Expression of Interest in Membershipof the safefood Advisory Committee


The Advisory Committee is one of the advisory structures within safefood. It complements the Advisory Board and, like the Advisory Board, is appointed by the North South Ministerial Council (NSMC).

Section 11.6 of Annex 2, Part 2 of the governing legislation provides:

“NSMC will appoint an Advisory Committee including scientific experts and representatives of broader food safety interests”.

The current term for some members of our advisory committeesafefoodAdvisory Committeeexpires on2nd October, while for others the term will expire in October 2013. We are now seeking expressions of interest for potential members of our next advisory committee with North-South representationfor a variety of disciplines in the area of food, health and communication.

Criteria for eligibility

safefoodis looking for individuals with the following skills,knowledge and attributes:

  • The ability to interpret information and communicate effectively.
  • Good judgement, a high level of integrity and responsibility.
  • The capacity to think and act both strategically and analytically.
  • Appreciation of the role of a Committee member of a major public organisationand the associated collective responsibilities.

Candidates will be expected to have substantial experience in at least one of the disciplines below:

  • Science

(E.g. microbiology, chemistry, medicine, epidemiology, veterinary, nutrition, food science)

  • Food Chain Regulation

(E.g. enforcement, quality assurance, review)

  • Diet and Nutrition

(E.g. research, public health nutrition, community nutrition)

  • Education

(agri-food or food-related)

  • Food Related Behaviour and Food and Health Communication

(E.g.behavioural & social sciences, marketing, PR/media, consumer research)

  • Community / Consumer representatives

(E.g. community food initiatives, food industry, members of public health agencies, representatives of consumers)

These examples are by way of illustration and are not exhaustive.

Selection of Potential Members

Applications meeting the eligibility requirements above will be submitted to a comparative evaluation carried out by safefood. An evaluation panel will carry out an assessment based on meeting the following criteria:

  • Proven experience in providing and guiding strategic direction in their related discipline.
  • A minimum of three years experience in their chosen field of expertise.
  • Demonstrated ability for collaborative problem solving.
  • Leadership positions in professional associations or experience on other committees.
  • A demonstrated interest in the development of food safety promotion, public health nutrition, understanding food behaviour or food and health communications.

Potential members will be selected to represent a variety and balance of the disciplines outlined above. In case of equal excellence the need to ensure gender and geographical balance shall represent a further criterion. Applicants meeting the requirements for membership but who are not designated may be placed on a reserve list in case vacancies occur.

The Chief Executive Officer will submit a list of potential members jointly to the Department of Health and the Department of Health, Social Security and Public Safety for consideration. The Departments will, having considered the safefood submission, make recommendations to the North South Ministerial Council, which will make the final selection.

Terms of membership

The period of membership will last 2-3 years[1], depending on contribution and conduct. Members are appointed on a personal basis. The members shall undertake to act independently and free of external influence. For this purpose, members will be obliged to make a declaration of interests at the beginning of each meeting.

Plenary meetings will take place every six months with smaller sub-groups,formed as required to focus on specific topics, meeting more frequently. Members are not remunerated, but qualify for travelling and subsistence allowances associated with attendance at meetings.

Application Process

Please post or e-mail expressions of interestto:

Dr Aileen McGloin


Block B

Abbey Court

Dublin 1


Please contact Dr Aileen McGloin with enquiries by e-mail or by phoning +353 1 4480600. Applications should arrive no later than the 12th of October. Expressions of interest must include a cover letter outlining how you meet the criteria for assessment listed and a C.V.

safefood is committed to equality of opportunity and welcome applications from suitably qualified candidates irrespective of religious belief, gender, disability, race, political opinion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, members of the travelling community, gender reassignment or family status.


Designation of the Advisory Committee Members

  1. At the end of the two year term of the Committee, safefood will review the list of competencies among Committee members and identify priority areas to be included in the subsequent Committee.
  2. The Advisory Committee members are identified through an open selection process.
  3. The members of the Advisory Committee are designated by the North South Ministerial Council on the basis of the recommendation from the health departments, following the selection process. They shall be appointed on a personal basis. The members shall undertake to act independently and outside any influence in the work of the Advisory Committee. For this purpose, members will be obliged to make a declaration of interests at the beginning of each meeting.
  4. Members are designated in the first instance for a period of 2 years. Renewal of the designation can be made for a subsequent period of one or two years.
  5. The number of members in the Advisory Committee shall not exceed 12. The Committee shall collectively cover the widest possible range of disciplines.
  6. If an Advisory Committee member does not attend three consecutive meetings, the Chairperson is entitled to advise the Chief Executive to propose to the NSMC to withdraw this member’s designation.
  7. The designation of and retention of membership is conditional to the declaration of interest.

Appointment of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson

  1. The NSMC will appoint a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson from membersfora term of two years, with a possibility of onerenewal for a maximum of fouryears.
  2. The Vice-Chairperson will carry out the duties of Chairpersonin case of absence of the Chairperson.
  3. If the Chairperson resigns, a new Chairperson will be appointed.


  1. The Advisory Committee shall meet twotimes per year and shall be convened by safefood.
  2. Members may form smaller subgroups from time-to-time to address specific issues. In these cases it may be necessary to meet more frequently.
  3. For each meeting,safefoodshall notify each member of thedate of a meeting not less than fifteen days beforehand. Adraft agenda should be sent simultaneously comprising the items to beexamined and any preparatory documents.
  4. Meetings of the Advisory Committee shall normally be held at safefood’s Dublin or Cork offices.
  5. Members of safefood’s Executive Board are invited to attend the meetings.

The Secretariat

  1. safefood’s staff, appointed by the Chief Executive, shall prepare and organise the work of the Advisory Committee and shall provide the secretariat for meetings under the directions of the Chairperson.
  2. Correspondence intended for the Advisory Committee shall be addressed to the secretariat.
  3. The secretariat is responsible for archiving scientific committee papers.

Agenda and proceedings at the meetings

  1. At the beginning of a meeting, the Advisory Committee shall adopt theagenda, comprising the items included in the draft and any other item proposed by the Chairperson or by one or more of themembers.
  2. Any request by one or more members of the AdvisoryCommittee forthe inclusion of an item on the agenda or the deletion or substitution of an item shall state the reasons, on which it is based and this shall be sent in writing to the secretariat at least five working days before the date of the meeting. The Chairperson shall immediately bring any such request to the notice of the other members.
  3. During a meeting, any member may propose the inclusion of an itemon the agenda for the subsequent meeting.
  4. The presence of at least half of the number of Advisory Committeemembers shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of a quorum, the Chairperson shall close the meeting and convene another as soon as possible.
  5. The Chairperson shall direct the proceedings, giving precedence tothose who wish to raise a point of order or an arising matter.
  6. The Advisory Committee may decide, on an ad hoc basis, to inviteguests to attend meetings of the committee, when it is considered essential for safefood’s activities.
  7. safefoodmay request the presence at its meetings ofstaff qualified in matters under consideration.

Minutes of Advisory Committee Meetings

  1. Minutes will be taken of each meeting andwill include:

• A list of participants;

• A record of proceedings;

• Any conflict of interest declared by the members regarding the items on the agenda.

  1. The draft minutes shall be submitted for adoption.
  2. The minutes shall be signed by the Chairperson to signifyadoption.
  3. The minutes of the Advisory Committee shall be made accessible to the public via the safefood website.


August 2012

[1]Some members will remain on the committee for 2 years while others will be members for three. Members are eligible to serve for two terms. This is to allow for continuity of the work of the Advisory Committee.