Brisbane Women’s Club Charitable Trust

Charitable Trust fund Application Form

The Brisbane Women’s Club is a vital organisation dedicated to charitable works and the betterment of the women in Brisbane for over a century of operation.

Historically the club was associated with and instrumental in motivating innumerable beneficial changes for women and society. Formed in 1908 and celebrating with gusto their centenary, the BWC is associated with assisting:

  • votes for women,
  • getting women into parliament,
  • the formation of the Country Women’s Association (CWA) in Qld,
  • the formation of Bush Children’s Association and Kindergarten Crèche Association,
  • the creation of Women’s College at The University of Queensland,
  • the creation of the Women’s War Memorials (both WWI and WWII), plus a host of other cultural and artistic investments that made a difference for women,
  • Brisbane City Council innovations, including the numbering of bus stops, and funding for scholarships (Warana, and other writing and music support),
  • via funding provision for annual Conservatorium/QUT music scholarship,
  • via funding or resource provision in response to war-time efforts or natural disasters.

In 2013, the Brisbane Women’s Club created the Charitable Trust so that the membership can continue to make a difference in the lives of women each year by fundingchosen women’s projects.

Applications for funding must be submitted via mail (address below) or electronically to by the 31st July each year. Please refer to the Instructions on the next page to determine your eligibility.

The Brisbane Women’s Club will make its funding decision at the Annual General Meeting of the membership in December of the application year.

Please note: funding distributions will not be made until the following calendar year of submitting your application.


Prior to completing this form, please refer to Paragraph 4.1a, b, and c of the Deed of Trust as follows to determine if your organisation or project qualifies for consideration:

4.1Application of Income and Capital

(a) The Trustee shall hold the Trust Fund (including any real property held by the Trustee or to be acquired by the Trustee) together with the income of the Trust Fund derived in each accounting period upon Trust, to pay or apply the same and if and so far as it shall think fit, to use all of any part of the capital of the Trust Fund, principally for the following purposes:

  • To provide support, services and/or funding, or to fund projects and services in accordance with the Objects and Mission Statement of the Brisbane Women’s Club, including services, funding and advocacy for:

(i).Other charitable or non-for-profit women’s organisations;

(ii).Individual women who cannot afford or who are unable to access funding from existing Government or other private providers, or

(iii).Other women’s organisations whose projects are in accordance with the Objects and Mission Statement of the Brisbane Women’s Club.

(b) The Trust shall provide services, funding and support in accordance with this clause:

  • Firstly, to women or women’s organisations who reside or work in the Brisbane Metropolitan area;
  • Secondly, for women or women’s organisations who reside or work in South East Queensland; and
  • Thirdly, for women or women’s organisations who reside or work in all other parts of Australia.

(c) The terms and conditions for providing services and funding shall be as the Trustee considers appropriate and on such terms and conditions that are consistent with the social and economic circumstances of the person or organisation needing the funding for such projects and/or services. In particular, the Trustee shall consider:

  • Those women or women’s organisations that cannot afford the services or are unable to access funding or services from existing Government or Private Providers;
  • Those women or women’s organisations that cannot obtain services or funding because the service or funding does not exist; and
  • Other charitable or non-for-profit Women’s organisations whose projects are in accordance with the Objects and Mission Statement of the Brisbane Women’s Club.

Organisation/Individual Details:
Legal Name of Applicant/Organisation:
Nature of the Organisation:
Street Address:
City: / State: / Post Code:
Name of Contact Person:
Position: / Phone:
Email Address:
Executive office-bearers of the Organisation:
i.e. Name - Position
Is the organisation registered as a charity (i.e. with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission)?
Yes / No
Will the proposed donation be tax deductible?
Yes / No
Does the organisation maintain records of Charity Efficiency (the percentage of contributions spent directly on the charitable purpose)?
Yes / No
(If yes, please attach material to confirm this information)
Is the Organisation in receipt of substantial government funding or corporate sponsorship?
Yes / No
If yes, provide details
Is the project in receipt of substantial government funding or corporate sponsorship?
Yes / No
If yes, provide details
Project Details
Particulars of the Proposed Project:
Specifically include: brief background (of individual or organisation), project description/synopsis, goals and outcomes, timeline to completion, details of how the project complies (or otherwise) with the Instructions above, how the Brisbane Women’s Club will be recognised for their contribution, and attach detailed quotes and/or budget proposal for the project.
Amount Requested: / $
Date of Request: / Date funds required:
By signing this application, I/we declare as follows:
  1. that all information provided in support of this application is true and correct;
  2. that I/we have provided all the information which is relevant for the Trustee to consider in assessing the application;
  3. that I/we are authorised to make this application on behalf of the proposed donee organisation and to provide the information in support of this application;
  4. that I/we acknowledge that the provision of funding is in the absolute discretion of the Trustee; and
  5. that I/we acknowledge that if I/we are successful, the Trustee will require a detailed report of project progress (including expenditure) within 6 months of receiving funding or at least 3 weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Trustees for that calendar year (whichever were to come first).

Authorised signatory for the Applicant (1) / Authorised signatory for the Applicant (2)
Name (print): / Name (print):
Position: / Position: