Opinion Writing Rubric - Grade 4
Student Name______Date:______Writing Task:______
Standard: W4.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.What is my teacher looking for? / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Introduction / My writing introduces a topic or text clearly and in a creative way that supports my purpose. / My writing introduces a topic or text that supports my purpose. / My writing introduces a topic or text, but my purpose is unclear. / I am not able to introduce a topic or text clearly. My purpose is unclear.
Ideas / My writing responds to the prompt and develop my ideas. I support all of my ideas with examples from a text or facts. All of my ideas support my task, purpose, and audience. / My writing responds to the prompt and develop my ideas. I support most of my ideas with examples from a text or facts. Most of my ideas support my task, purpose, and audience. / My writing responds to the prompt. I have trouble supporting my ideas with examples from a text or facts. Some of my ideas support my task, purpose, and audience. / I do not understand my writing task. My ideas are not supported with examples from a text or facts.
Organization / My writing is effectively organized. All of my paragraphs include a main idea and supporting details. I have a strong introduction and conclusion. / My writing is organized. My paragraphs include main ideas and supporting details. I have included an introduction and conclusion. / My writing is somewhat organized. Most of my paragraphs include main ideas and supporting details. I may/may not include a clear introduction and/or conclusion. / My writing is not organized. My paragraphs do not include main ideas or supporting details.
Written Expression
(Language) / My writing includes descriptive words and sensory detail. I use linking words or phrases. I use domain specific vocabulary. I demonstrate sentence variety. My ideas are clearly expressed. / My writing includes descriptive words and sensory detail. I use linking words or phrases. I use domain specific vocabulary. Most of my sentences are varied. My ideas are clear. / My writing includes some descriptive words and sensory detail. I use some linking words or phrases. Some of my sentences are varied. My ideas are somewhat clear. / My writing is very bland. I do not include linking words or phrases. All of my sentences begin the same way. My ideas are unclear.
Conventions / I begin sentences with capital letters, use end punctuation correctly, and use appropriate spelling. Minor errors in grammar do not interfere with readers understanding my ideas. / Many of my sentences begin with capital letters, use end punctuation correctly, and use appropriate spelling. Some errors in grammar do not interfere with readers understanding my ideas. / Many of my sentences do not begin sentences with capital letters. My punctuation and spelling errors make it hard for a reader to understand my ideas. / I have a large number of capitalization, punctuation, and spelling errors. It is very hard for a reader to understand my ideas.
Total points: ______/ 20
Final Grade: ______
18- 20 points E / 17- 16 points G / 15- 14 points S / 13- 12 points P / >11 points U