each node’s local disks

Shared Disks

The shared disks store database files, online redo, and control files.

Vendor CMS

Vendor-provided Cluster Management Software allows multiple nodes to shared disks and communicate with each via cluster interconnect.

Cluster Group Services (CGS)

A layer of Oracle software, the CGS provides an interface to the vendor’s CMS and performs its own instance validation checks.

Global Resource Directory

The resources in the Global Resource Directory are re-mastered dynamically among different instances.

RAC Background processes

LMSn (Global Cache Service Process) – This process transmits both the consistent read and the current blocks from holding instances to requesting instances.

LMON (Global Enqueue Service Monitor) – This process handles remote resource requests and monitors the health of the Global Cache Service.

LMD (Global Enqueue Service Daemon) – the resource agent process manages Global Enqueue Service resource requests. The LMD process also handles deadlock detection Global Enqueue Service requests.

Cache Fusion (Global Cache Services)

Cache Fusion is Oracle’s Global Cache Management technology. The key characteristic of Real Application Clusters database is their ability to maintain consistent and coherent database buffer caches across instances. It allows instances to combine their data caches into a shared global cache. This means that if a block is needed by an instance, the Global Cache Services will ensure that the instance is using the correct version of the block.

Transparent Application Failover (TAF)

Transparent Application Failover (TAF) enables an application user to automatically reconnect to a database if the connection fails. Active transaction rollback, but the new database connection, made by way of a different node, is identical to the original. With TAF, a client notices no loss of connection as long as there is one instance left serving the application.

Oracle9i Data Guard

Oracle9i Data Guard is the management, monitoring, and automation software that work with a production database and one or more standby databases to protect data against failures, errors, and corruption that might otherwise destroy your database.

Data Guard History

Oracle version 7.3 was the first release to support standby database, however, the process of transferring redo logs was manual. The standby database has no other use until it takes the role of the primary database. Oracle8i introduced the concept of automatic shipping and application of redo log files from the primary site to the standby site. It also allows the standby database to be opened for read only while the recovering process is stopped. Oracle9i release 1 introduces the new concept of protection mode, preventing the primary and the standby database from diverging. It also introduces Data Guard broker, an interface to manage the Data guard environment. Oracle9i release 2 introduces the new concept of logical standby database.

Data Guard Components

Oracle9i Data Guard consists of the following components:

Primary Database:

A primary database is a production database. The primary database is used to create a standby database. Every standby database is associated with one and only one primary database.

Standby Database:

A physical or logical standby database is a database replica created from a backup of a primary database.

-A physical standby database is physically identical to the primary database on a block-for-block basis. It is updated by performing recovery from redo logs generated from the primary database.

-A logical standby database is logically identical to the primary database. It is updated using SQL statements.

Log Transport Services:

Log transport services control the automated transfer of archived redo from the primary database to one or more standby sites.

Network Configuration:

The primary database is connected to one or more remote standby database via Oracle Net.

Log Apply Services:

Log apply services apply the archived redo logs to the standby database.

Data Guard Broker:

Data Guard Broker is the management and monitoring component with which you configure, control, and monitor a fault tolerant system consisting of a primary database protected by one or more standby database.

Data Guard Roles

A database can operate in one of the two mutually exclusive roles: primary or standby database.


During a failover, one of the standby databases takes the primary database role.


In Oracle9i, primary and standby database can continue to alternate roles. The primary database can switch the role to a standby database; and one of the standby databases can switch roles to become the primary.

Data Guard Interfaces

Oracle provides three ways to manage a Data Guard environment:

SQL*Plus and SQL Statements

Using SQL*Plus and SQL commands to manage Data Guard environment.

The following SQL statement initiates a switchover operation:

SQL> alter database commit to switchover to physical standby;

Data Guard Broker GUI Interface (Data Guard Manager)

Data Guard Manger is a GUI version of Data Guard broker interface that allows you to automate many of the tasks involved in configuring and monitoring a Data Guard environment.

Data Guard Broker Command-Line Interface (CLI)

It is an alternative interface to using the Data Guard Manger. It is useful if you want to use the broker from batch programs or scripts. You can perform most of the activities required to manage and monitor the Data Guard environment using the CLI.

Physical Standby Processes Architecture

The log transport services and log apply services use the following processes to ship and apply redo logs to the physical standby database:

On the primary database site, the log writer process (LGWR) collects transactions from the log buffer and writes to the online redo logs. The archiver process (ARCH) creates a copy of the online redo logs, and writes to the local archive destination. Depending on the configuration, the archiver process or log writer process can also transmit redo logs to standby database. When using the log writer process, you can specify synchronous or asynchronous network transmission of redo logs to remote destinations. Data Guard achieves synchronous network I/O using LGWR process. Data Guard achieves asynchronous network I/O using LGWR network server process (LNS). These network severs processes are deployed by LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter.

On the standby database site, the remote file server process (RFS) receives archived redo logs from the primary database. The primary site launches the RFS process during the first log transfer. The redo logs information received by the RFS process can be stored as either standby redo logs or archived redo logs. Data Guard introduces the concept of standby redo logs (separate pool of log file groups). Standby redo logs must be archived by the ARCH process to the standby archived destination before the managed recovery process (MRP) applies redo log information to the standby database.

The fetch archive log (FAL) client is the MRP process. The fetch archive log (FAL) server is a foreground process that runs on the primary database and services the fetch archive log requests coming from the FAL client. A separate FAL server is created for each incoming FAL client.

When using Data Guard broker (dg_broker_start = true), the monitor agent process named Data Guard Broker Monitor (DMON) is running on every site (primary and standby) and maintain a two-way communication.

Logical Standby Processes Architecture

The major difference between the logical and physical standby database architectures is in its log apply services.

The logical standby process (LSP) is the coordinator process for two groups of parallel execution process (PX) that work concurrently to read, prepare, build, and apply completed SQL transactions from the archived redo logs sent from the primary database. The first group of PX processes read log files and extract the SQL statements by using LogMiner technology; the second group of PX processes apply these extracted SQL transactions to the logical standby database. The mining and applying process occurs in parallel. Logical standby database does not use standby online redo logs. Logical standby database does not have FAL capabilities in Oracle9i. All gaps are resolved by the proactive gap resolution mechanism running on the primary that polls the standby to see if they have a gap.

Note: Logical Standby database is an Oracle9i Release 2 feature. In 9.2, the LGWR SYNC actually does use the LNS as well. Only SYNC=NOPARALLEL goes directly from the LGWR. The default SYNC mode is SYNC=PARALLEL.

Data Guard data protection modes:

Oracle9i Release2 Data Guard provides three data protection modes:

Maximum Protection: It offers the highest level of data availability for the primary database. Redo records are synchronously transmitted from the primary database to the standby database using LGWR process. Transaction is not committedon the primary database until it has been confirmed that the transaction data is available on at least one standby database. This mode is usually configured with at least two standby databases. If all standby databases become unavailable, it may result in primary instance shutdown. This ensures that no data is lost when the primary database loses contact with all the standby databases. Standby online redo logs are required in this mode. Therefore, logical standby database cannot participate in a maximum protection configuration. This mode is similar to 9iR1’s guaranteed mode.

Maximum Availability: It offers the next highest level of data availability for the primary database. Redo records are synchronously transmitted from the primary database to the standby database using LGWR process. The transaction is not completeon the primary database until it has been confirmed that the transaction data is available on the standby database. If standby database becomes unavailable, it will not shut down the primary database. Instead, the protection mode is temporarily switched to maximum performance mode until the fault has been corrected and the standby database will re-synchronize with the primary database. This protection mode supports both physical and logical standby databases, and only available in Oracle9i release 2.