Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator

Lesson 5 — Positioning Apparatus

Skill Sheet 5-5

Position Pumper to Make
Multiple Intake Connections



Skill Sheet 4-1 — Start, Idle, and Shut Down a Fire Service Pumping Apparatus

Skill Sheet 4-1a or 4-1b — Drive a Fire Service Pumping Apparatus


NFPA 1002, 5.2.1(B), 5.2.2(B), 5.2.4(B)

Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 2nd edition, p. 113


Occasionally, a pumper will use both a large diameter intake and smaller hoselines from one exceptionally strong hydrant. In these cases, the pumper position should be determined by the soft sleeve requirements because it is the shorter (and greater capacity) hose. The decision to add the additional smaller lines is one reason that many jurisdictions require driver/operators to place gate valves on the 2½-inch (65 mm) hydrant connections.


Criteria are to be determined by the authority having jurisdiction. AHJ can choose point value for each skill step, and decide how many points are required to pass this skill. Each AHJ may also denote critical criteria.

Available Equipment and Materials



Large diameter soft intake hose

Two 2½-inch (65 mm) or 3-inch (77 mm) hoseline(s)

Two 2 ½-inch (65 mm) gated hydrant valves

Spanner or hydrant wrench

Rubber mallet

2½-inch (65 mm) to 4½-inch (115 mm) expander coupling (if hydrant has only 2½-inch [65 mm] outlets)

Chafing blocks

Skill Steps / Points / 1st Attempt / 2nd Attempt
Yes / No / Yes / No
1. Spot the pumper within the limits of intake hose length. Place the front wheels at a 45-degree angle to the hydrant outlet.
a.(Side intake connection) Park with pump intake a few feet (meters) short of hydrant outlet.
b.(Front or rear intake connection) Park with pump intake a few feet (meters) short or a few feet (meters) beyond hydrant outlet.
2. Place the transmission in PARK or NEUTRAL, leaving apparatus idling.
3. Set the parking brake fully.
4. Dismount the apparatus using handrails.
5. Close the booster tank valve if open, if there is no clapper between the pump and the tank.
6. Remove the pump intake cap, turning counterclockwise. Use a mallet or spanner if cap is tight.
7. Remove necessary equipment from the pumper. This equipment includes hoselines, hydrantor spanner wrench, rubber mallet, bell reducer or siamese appliance, and 2½-inch (65 mm) gated hydrant valves.
8. Remove the hydrant cap(s), turning counterclockwise. Use a hydrant wrench if cap is tight.
9. Inspect the hydrant exterior for damage. Inspect the inside outlet for debris or damage.
10. Place the hydrant wrench on the hydrant nut with the handle pointing away from the outlet.
Skill Steps / Points / 1st Attempt / 2nd Attempt
Yes / No / Yes / No
11. Open the hydrant briefly to test and flush debris.
12. Place the expander adapter on the hydrant if necessary. Place on in a clockwise manner, making sure the adapter is hand tight.
13. Place the 2½-inch (65 mm) gated hydrant valves on the small diameter hydrant outlets on dry barrel hydrants. Place the valves on in a clockwise manner.
14. Remove the 2 ½-inch (65 mm) or 3-inch (77 mm) hoslines from the pumper.
15. Connect the 2½-inch (65 mm) or 3-inch (77 mm) hose(s) to the gated valves in a clockwise fashion.
16. Remove the intake hose from the pumper.
17. Connect the intake hose to the pump intake in a clockwise manner.
Note: Some departments carry the soft-sleeve hose preconnected to the pump intake through a gated intake valve. This arrangement requires only that the soft-sleeve intake hose be stretched to the hydrant.
Skill Steps / Points / 1st Attempt / 2nd Attempt
Yes / No / Yes / No
18. Stretch the intake hose to the hydrant, placing two full twists in the hose to prevent kinking.
WARNING! Do not twist hose if it is equipped with sexless couplings. One of the hose couplings could come apart when the hose is charged.
19. Maneuver the apparatus if necessary to make the connection, shutting down the apparatus when it is correctly positioned.
20. Make the soft sleeve hydrant connection to the steamer outlet or outlet with adapter. Make the connection in a clockwise manner.
21. Stretch the 2½-inch (65 mm) or 3-inch (77 mm) hoselines to the hydrant.
22. Connect the 2½-inch (65 mm) or 3-inch (77mm) hoses to the gated valves of the hydrant. Connect in a clockwise fashion.
23. Open the hydrant slowly until the hose is full.
24. Tighten any leaking connections, using a spanner wrench.
25. Place chafing blocks under large diameter intake hose where the hose contacts the ground.
Total Points

Points Possible Points Required _____ Points Awarded

Evaluator Comments


Evaluator Signature ______Date ______

Proctor Signature ______Date ______

(If applicable)

I was informed of the skill steps missed that resulted in the failure of this skill.

Candidate Signature ______Date ______

Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator

Skill Sheet 5-5