Introduction to Sponsored Arts For Education (S.A.F.E.).

S.A.F.E. is a development charity that uses theatre, combined with community activities and education, to deliver life-saving information about HIV and AIDS in the most underserved areas in Kenya. All of S.A.F.E.’s performances employ local dramatic and story telling traditions to ensure that the life saving educational messages reach the audience in a way that is relevant to their daily lives, and therefore most likely to encourage individuals to make choices that lead to a healthy life. S.A.F.E.’s work focuses on three areas; S.A.F.E. Ghetto which operates in the slums in Nairobi, S.A.F.E. Pwani which operates in the coast provinces and has a base in Mombasa, and S.A.F.E MAA which operates in the Loita Hills with the Maasai.

The urgent state of HIVand AIDS in the Loita Hills of Kenya.

The HIV epidemic has devastated populations, hitting the young, income generating section of society hardest. It has undermined the economic, social and family structures, with the most severe affects befalling those who can least afford the economic consequences of the epidemic. The Government of Kenya estimates that the national prevalence of HIVis 7%, while UNAIDS, UNFPA and the World Health Organisation estimate the prevalence rate to be as high as 15%.

In the midst of this dire situation there are populations which are at even greater risk. The 25,000 Maasai of the Loita Hills live in an area of 250 Square Km, with virtually nocommunication and transport infrastructure – no roads and no electricity –making it an inaccessible and therefore a neglected area. There are two active NGOs in the region; S.A.F.E MAA and a Entasekerahealth centre. The nearest town and hospital are a 170km walk from the centre of the region. The Maasai have retained a strong and intact sense of identity and continue to practice cultural traditions, some of which pose a high risk of HIV transmission (such as circumcision and open sexual relationships before and after marriage). Increasingly, as a result of economic pressures, men and women are being forced to travel to seek work, often to urban centres thus increasing the risk of exposure to HIV. Unfortunately, while the Maasaiare particularly vulnerable to the devastating affects of HIV, there have been few sustained and culturally appropriate efforts to educate and inform the Loita population about how to reduce their risk of HIV infection and access necessary health services.


S.A.F.E. MAA was created in 2006 by a group of 6 Maasai men and 5 Maasaiwomen, and tours throughout the entire region performing traditional songs and stories amended to include key educational messages about HIV and AIDS.The programme now has 6 full time outreach officers and when not performing, the group conduct community outreach delivering further education, distributing condoms, facilitating community discussion and helping connect people to the only health service outpost in the area. The group is made up of the emerging community leaders in whom the real power to shape the future of the Maasai community is vested. The work of S.A.F.E. MAA is unique because:

  • It is delivered by Maasai leaders, making the messages credible and acceptable,
  • It is the first and only organisation to openly discuss HIV and female circumcision in Loita,
  • It protects the integrity of Maasai culture while offering real alternatives to life-threatening practices,
  • It provides local employment and significant education opportunities for the Maasai community,
  • It is a comprehensive effort, reaching all 25,000 individuals in the region.

SAFE MAA activities between May 2007- May 2008 have included:

  • Providing education through performance to 6,500 people,
  • Attending barassa and giving information about HIV to 1,200 people per month,
  • Distributing condoms to an average of 1,500 people per month,
  • Training 2 teachers from every school on HIV and female circumcision (a total of 27 teachers),
  • Forming school health clubs in every school,
  • Facilitating counselling and testing, in partnership with CMF (Christian Ministries Fellowship).