Mission StatementOptions Disability Support will provide high quality, individualised support to people with disabilities and their families to enable them to develop vocational, personal and social skills that will assist them to work and participate in the wider community
All service users have a right to participate in the wider community regardless of the extent and severity of their disabilities.
All service users with disabilities and their family/carers should play a central role in the planning of their own futures.
Adequate support is essential to ensure that service users with disabilities acquire their desired goals.
All programs should be individualised and responsive to the needs and desires of the individuals accessing the service.
All service users have the right to choose the type of service that best suit their needs.
Service provision needs to remain flexible and portable, reflecting individuals changing needs, aspirations and circumstances. / Aims and Objectives
The service will
• Provide individualised programs tailored to the development of living, personal and social skills to enable meaningful participation in the wider community.
• Foster a strengths based approach across the organisation.
• Encourage people with disabilities and their families to play a central role in the planning of their own futures.
• Provide practical support for people with disabilities to achieve their goals.
• Ensure flexible programs are developed to reflect the changing needs of the individual and their community
• Ensure that support is integrated and coordinated with other agencies to ensure maximum outcomes for individuals
• Encourage the effective participation of people with disabilities in the management and operation of the Organisation.
• Develop and be involved in appropriate networks.
• Ensure it continues to strive towards excellence in service provision
• Maintain the necessary infrastructure and administration systems to further the Organisations Purpose and Objectives
Position Name: / Direct Care Worker
Location: / Central Coast
This application package has been put together to assist you in completing your application and to give you key information about the role. In this package you will find:
- Employment Application Form - Attachment 1
- Confidential Health Questionnaire – Attachment 2
- Right to Work in Australia – Attachment 3
- Position Description – Attachment 4
Please visit our website at for further information about the Organisation and the programs we provide.
Should you have any further questions regarding the position please contact us on (02) 43405155.
- The application form must be completed and returned. (Attachment 1)
New employees will be on a probationary period of 3 months from the date of commencement of employment, unless informed otherwise.
OPTIONS is committed to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and providing a working environment free from discrimination, intimidation, victimisation and harassment (direct or indirect). OPTIONS applies EEO principles to all recruitment and selection activities.
OPTIONS is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment. The Organisation will adhere to all relevant laws and regulations regarding safety and implement a comprehensive Occupational Health and Safety Program focused upon consultation and continuous improvement.
Applicants will be screened prior to commencing employment to assist in the safety and protection of the people that Options supports. All applicants will be required to undergo:
Criminal Record Check
You will need to complete the section agreeing to screening to be conducted. ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WILL BE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.
Applicants should also note that:-
- If you provide false or misleading information when completing the consent for employment screening form it may result in not being approved/recommended for employment, or, if already employed, dismissal.
- The checks that are included in the screening process are criminal record checks for offences in the nature of assault, rape and other acts of sexual assault or similar nature, and apprehended violence orders. Where appropriate record checks will be undertaken in relation to convictions for acts of violence which involve children, child abuse, and child pornography.
- The indemnity statement, i.e. That you have undertaken and declared that you will not take any action either civil or criminal against OPTIONS or authorise or cause or procure or permit any person on your behalf to take any action concerning anything had or done by them in relation to this application.
Working with Children Check and Prohibited Person Declaration
You will also be required to complete a Working with Children Check and a Prohibited Person Declaration.
The Working with Children Check will be processed by the NSW Commission for Children and Young People andis mandatory for all people working with Children and Young People.
The Commission for Children and Young People (CCYP) is responsible for the implementation of the Child Protection (prohibited Employment) Act 1998. The act prohibits a person with a conviction for serious sexual offences from working in a position of child-related employment of the kind listed in S.3.(a) of the Act that primarily involves direct contact with children where the contact is not directly supervised.
All paperwork is to be returned to:
For the Attention of the CEO;
Options Disability Support
46 The Avenue, Mt Penang Parklands
KARIONG NSW 2250 or email:
(If born outside Australia proof of eligibility to work must be provided – see Attachment 1 )
I understand that I will be required to undergo a Working with Children’s Check and I am willing to undergo this / Yes NoI understand that I will be required to undergo a Criminal Record Check and I am willing to undergo this / Yes No
I authorise OPTIONS to contact my referees listed below / Yes No
Options Disability Support requires that all people offered employment provide the following information in relation to their health.
The organisations obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act, the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 and the Disability Services (NSW) Act 1993 will be taken into account in assessing any requirements for reasonable adjustment to enable the person to perform the inherent position requirements of the position.
Name:Position Applied for:
This question relates to your Duty of Care to the people you will be supporting whilst working at OPTIONS. Do you have, or have you had, any medical, including physical condition, injury or psychiatric condition which may affect your capacity to carry out the inherent requirements of the position being applied for, or if by carrying out the duties of the position your medical condition or health could be adversely affected? (You have a duty of disclosure to answer this question correctly, and failure to do so could negate any application you make for workers compensation, and/or could result in your termination for non-disclosure) If yes, please specify:
Have you had any previous back, neck, shoulder, arm or knee injury? If yes please specify:
Have you had any workers compensationclaims in the past 10 years where you have been absent from duty for more than 2 weeks. If yes, please specify injury and duration of absence:
Is there any other information you wish to supply in relation to your previous health that may assist the organisation in assessing any requirements or reasonable adjustment that OPTIONS could make to allow you to perform the duties of this role as listed in the position description?
I understand the inherent position requirements for this position, and I am not aware of any health condition, other than that mentioned above, which might interfere with my ability to perform the duties of this position or which might lead to a foreseeable injury to myself, or others in the normal course of my work. I also understand that OPTIONS offer of employment is subject to satisfactory completion of this declaration and that the provision of incorrect information may result in termination of my employment.
Applicants Signature: ...... Date: ......
Name: ...... (please print)
To work at OPTIONS you must provide proof that you are eligible to work in Australia. The Department of Immigration and Citizenship will be contacted to ensure that visas are valid. The following documents are legal documents that will be accepted to prove eligibility to work in Australia:
Status / DocumentsAustralian Citizen / Australian Birth Certificate (if born prior to 20.8.1986*)
Australian Birth Card
Australian Citizenship Certificate
Certificate of evidence of Australian citizenship
Current Australian Passport
Expired Australian Passport (needs to have been current in the preceding two years and has not been cancelled)
Job Network Job Seeker ID Number
*if you were born after 20th August, 1986 your birth certificate must show that at least one parent was born in Australia
Proof of Permanent Residency
(Foreign Nationals) / Foreign Passport with valid visa or labels indicating permanent residency
Certificate of evidence of Resident Status issued by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC)
Proof of Temporary Residence (Foreign Nationals) / Foreign Passport with valid visa or labels indicating permission to work in Australia
New Zealanders
(New Zealanders have unrestricted right to stay and work in Australia) / New Zealand Birth Certificate
New Zealand Citizenship Certificate
Current New Zealand Passport
Expired New Zealand Passport (which was current within the preceding two years and has not been cancelled)
POSITION: / Disability Support WorkerRESPONSIBLE TO: / Project Coordinator
Program Director
KEY EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS: / Participants and their families
Support providers from other agencies
DATE: / February 2016
OPTIONS have been supporting adults with a disability on the Central Coast since 1994. Programs are tailored to meet the individual needs of people who access the service who have varying support requirements. Funding is provided by Ageing, Disability and Home Care under the Post School Options, Community Participation, Life Choices, Self Directed, Transition to Work, and Supported Living Funds Programs. OPTIONS is transitioning to provide support under the NDIS.
OPTIONS’ main office/service centre is based at Kariong, with multiple program sites, servicing people from the LGAs of Gosford and Wyong.
To provide quality person centred programs for people with a disability across all service sites in accordance with Options Disability Support’s Approved Policies and Procedures and Government Standards.
Contribute to program development, implementation and review:
Implement and record progress of innovative programs to meet individual participants’ needs using a person centred approach
Contribute to program planning to ensure effective service delivery and models of best practice
Contribute to the daily operation of services that provide life skills development, social inclusion and vocational opportunities for people with a disability
Transport participants when and where necessary in order to ensure access to services/programs
Understand and implement ADHC/NDIS program guidelines and actively work to support participants meet their goals.
Compliance with guidelines
Participants maintain and develop everyday life skills and increase their independence.
Participants continue learning and participate in meaningful leisure, recreational, social and cultural activities
Individuals are included in their local community
Participants have active and valued roles in their community
Participants expand their friendship and support networks
Aboriginal Participants and Participants from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds have fair access to support
Participants are supported in making the transition from school to adult life
Participants perform satisfying and meaningful work consistent with their employment goals
Participants sustain their work and training commitments
Aboriginal participants and participants from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds have fair access to support and achieve outcomes comparable to other people.
Contribute to positive team building
Contribute to organisational operations, such as team meetings, staff meetings, policy development and quality assurance
Promote effective communication ensuring information regarding participant needs and site operations are adequately and appropriately shared within the site
Regularly reflect on professional practice through supervision and performance reviews with project coordinator
Attend training and development activities including compulsory education sessions
Apply sound decision making skills
Demonstrate openness and responsiveness to change
Demonstrate professionalism in workplace relationships
Facilitating client/family and community relationships
Build effective and respectful relationships with participants, families and community members involved in disability programs
Community development and networking
Develop links in the community to expand the inclusion of participants in local activities, accessing community resources and venues to ensure program objectives are met
Contribute to safe working environment and WHS.
To abide by WHS guidelines in accordance with WHS Act 2011.
Maintain and promote safe workplaces and practices.
Report WHS incidents, hazards and maintenance requirements of premises, equipment and vehicles.
Relevant qualifications
Ability to work with people with a disability, including those needing support around challenging behaviours and personal care
Good communication and administrative skills
Commitment to team work and an ability to work independently
Ability to identify and understand challenges facing people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
Ability and commitment to promote and maintain WHS in the workplace
Hold a valid first aid certificate or commitment to obtain within 3 months of commencement
Access to smart phone and/or tablet e.g.iPad
Hold a valid NSWDriver’s Licence.
Ability to use an online platform for managing participants
Willingness to use, and access to, email
SCHADS Award Level 2
Signed: ………………………………………………………………. Dated: ……………………………………
Signed: ……………………………………………………………….. Dated: ………………………………………..
Key Result AreaS
REQUIRED Level of CompetencyVision/ Mission/ Values / Comprehensive understanding of organisation’s vision, mission and values including the community context in which the organisation’s services are provided.
Sound knowledge of the strategic direction under which OPTIONS operates.
Interpersonal Skills/ Communication / Regularly and effectively communicates with internal and external senior staff in both verbal and written methods.
Takes responsibility for timely provision of assistance.
Works to resolve conflicts in the first instance within role and functional limits and refers issues when appropriate.
Has a broad network of contacts to resolve task issues.
Effectively collaborates with other areas using positive engagement techniques.
Ensures processes and protocols are followed and work is appropriately handled.
Continuous Improvement/ Quality / Applies the Options quality management processes.
Recognises the potential impact of solutions on other areas and externally.
Practices/ Safety/ Standards / In-depth understanding of and adherence to safe and healthy working environments.
Promotes the duty of care of others.
Assists with management of the alignment of major changes in practices, methods and procedures with major changes in safety requirements, standards, policies and strategies.
Experience/ Qualifications / Has a relevant qualification and/or substantial experience.
Undertakes regular professional development to build skills to next level
Compliance & Reporting / Adheres to compliance and reporting requirements.
Assists with implementation of new/amended compliance and reporting requirements, including recommending changes.
Family/ Community/ External Agencies Relationships / Able to work well with other agencies
Able to effectively deal with sensitive and serious matters
Uses standard professional level problem solving and decision making
Community Development/ Capacity Building / Actively promotes opportunities to prospective groups, agencies or communities.
Develops new networks to support strategic initiatives.
Participant Services / Understands a variety of complex participant needs and acts on feedback
Ensures complaint mechanisms are in place and followed
Budgeting/ IT/
Administration / Ensures finance and administrative matters are efficiently dealt with within their area of delegation.
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