Comet Quick-Start Guide

Open COMET on your computer
To launch Comet, run the file “c:\program files\Comet\CometRun.exe". This launches Microsoft Access, followed by the COMET System Set-up screen.
Note: You can also set up an icon shortcut on the desktop.
If the Comet log-in prompt window appears enter "User" as the log-in name (if another name appears in the log-in screen, replace it with "User.")
Note: Do not enter a password unless advised otherwise by your System Administrator. /
Complete the Comet System Setup session
Once Comet has checked the system, the Act! Contact Management program automatically opens (if “Using Act! 4.0 or 2000 Contact Manager” is selected) and the Comet Splash Screen (showing a space scene or your company’s logo) appears.
The data you see in the screens will either be "Sample Database" or the Company name (meaning the Actual Database) according to the settings you have made in the System Setup screen.
You can return to this initial Splash Screen at any time by going to the Modules menu and choosing About Comet. /

Open the Acquisition Contract screen
At the main Splash Screen click on Underlying Rights Contracts in the direct launch directory on the left hand side of the screen. At the information box click OK.
The Contract List is displayed showing the details of the first Acquisition/Production Contract held on the database. Double click on a contract number in the left hand column to display the Acquisition Contractsscreen at the summary tab. Production contracts are shown as well as Acquisition and other “owned” type contracts.
Alternatively click on Contracts >Acquisitions/Productions in the main menu bar to reach the same area. /

Enter core contract details
To enter a new contract click on the New button at the top right hand corner of the screen.
At the New Contract dialogue box confirm that a new contract is required by clicking OK. /

Enter key contract information in the main panel
  • At the New Contract Number dialogue box the next contract number in sequence is automatically displayed. Enter the Title Name or a number of your choice, and click on OK to confirm.
  • At the Contract Date dialogue box enter the date to be used on the Long Form Agreement and click on OK.
  • At the summary dialogue box, click “yes” to indicate that you will not need to return to the summary tab. If you click no, then the yellow indicator will stay on that tab to indicate that you need to go back.
    At the next dialog box click “No” so that Comet will automatically clear each tab you visit.
  • Choose a company name in the Company box – either from the drop-down list, which is already expanded or by typing directly into the box.
  • Click on the Type field and select the relevant option from the list of contract sub-types provided.

Add addresses
Click on the Addresses tab.
In the top left hand corner of the screen, click on the small button to the right of the Company name.
This will launch the Client Profile. Within the Client Profile click on the Addresses tab and move the vertical scroll bar to the bottom.
Fill the contact detail boxes provided, then use the scroll bar to move back to the top of the Addresses sub-tab.
Use the Construct From Entry button to create address text and select the Default For notice types, e.g. contract, servicing, to the left hand side.
Click on the Close button to exit the Client Profile and returning to the Addresses tab in the Acquisition Contract select the address from the pull-down menu provided.
Note: you may need to refresh the screen by pressing Ctrl+F9 keys on your keyboard. /

Add titles
Click on the Add Titles sub-tab. In the panel on the left hand side of the screen, the Main Title List of every Title and its Title Type is shown. Check that your title does not already exist by scrolling down the list.
To add a newTitle to the contract type the title name into the Single Title box and click on theAdd button. For the example, please choose “Celebrity Chess”.
Note: This is just one method for adding titles.
At the title pop-up asking if you want to add the title click on Yes.
Comet will ask if the title is a Series. Select No if the title is a feature / one-off. Select Yes if the title is a series.
Enter the running length (actual time) of the title in the ENTER RUNNING LENGTH pop-up. E.G. 52 (minutes)
Enter the program time (hourly pricing length) of the title in the ENTER PROGRAM TIME pop-up. E.G. 60 (minutes)
Enter the inventory number in the ENTER TITLE INVENTORY NUMBER pop-up. E.G. “CELE001”
The Titles Included in Contract panel shows which titles have been added. The title Count shows how many titles are included in the contract.
Note: To enter additional Title information, such as Genre, Original Language, Synopsis, Talent & Credits, click on the green Open Title Setup button at the bottom of the screen. /

Enter Fee/Guarantee and Currency details
Click on the Fee/Guar sub-tab and highlight the “Celebrity Chess” Title in the Titles Included in Contract panel on the right hand side of the screen.
Enter the fee, guarantee (or Advance) in the Guarantee/Fee ($U.S.) box (in the same currency as selected in the Contract Currency box) and Enter (do not click on the Apply button).
Note: Comet will also handle other currencies. /
Add Territories
Click on the Territories tab and the AddTerritoriessub-tab. Enter the “big picture” territories*. Territories can be added in a number of ways. One way is by typing the territory name into the Quick territory add box – the name should auto-complete (the list is sorted by territory name). Then press “enter” to add the territory. For the example, please add “UNITED STATES AND POSSESSIONS” and “Canada English”.
Click on the Allocation tab and push the Auto Allocate button to allocate a value to each of each territory.
*Note: You can choose whether toenter e.g. NORTH AMERICA or United States and Possessions plus Canada English.The "List Subs" button on the Territories > AddTerritoriescontract entry screenshows what sub-territories are included in the parent territory definitions. To change these definitions see the administrator.

Add the License Period
Click on the License Period tab.
For straight start and end dates,enter the contract start and end dates in the Start Date Override and End Date Override boxes.
Then press Construct Text to see the term text.
Note:For events driven license terms enter a combination of years, months, event and an outside date.
Note: Remember you can alternatively enter license periods at the right category level. Comet will prompt you to clear the "Deal Term" checkbox when the term is stored at the Right Categorylevel. /

Add Right Categories to the Contract
Click on the Right Summary tab and
Choose from the following options to add Right Categories to the Contract:
  • A Selected Category –select the appropriate “level 1” right category from the list on the left of the screen.
  • The Standard Categories (as set up in the Rights Set-Up Screen – see the training manual for more information)
  • All Categories
Click on Add Right Categories to add the selected option. For the example, please add the standard categories. Push the Auto Allocate button to allocate a value to each of these rights.
Note: The default allocations to rights and territories can be changed in their respective set-up areas, or in each contract. /

Add rights details and combinations
Click on the Rights Detail tab. For each Group Category entered under the Right Summary tab, detailed characteristics can be set up in the sub-tabs shown opposite. Scroll through the group categories using the “cd” style buttons provided above the sub-tab headings.
After scrolling to Video Rights, you should be on the Sub-Rights sub-tab. The Mediums/Types of rights can be seen by clicking on the right under Included Rights (“Home Video Rental” in this example). Move the Sub-Rights between the Included Rights box and the Not Included Rights box using the blue arrows.
The boxes will be checked according to the defaults set up on the system. Uncheck/check the Incl. Box if the “Level 3” right should be excluded/included in the contract. /

Designate type of rights granted
For contracts with a (Contract Sub-)Type based on “Acquisition”, the Type of right granted is automatically set to Acquiredbut this can be changed by clicking in the Type box and selecting from the drop-down list.
If a medium is to be non-exclusive to this contract tick the checkbox in theNon-Excl. column. Media are designated exclusive by default. /

Enter exclusions
Click on the Exclusions sub-tab.
For each Right Category, it is possible to enter any combination of titles, rights, media, sub-territories and languages. In this example, Canada English : DVD rights will be excluded from the contract.
Comet generates exception syntax for combinations of exclusions. This syntax can be seen by scrolling over to the Descriptions sub-tab, and pushing the Create Description button for Exception Description. /

Enter holdbacks
For each Right Category which is held back against the passing of an event click on the Holdbacks sub-tab and remove the No Holdback checkbox.
1. select from the options of From / The earlier of / The later of
2. enter the number of years and months
3. enter the trigger date definition (from the drop down list or by manual entry)
If there is an “outside date” on the holdback enter it into the but in any event no later than box. /

Enter the sell-off period

For each Right Category which has a sell-off period click on the Runs/Playdates/Other sub-tab and enter the number of months in the Sell-Off Period (months) box.

Enter the payment term details

Click on the Payment Terms tab.
Enter a Description for the current payment schedule. It is mandatory to enter some text in this field. Type in for example: “30% due15 days after signature of agreement, 30% due on completion of principal photography, 40% due on notice of delivery”. (The "Description" box is a good place to summarize the contractual payment terms.)
The records below are a good way to "parse" out what is required at each payment term.
Enter the Percentage of the Fee/Guaranteeto be invoiced in the first tranche in the % field of the first record (the top box).
Note: Alternatively click on the C button tocalculate the % amount based on real numbers.
Further tranche (and associated dates, events etc.) should be stored as new records by entering the information in the last record (bottom box). Unlimited tranches can be stored by creating additional records.
Note: A red warning will show if the records do not add to 100% as shown. Press the “F9” button on your keyboard to re-compute. /

Enter the event detail

In the Payable fields enter the number of days, weeks and months after/before the Event upon the passing of which the payment is to be made.
  • If the payment terms is “on” the event, leave the fields blank.
  • If days/weeks etc. are selected without selecting “Before” or “After”, Comet will default to “Before”.
  • If interval and number of periods blank but “before” or “after” selected Comet shows “before” or “after”.
Select theEventfrom the drop-down list of pre-defined events. Alternatively a date can be typed in the field which will be displayed with a yellow background.
Enter theOutside Dateby which the payment must be paid and chose between theOccurs First or No Later than options (generates syntax “, whichever occurs last” or “, whichever occurs first” respectively). The outside date will be used in conjunction with the event to calculate the due date for payment. /

Enter royalty terms

To enter other financial terms to the contract click on the Producer Reporting tab and then on the Disposition Text sub-tab.
For each right category select an appropriate heading from the Overages Header pull-down menu.
The Overage Text will auto-fill with the pre-set standard text, but can be edited by typing into the box. /

Enter cross collateralization text

Click on the Cross-Collateralization sub-tab to select a standard description. This can be edited by typing into the box. /

Enter other financial terms

Other financial terms, such as “Definition of Gross Receipts” may be entered in the Financial Terms sub-tab. You must enter a Header before entering the text of the financial term into the Content tab.
Note: Financial Terms entered here will also appear as General Terms in the General Terms tab. /

Enter non-financial terms

Other terms, such as “Reserved Rights” may be entered directly into the General Terms tab.
To add a new, ad-hoc term click on the Manual Add button.
Enter a Header in the Add new term to contract dialog box.
Type the text of the general term into the box provided in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
Note: you can also select pre-set “Boiler Terms” from the list at the left hand side of the screen and add them using the arrow button. /

Print a dealsummary

The standard Deal Memo for the current contract can be run by clicking on the Contract menu and selecting Print Deal Memo. Choose to show specified sub-rights on the next dialogue box.
Note: Selecting Print Long Form runs the Deal Memo report with the addition of any included General Terms.
Once the contract is signed the date the Execution Date can be entered separately in the box in the main panel of the contract input screen.
Enter an Execution Date. Comet will automatically change the status if the existing status to "Executed”. /

Complete the Contract Input session

When finished, click on theClose button in the top left-hand corner of the screen. /

Run an availability report

At the main Splash Screen click on Availability Reports in the direct launch directory on the left hand side of the screen. The Availability Reports screen is displayed showing the Summary tab, with details of the most recently created availability held on the database. Alternatively click on Modules Availability Reports in the main menu bar. /
The same screen is used for Conflict Check reports, so using the scroll buttons will go through both existing Availability and Conflict Check reports. /

Create a New Availability Report

Click on the New button on the top panel. At the Enter Description dialog box overtype the suggested name with an appropriate title and press Enter. For this example, call it “Quick Start Example”
Comet will assign to the report record:
  • in the Main Panel: an availability report Reference # (e.g. “54”)
  • in the Summary tab: a Settings Created date and time
  • in the Summary tab: a Created By (user) entry
and will show the description you entered in the Description box. Enter any Comments to further identify the report and clarify its purpose.
Note: You can run the report, with its individual settings, any time by finding the Reference # or the Description (using the Find button) and pressing the Prepare Report button. /

Select Titles

Click on the Titles tab to select the titles to be reported on.
Single-clicking on a title in the Titles Not Selected box will move it to the Selected Titles box (and vice versa).
Clicking on the arrow button will automatically move all titles to the Selected Titles box.
Note: Alternatively theAdd Single Titleand Add Title Group options can be used. /


Click on the Territories tab.Add the territories to be included in the report by typing the territory name into the Single Territory box –the name should auto-complete – and then press “Enter”. For the example, add Australia and New Zealand.
Note: Territories can also be added by selecting one or more territories from the All Territories screen – and then click on the Add Selections button, or by selecting a Group from the drop-down list (clicking on the Show Group button will display the territories defined by the group name)
To clear selections in the AllTerritorieswindow, click on the Clear Selections button, or click individual territories to deselect. /

Select Rights