Border Swimming, Inc.
2015Texas Select Camp Team Application
Application must be fully completed to be considered. Do not attach printouts or ask the coaches to complete your information
Last Name First Name Middle Initial
DOB USA ID# Age on August 31, 2015
Address City State Zip Phone
Email (please print carefully)Current Club
To be selected for the Texas Select Camp Team (subject to available funding), swimmers must have a minimum of two (2) AA times in the age group you are in as of October 12.
Times must have been achieved since September 1, 2014. Athletes with less than 2 AA times MAY still be considered for the team based on, among other things: the availability of funds, and the need to fill allotted spots in the camp. The coaches will make the final team selection. Age groups for All Stars are: 11-12 and 13-14.
Swimmers may only count an event for either short course or long course, but not both (i.e. you cannot use both a 200 Free short course and 200 Free long course).
Event Time (indicate y or m) Date Achieved Points
Border Swimming, Inc. Texas Select Camp Team Application
- Completed application and $200 deposit (made payable to Border Swimming, Inc.) must be turned into the treasurer of Border Swimming no later than October 12th, 2015. NO EXCEPTIONS can be made to the deadline in order to arrange travel. Checks will NOT be deposited until the week before travel takes place.
Deliver Applications to:LeAnn Carr
7217 Royal Arms
text 915-731-2625
OrManny Gardea
Text: 915-274-6732
- In order to receive funding from Border Swimming, the athlete must participate in all Border Swimming arrangements for the event. This includes, but is not limited to: team travel, hotel arrangements, team meals, social events, warm-up, and participation in the camp.)
- In the event the athlete does not participate or violates the Border Code of Conduct while a member of the Border Texas Select Camp Team, their club team will be responsible for the cost of the trip. Additionally, further participation in Border Swimming events could be affected.
- If an applicant is not selected for the team, the deposit will be fully refunded.
By signing this I acknowledge the above rules and the Code of Conduct.
Athlete Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
Date Date