Operation Green Light:
- To provide a unique service to our constituents enabling them to pay overdue traffic tickets and other criminal fines that are in collections without having to pay the collections fee and restore driving privileges.
Event Overview
- Saturday, April18, 2015
- Exact times and locations will vary by county
- 56 Clerks’ offices are participating (Palm Beach, Broward and Pinellas events have already taken place)
- Customers can pay their traffic tickets and other criminal fines that are in collections and NOT be charged the collections fee – collection fee amount varies by county
- Customers can also reinstate their driver licenses at the same time if needed.
Target Audiences
- Customers with traffic tickets and criminal cases in collections
Considerations: - What zip codes in your county have the highest concentration of these cases? Be sure your communications target these areas.
- Do these customers speak languages other than English? If so, consider translating your communications into multiple languages.
- Employees
Not only do your employees need to be able to answer customer questions, they can help spread the word by telling their friends and families. Provide key talking points for clear messaging. - Local groups that can help spread the word:
- Traffic hearing officers
- Law enforcement officers
- Elected officials, Public Defender’s office, Tax Collector, Property Appraiser, Supervisor of Elections, State Attorney’s Office and other justice partners
- Traffic hearing officers, judges, court administration, DOC, local criminal justice groups
- County public affairs offices, municipalities
- Nonprofit groups such Legal Aid
- School board, colleges
- Other government agencies
- Local gas stations, insurance agencies, civic/community organizations,
- County Parks & Rec and public transportation departments, libraries, check cashing stores, local YMCA’s, and faith based organizations
Key Messages for Communications Materials
- For one day only, pay your (county name) County traffic ticket that is in collections and avoid the (percentage)percent collections fee.
- You may also pay criminal fines.
- Will still have to pay $(fee amount) late fee and interest.
- Can also reinstate suspended driver license.
- We’ll take any traffic payments that day, not just those in collections.
- Include details about date, time and locations
- Types of payment accepted (cash, check, credit card?)
Communications Tactics /Timeline
Please note these dates are general guideline and may need to be adjusted for your individual county’s needs.
Date / Task / Assigned / Status13 / Determine which locations will be open. Consider running reports showing which zip codes have the highest concentration of cases in collections
13 / Begin compiling contact lists for local media, justice partners, government agencies and local nonprofit organizations who you can ask to help promote Operation Green Light – who can distribute fliers or rack cards or send an email to their own distribution lists?
13 / Ask County if they have traffic lights you can put in your lobbies or prepare other promotional items/visuals for lobbies to promote Operation Green Light
13 / Consider ordering “Ask me about Operation Green Light” buttons for front counter staff to wear in weeks prior to event
13 / Consider ordering t-shirts for staff who will be working at the event - collect sizes and add several extras of each size when ordering
16 / SOFT LAUNCH WEEK – ensure all staff are prepared to answer questions, all materials are ready
18 / Talking points created for staff who answer phones/work at front counters
18 / Posters, rack cards and flyers finalized and printed
18 / Operation Green Light web page live with event information
18 / Web: button on home page, traffic pages linking to operation green light page
18 / Feature in external email newsletter; county newsletter – date will vary based on deadlines
18 / Employee email or newsletter article – so all staff are familiar with the event
20 / Begin distributing rack cards and flyers to justice partners, community organizations, traffic hearing officers, etc. – bring copies to any meetings; mail and email copies as needed; ask them to share the information with their customers and clients
20 / Contact county’s public affairs department and provide rack cards for distribution on all county brochure racks including libraries; posters for distribution at county facilities and libraries
23 / Flyers distributed to management staff – provide each exempt staff member 5 fliers and a memo asking them to hang them on public bulletin boards in their area while they are out shopping, etc. (hang flyers at grocery stores, libraries, coffee shops, Walmart, any place with a public bulletin board)
23 / Info to local government TV channel (s), county and city
30 / Posters hung in main courthouse/branches
30 / Rack cards on counters in main courthouse/branches
30 / Front counter staff begin wearing buttons
30 / Social media promotion begins; include promotions on Clerk sites, county, city or municipal sites (i.e. city pages for law enforcement, group pages, etc., by contacting the administrative support staff and ask them to share the info.)
30 / Web: home page features operation green light – links to Operation Green Light webpage
30 / Statewide news release finalized with Bascom Communications
30 / Traffic lights in lobbies – set on green
30 / Hold message recorded for telephone customers to hear while on hold
Date / Task / Assigned / Status2 / Statewide news release distributed by Bascom
3 / Day of event signage ordered if needed – do you need directional signs or other event signs?
6 / News release distributed by Clerks to their local media – consider partnering with other Clerks in your media market if applicable
6 / Begin follow up calls to all major media outlets; pitch to local TV morning news shows – ask to get the Clerk or a designated spokesperson on their morning show to talk about Operation Green Light
6 / Pitch to local radio; non-profit and college radio
6 / Email alert to external newsletter subscribers
10 / Shirts distributed to staff working day of event
13 / Employeereminder email - event this Saturday, wear green and dress down on designated day
13 / Day of event signage printed and ready
15 / Statewide media advisory issued by Bascom
15 / Local media advisory issued by Clerks
15 / Coordinate media opportunities by phone, on camera interview with Clerk or key spokesperson
15 / Reminder email to external newsletter subscribers
17 / Dress down day for employees who wear green
18 / Be prepared for media to cover event – have the Clerk or a designated spokesperson ready in case of interview requests; know your stats - get updates from staff throughout the day and be prepared to answer the media. Track how much money is being collected, how many cases have been processed and how many licenses have been reinstated.
18 / Tweet and post on Facebook from the event – include photos if possible
20 / Employee email or newsletter – recap with photos – thank you to staff from Clerk
22 / External email newsletter – recap with photo
22 / Send thank you letters to those involved; consider stats and results for annual report
22 / Deadline for sending report worksheet to
27 / Statewide follow-up news release with stats sent by Bascom
27 / Local follow-up news release with stats sent by Clerks
Afterward and Ongoing:
- Compile statistics:
- How much money was collected?
- How many cases were processed?
- How many driver licenses were reinstated or made eligible for reinstatement?
In addition:
- How did citizens hear about/learn of this opportunity?
- Evaluate event – what went well, opportunities for improvement
Evaluation & Metrics
Operations Measurements
- Track number of tickets paid.
- Track amount money brought in.
- Track number of customers who came in:
- Total number of customers
- How many customers had tickets in collections
Direct Feedback
- Track and respond to anyfeedback or questions received.
- Solicit feedback from staff.
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Revised 4/10/15