
Spring, 2009

Beginning Algebra, Part II

MATH 09211C

5 credit hours

Monday and Wednesday2:00 – 4:15 PM

Instructor: Michael Flesch



Suggestions for a Successful Class

Source: Expectations for the Learning Environment, Metropolitan Community College

Metropolitan Community College is committed to providing students a high quality learning experience with up-to-dateequipment and facilities. Metro’s faculty and staff are professionals who are dedicated to making our College a great learning environment so that students can reach their educational goals.

To promote a positive learning environment, the instructors and students will . . .

Be respectful of all individuals in class

Strive for perfect attendance

Be Punctual—Arrive on time and return from breaks on time

Attend the entire class session

Come to class prepared

(i.e., pen/pencil/textbook, paper, class supplies, etc.)

Complete and turn in assignments on time

Appropriately participate in classroom discussion and activities

Allow equal opportunity for all class members to participate

Show respect for the opinions of others by voicing disagreements in a courteous manner

Ask for help when necessary

If absent from class, take responsibility for missed content

Follow the Academic Honesty Policy

Follow instructor’s guidelines regarding food and drink in the classroom

Turn off beepers, cell phones and musical devices during class

Avoid disruptive conduct (i.e., any behavior that interferes with class)

My note to you: These seem like reasonable expectations for the classroom. Let’s try to observe them! Have a great quarter!

Metropolitan Community College

Course Syllabus 2009 Spring


Title:- Elementary Algebra Part II

Prefix/Section- MATH 09211C

Credit Hours:- 5.0

Begins/Ends- Monday, March 9, 2009 to Wednesday,May 20, 2009

No-Class Days - Thurs., Apr. 2-In-Service;

Sat.-Sun., April 11-12, Easter

Meeting Day/Time- Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 to 4:15 PM

Withdrawal Date - May 5th, 2009

Class Location- EVC, Room 305

Lab Locationthere is a free Math Lab in the Academic Resource Center


Instructor’s Name- Michael Flesch

Office Location- EVC Room 156:

Office Telephone- 289-1358 or 800-228-9553 x 1358

Facsimile- 289-1423

Office Hours- Monday and Wednesday from 12 to 2 PM

Email Address-


Program Area: MathematicsDean’s Office Phone Number: 289-1304

After you have spoken to the instructor, and you and she cannot resolve a problem, contact the Dean. His name is Brad Morrison and he is located at EVC in Room 108.

Please see the Process for Grade Appeals and Academic Concerns as stated in the College Catalog under Academic Information.


Course Description:

This course begins with a review of solving linear equations and their applications. Required topics include integer exponents, operations with polynomials, factoring, rational expressions, graphing and equations of lines.

Course Prerequisites:

MATH 0920 (Pass, not any other grade) or MCC Placement Test

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course each student will be able to:

1. Review signed numbers, solve linear equations/inequalities and isolate designated

2. Solve application problems using linear equations with one or two variables.

3. Perform operations using integer exponents.

4. Add, subtract, multiply and divide polynomials.

5. Factor polynomials and solve 2quadratic equations by factoring.

6. Reduce, multiply and divide rational expressions.

7. Graph linear equations and write linear equations.

Required and Supplemental Materials:

Required Text Elementary Algebra for College Students, 7th ed (2007), Angel, Pearson

Paper and pencil are necessary for each class.

Scientific calculator is required for 100-level math classes, and will be used in class

Supplemental: MyMathLab, Chapter Test Prep Video(can find and use these in the MathCenter if you didn’t buy a new book); Student Solutions Manual(also in the MathCenter)

However, calculators may not be used on quizzes or exams unless

Course Structure:

The daily class period will consist of:

1. review of material and questions from the previous class

2. presentation of new material

3. discussion of the lecture material

4. in-class time for practice, quizzes and exams.


1. Types of Assessment/Assignments

  1. Unit exams:
  • A minimum of FIVE in-class, closed-book exams, covering all the required objectives MUST be administered to the students individually. The student must obtain a minimum of 80% on eachof these in-class exams to earn a passing grade. The student may retake any of the exams on which he/she obtained less than 80%.
  • Note: the first exam (given during the first week) is review. If the student does not receive an 80% on it, she/he may not be ready for MATH 0921.
  • Material presented in class as well as material found in the text will be covered.
  • If you need to miss an exam, and are not able to take it in the TestingCenter before the next class, a 10% penalty will be assessed.

b. Daily assignments:

  • A listing of assignments will be given at the beginning of each section. See last page for dates and sections. At the beginning of the following period, we will go through questions on the assignment. You will turn in your homework at the end of each period so I may check for completion.
  • Problems should be done neatly with a systematic approach, as that method will help in your understanding. Showing your work is important. Copying down the answers from the back of the book and handing them in is a waste of time. For all problems requiring multiple steps, show your work on your homework papers that you turn in.
  • Late (or re-done) assignments can be turned in as late as the last day of class.

Other assessment tools such as journals and quizzes may be administered in addition to the three required in-class, individually administered exams. A comprehensive final exam may also be administered

Make-up Tests and Procedures:

Absence on a test day: (see last page for dates). Please make prior arrangements with the instructor and the TestingCenter. To avoid the 10% penalty for exams, you need to take the exam before the start of the next class period.

  • To retake a unit exam: You can retake any exam on which you earned a grade of less than 80%. A grade of “Pass” means you have earned 80% or better on the exam for each unit. If you want to come in during office hours and go over the old exam before retaking it, I would be happy to do this with you. You will need to call the TestingCenter at 289-1278 and make an appointment. .
  • No course grades of incomplete are given.

Late Assignments:

Work with your instructor to make a plan to complete late work.

Schedule of Assignments and Tests: see last page of syllabus

2. Grading Policy:

P—Indicates a passing grade. The student that receives this grade has a minimum of 80% on each of the required exams. They also have also attended class regularly and handed in their homework after each period.

R—Indicates a re-enroll. This student has not mastered all the material, but has made significant progress toward mastering the course objectives.

An R will not affect grade point average.

F—Indicates failure. This student has not made significant progress toward mastery.

3. Maintenance of Student Records:

Unit exams: I will try to return and go over these during the next class period. To allow for retakes, I will need these back.

Quizzes: I will try to return and go over these during the next class period. You may keep these to help you study for the next unit exam or cumulative final.

Homework: I will collect this at the end of class. Using the answer key, and marking at the top of the section the numbers of the ones you could not do, will help you prepare for exams. I will hand homework back to you so you can study from it.

Grade Books: The gradebook is maintained for more than a year.

Length of keeping tests: Since I return the tests to you during the quarter, I will keep them for one quarter.


MetropolitanCommunity College is committed to continuous improvement of teaching and learning. You may be asked to help us to accomplish this objective. For example, you maybe asked to respond to surveys or questionnaires. In other cases, tests or assignments you are asked to do for this course may be shared with faculty and used for assessment purposes.


Attendance Policy:

Class attendance in REQUIRED. The student must make up all work that is missed. Attendance is one of the most important factors in any class. Excessive unexplained absences will result in an Instructor Withdrawal (IW) or failing grade (F). Absences DO NOT alter what is expected of you. Material presented in class is not necessarily in the textbook.

Expected Classroom Behavior:

  • The basic idea is for any student who wishes to learn to have that opportunity.
  • Questions are part of learning. Questions are valuable.
  • However, there should be no side conversations when the class as a unit is trying to learn a topic. If you have questions, please raise your hand. If you really need to talk to a classmate about math, please wait until break or until we do small group activities.
  • Treat each other with respect.

Class Participation:

  • I expect students to actively participate in the learning process. It is not unusual for every student to be called upon for some contribution. I will try to watch to see if you have questions, but otherwise raise your hand. If you are very shy, let me know.
  • Sometimes we will be working in pairs or small groups.
  • Tests will be given individually, with closed book and no notes.

Disruptive Classroom Behavior:

  • If you need to enter or leave the classroom when class is in session, please do so quietly and unobtrusively. It is distracting to the instructor and to the students to have this occur frequently, but we all understand emergencies.
  • Lengthy classes may mean students or instructors need food or water. In classes lasting more than an hour, there will be breaks, but if in addition you wish drink, it should be in a container with a lid, to avoid spills. Please do not bring food into the classroom. Cell phones are to be put on silent or else turned off.
  • Internet or other portable electronic devices usage: None in class. If you have learning or physical disabilities that require you to use a laptop or recording device, see section on Accommodation for Students with Disabilities.


1. Bring the assignment to each class with all problems completed or with your questions if it is not completed. Problems should be done neatly with a systematic approach, as that method will aid in your understanding.

2. Take notes on the lecture material and read the textbook material for further explanation.

3. Participate in class discussions by offering ideas, answering questions asked by the instructor and asking questions.

4. Keep up with assignments regularly as a great deal of the material builds on previous material. Do not get behind!

5. Use the MYMATHLAB and other software available in the Math/Learning Center for additional review and reinforcement.

6. Work with classmates, friends, tutors or Math/Learning Center personnel. Form study groups. The instructor is also available for help outside of class. Use all available resources.

7. Contact the instructor as soon as there is a problem.


When you communicate with others in this course, you must follow the Student Code of Conduct ( which calls for responsible and cooperative behavior. Please think critically, ask questions, and challenge ideas, but also show respect for the opinions of others, respond to them politely, and maintain the confidentiality of thoughts expressed in this class.


Students are reminded that materials they use as sources for class work may be subjectto copyright protection. Additional information about copyright is provided on the library website at or by your instructor. In response to incidents of student dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, etc.), the College imposes specific actions that may include receiving a failing grade on a test, failure in the course, suspension from the College, or dismissal from the College. Disciplinary procedures are available in the Advising/Counseling Centers or at


If you cannot participate in and complete this course, you should officially withdraw by calling Central Registration at 402-457-5231 or 1-800-228-9553. Failure to officially withdraw will result in either an instructor withdrawal (IW) or failing (F) grade. The last date to withdraw is noted in the CLASS IDENTIFICATION section of this syllabus.


  • MCC’s AcademicResourceCenters, MathCenters, and WritingCentersoffer friendly, supportive learning environments that can help students achieve educational success. Staff members in these centers provide free drop-in assistance with basic computing, reading, math, and writing skills. Self-paced, computer-assisted instructional support in reading, vocabulary, typing, English as a Second Language, and online courser orientation is also available. Detailed information about the Academic Resource, Math, and WritingCenters is in the Student Handbook, College Catalog, and online at and/or contact Student Services.

ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you have a disability that may substantially limit your ability to participate in class, please contact a Vocational Special Needs Counselor located in the Student Services Office on each campus. MetropolitanCommunity College will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with documented qualifying disabilities. However it is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations. For further information, please visit and/or contact Student Services.


For assistance with student email, passwords, and most other MCC technology, contact the help desk at 457-2900 or

Notice: This syllabus sets forth a tentative schedule of class topics, learning activities, and expected learning outcomes. However, the instructor reserves the right to modify this schedule to enhance learning for students. Any modifications will not substantially change the intent or objectives of this course, and will conform to the policies and guidelines of MetropolitanCommunity College.


Usually the odds will be assigned; use the answers to the odds to help you. This schedule may change as the class progresses. If absent on a quiz or test day, if you can manage to take it in the Testing Center before the next class period, there is no penalty. You need to make an appointment 289-1278 and also remind me to take it there for you.

Monday / Wednesday
Mar. 9
Review Chaps 1,2
Handouts1,2 (Chaps. 1,2)
Formula Handout / Mar. 11
Mar. 16
Handout (ch 3)
3.4a (1-67 every other odd) / Mar. 18
7.1 and 7.2
Mar. 23
(Formulas, 3.5, 7.1, 7.2) / Mar. 25
Mar. 30
4.4 / Apr. 1
4.5a (1-59)
4.5b (61-127)
Apr. 6
4.6a (1-43)
4.6b (45-93) / Apr. 8
TEST 3 (4.1-6)
Apr. 13
5.2 / Apr. 15
5.3a (1-59)
5.3b (61-105)
Apr. 20
5.4a (1-59)
5.4b (61-88) / Apr. 22
5.5a (1-55)
5.5b (57-114)
Apr. 27
6.1 / Apr. 29
May 4
TEST 4 (Chap.5; 6.1-3) / May 6
7.1,2 x5
7.3a (1-41)
7.3b (43-87)
May 11
7.4b / May 13
5.7 (Pythagorean Thm)
May 18
Review / May 20
Test 5 (Chapter 7; 5.7)
Thursday, May 21
Last Day
Check Grades, Finish Up / Special Days (no Metro classes)
Thurs., April 2, In-Service
Sat.-Sun. Apr. 11-12, Easter